
LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

She heard nothing more than "Make sure you come back as fast as possible, Lana," before heading out of the house. She was so eager to see what the outside world had to offer that she ran outside with excitement. After collecting her package from the delivery man, she saw a little cat, which caught her attention. “Don’t run, cute little kitten.” She followed the cat with a giggle until she lost sight of it. Turning around, she saw someone holding a stick and biting into a cigarette. He hit her right away. “Let me go! Let me go!” she screamed as she found herself in a very dark locomotive vehicle, which she assumed was a van. In addition to the cries of those inside the van with her, it was incredibly dark. Lana experienced trauma because her family was murdered before her. Lana was kept concealed from the outside world unless she was due to receive something, and her safety was questioned. He is a ruthless, powerful devil in human form known as Axel Morales. He literally has the entire world under his control and can do and undo whatever he wants. People regard him as an angel, a wonderful person, a very wealthy businessman, and a CEO. Even with his good reputation, he is not someone to mess with. Lana had been kidnapped by his men and was brought to him. Although she was expected to be killed in the same way that he had murdered others who posed a threat to him or attempted to escape from him. But something about her makes him want to be closer to her, which he despised. Lana was still in the hands of this man, and her uncle was still looking for her because he was so fixated on keeping her in his domain or killing her to get her wealth. Will her uncle take her away from Morales' protection, or will she be able to stay safe and peaceful?

Ruth_Omoregie · Urban
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31 Chs

Abducted again!

Lana had a headache as she woke up. Her mind was spinning, and she had the impression that everything had been a dream, and that when she woke up, she would