
LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

She heard nothing more than "Make sure you come back as fast as possible, Lana," before heading out of the house. She was so eager to see what the outside world had to offer that she ran outside with excitement. After collecting her package from the delivery man, she saw a little cat, which caught her attention. “Don’t run, cute little kitten.” She followed the cat with a giggle until she lost sight of it. Turning around, she saw someone holding a stick and biting into a cigarette. He hit her right away. “Let me go! Let me go!” she screamed as she found herself in a very dark locomotive vehicle, which she assumed was a van. In addition to the cries of those inside the van with her, it was incredibly dark. Lana experienced trauma because her family was murdered before her. Lana was kept concealed from the outside world unless she was due to receive something, and her safety was questioned. He is a ruthless, powerful devil in human form known as Axel Morales. He literally has the entire world under his control and can do and undo whatever he wants. People regard him as an angel, a wonderful person, a very wealthy businessman, and a CEO. Even with his good reputation, he is not someone to mess with. Lana had been kidnapped by his men and was brought to him. Although she was expected to be killed in the same way that he had murdered others who posed a threat to him or attempted to escape from him. But something about her makes him want to be closer to her, which he despised. Lana was still in the hands of this man, and her uncle was still looking for her because he was so fixated on keeping her in his domain or killing her to get her wealth. Will her uncle take her away from Morales' protection, or will she be able to stay safe and peaceful?

Ruth_Omoregie · Urban
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31 Chs

Go hungry, my little maid

After five years, Gavin was still restless. He knew Lana was still alive and living somewhere in the United States. Laura had been reassuring him, saying that he would find her someday. But deep down, she was glad she let the young girl go to freedom.

She was terrified when Hilda covertly called her using a private number and informed her that Lana had gone missing. She questioned Gavin in numerous ways about whether he had found Lana.

"Can you fucking sign my name in it? "I told you they were all dead." Gavin yelled and banged on his late stepbrother's lawyer's desk.

"With all due respect, could you please stop hitting my desk? Your brother struck a contract that his property would be passed down to these children. That is his will." Jeffrey spoke calmly, staring at the enraged man in front of him. 

"How many times do I have to tell you that my brother and his family died at the hands of some armed forces?" He has no family left, and I am his relative." He remarked, taking Jeffery by the collar.

"Your hands off me, Mr. Franco; I can press charges against you for what you are doing to me." Jeffery responded calmly, withdrawing his hands from his collar and staring at Gavin, who had been defeated.

"Mr. Franco, this is not difficult. I understand Aaron's daughter is still alive. You had no proof of her death, just as I had proof of her family's death. It is not hard. Gavin, If you discover her and she agrees that you acquire his will, I will do what is necessary. If you believe she is dead, go locate proof. That is all. That death certificate you bought for me was phony, Mr. Franco. I am not stupid enough to not know that." Jeffrey smirked. He wasn't afraid of Gavin, and while being a family lawyer, he was nevertheless a powerful man.

"Fuck you, attorney. Fuck you. I'm going out there to prove that she's dead." He half-yelled, attempting to restrain his temper.

"Besides, why are you following up on the fact that your niece has died? Rather than going to the police station to locate her?" He requested that I give him a sweet idea.

"I've done it, and my men are looking for her. But it's been five fucking years; I'm sure she's dead." He muttered fiercely as he left his office. He looked at his men, who were waiting for him in the car.

"I know she is out there. I need to know about every possible relationship Aaron may have with any of my relatives. They could be the ones responsible for her escape. And if I locate her, I will torment her until she begs for death, then kill the person who saved her." He chewed his bottom lip as he got into his car.

"I will find you, Lana, all over the 50 states in this country." He whispered.

Gavin joined the American mafia four years ago. He was looking for greater wealth and power. He was an extremely avaricious individual who constantly desired wealth and power.

He was aware that the mafia boss was at the Miami headquarters, even though one of their hideouts was in Pennsylvania. Though he hadn't met him in person, he knew he was a young man.

Whoever it is, he genuinely wants to be liked by him. The guideline is to avoid seeing your boss until he specifically requests it or unless you wish to engage in serious business with him that will benefit both of you.

The moment he entered his home, he saw Laura there, comforting a sobbing Claudia.

"Dad!" She sobbed out and held him, and he placed his hands on her shoulders. Laura gives him a fatigued look while Claudia continues to sob on his chest.

"What's wrong, honey?" Why are you crying?" He asked Claudia, peering into her wet face as tears streamed from her eyes.

"Dad, remember when I told you I wanted to change schools? That nobody loves me at my current school? I told mom about my decision, but she rejected it." Staring at his 17-year-old daughter, who will turn 18 soon.

"You never complained to me about being bullied," he scowled, knowing Claudia could manipulate him to get what she wanted.

"I wasn't bullied physically, dad; I just want to spend my senior year at a new school with new people." She pretended to cry again, seeing Laura giggle at his plight. 

"What school do you want to go to?" When he asked, she looked at Laura before returning her gaze to him. Laura simply glared at Claudia, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

"I want to go to Phoenix Ridge High. "Dad, you promised to do what I wanted." She gave Gavin a sultry look.

"Where is it located?" She halted when he pressed further. Laura gave a startled shake of her head when Claudia smiled sweetly and gave her those puppy eyes that light up her face anytime she wants something.

The school is perfect, and the environment is beautiful. And it is owned by a well-known business executive named Axel Monterio. Please dad." Gavin stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the name.

"Dad, please don't say no." 

"Claudia, it's in Miami; I won't allow you to travel that far unless it's for college. I don't mind the money, but I am concerned about the distance."He remarked, but Claudia could not accept it.

She discovered footage of students in the school and noticed how well organized they were. It was all she had hoped for in terms of surroundings and social life. She yearned for an impeccable school life.

"Dad. Please. But you let Miguel go to school in New York from the time he was sixteen until he completed high school. Please let me go, dad; it's only a year. Besides, the school has a dormitory." She implored Gavin to grant her wish.

"I'll think about it." Laura's eyes widened at hearing that. She assumed Gavin would disagree. She became slightly scared. That is the city Lana is now in, and although Claudia is going to school there and will be residing in the dorm, Gavin, the father who was supposed to drive her there, may stumble across her.

It didn't help at all when she discovered Lana was missing. And if he discovers Lana, Laura will be in serious trouble.

"No, Gavin, you cannot permit it. She can't leave!" Laura commanded, and Claudia, who had before been happy, responded with an angry glare.

"Why did you say that, sweetheart?" He inquired, noting the shocked expression on his wife's face.

"You cannot just let our daughter go like that. There are so many wealthy schools here, and she can go to one of them, not Miami." She grimaced, prompting Gavin to approach her and press a kiss on her forehead.

"Claudia will soon be an adult, and she wants to go to school there, honey. She will be fine; it is what she desires, and I will provide it to her to make her happy. Isn't this what you want? To see our kids happy." He asked

Laura wants what is best for her children, and they understand what is best for them. However, Laura does not want Gavin to attend or follow Claudia.

"Yes, but Miami is quite far from here

"Mom, please, I swear I will behave and facetime you every day. Please don't say no to your daughter; let me have the school life I desire. I swear not to drink alcohol, have sex, or sneak away to parties. She implored, placing her hands around Laura's waist

Lana sighed and secretly prayed that Lana was secure and would not be discovered by Gavin. Also, he should avoid Andrew and Hilda.

"Do what you want." She grimaced, spoke, and exited the living room for both father and daughter.

Lana swallowed in fear as she heard what he had said. She made pleading glances at him, which he didn't buy. 

"Please, master, do not punish me; I will be good, I promise." She said, but he kept looking at her, and even though she didn't look at his face, she could feel his gaze penetrating through her head.

"When I'm back, you'll do whatever I want. And it is a command, not a request." He replied coldly and went to the shower. Lana was creeped out by what he just said. What if he demands that he sleep with her?

She pulled out his work attire and dashed to the laundry room to have it pressed. She ignored everyone who stared at her as if she had gone wild. She was relieved that he hadn't already left his room when she arrived. Before heading out, she left his clothes and accessories on his bed, as well as his shoes on the floor.

She wasn't sure whether what she chose was his choice. Aside from that, his closet was full of black, grey, and red clothing. But since she last saw him, he's been wearing something other than black.

Standing outside his room, she observed all the maids and guards that came and went. Her stomach rumbled with hunger; she had forgotten that she was meant to eat

She stood for a long while, waiting for Axel to finish getting dressed, whispering curses to herself. When the door opened, Axel, in his suit, was there. He motioned for her to get his briefcase, which she did, and they went to the dining hall together, where Fiona was not present.

"Remain in that spot." He ushered her in, and she followed. With the aroma of the food on the table, her mouth started to water. She gulped down her saliva while watching him eat.

Her stomach groaned again, loud enough for Axel to hear. Embarrassed, she flushed and buried her face in the ground

"Did you eat?" He asked unexpectedly.

"Huh?" Muttering to herself, she looked around to see if Fiona or anyone else was present.

"N-No, master." She stuttered, observing him from behind. Her eyes shifted to the food he had hardly touched, but he stayed silent and held onto his phone.

"Want to eat?" He asked again, and this time it sounded weird to her. Although Jane had informed her that she was now his personal maid, a master was not supposed to inquire about the well-being of his servant.

"No, master. I am fine, thanks." She reddened. She was baffled as to why she kept blushing at the same time.

"Soothe yourself." He grumbled. She scowled and partially placed the blame for her hunger on him. Axel disregarded her stomach's persistent betrayal.

He ate his breakfast for a short while before his driver took his bag from her and handed it to his bodyguard. When he was gone, she exhaled with relief

She saw someone inside Axel's room as she made her way back there. When her knock was answered, the door was opened. 

"Kate?" She received the disgusted expression on her face as she whispered. She had the room all cleaned up. 

"This is not where you should be." Even though she was speaking in a gentle and courteous manner, Kate was still enraged. She put down the cleaning supplies and gave her a firm squeeze on the arm.

"What did you do to him? Why did he switch me to you after I worked so hard for him?" Lana whimpered as a result of the pain she caused to her arm.

"Let go of me! What's wrong with you?" She yanked her hands off her arm and yelled

"How about you ask him instead? Not that I liked working for him." As she spoke, she gave Kate a fierce glare and turned to go to her room.

"I'll show you and put you in your place very soon. It's either I clear you out before you do it to me." With an evil smirk, she shut the door.


"Ouch! Do you want to rip off my hair, you bitch?!" Fiona screamed as she faced the chair facing her room's vanity.

"I am sorry, Miss Fiona; I will be gentle." Gwen tried not to show her fear as she answered quietly. Through the mirror, she sensed Fiona's glare at her.

Once her hair was styled, she got ready for Fiona's bath for the morning, adding soap and scented oils. That is how she loved it. Gwen despised her job and wished she could return to the kitchen as a maid.

Fiona continues to yell at her for seemingly insignificant things. She would randomly hit her whenever she felt like it. 

"I hope you are not a kleptomaniac, because I hate thieves. They are not supposed to survive." She spoke brusquely, enjoying torturing Gwen's mind.

"I am not, Miss Fiona." She whispered, standing beside her while fully dressed. She had on a mid-thigh-length white skirt and a white crop top

"Do I need to start doing my makeup when I have a maid?" She made a crude offer, to which Gwen promptly gave in.

She was not too bad at applying makeup, but she doesn't know what Fiona likes. She finished her work in a few minutes and smiled.

"Not bad for a wrench!" She gave a quick click of her tongue, reaching for her phone and popping a chewing gum.

"She is definitely a brat! A devilish one." Inwardly, she murmured. She got up, straightened her clothes, and left her room, Gwen trailing behind.

"I am glad you have finally come to your senses. I do not need to yell for food." She snorted angrily and opened her meal

"Who is Lana to you?" There was a long moment of silence before she asked. Gwen was taken aback because she never thought she would ask such a question.

"She is my friend, Miss Fiona." She replied quickly.

"Then you should stop mingling with her. I do not want my maid to be around someone like her." She blurted out while sipping her juice.

"But she is my roommate and closest friend; I cannot do that. I am so sorry, Miss Fiona." Fiona jabbed at the bacon on her plate with her fork

"It is fine as long as you say so. For disagreeing with me, I know what I can do." She gave her a menacing look while grinning.

"What are you planning to do, Miss?"

"Watch me, Gwen. Just watch me." She drank from the glass she was holding, smiling wickedly and gazing off into space.

Claudia is back in character? hmmm....one word for Fiona and Gavin in the comments section.

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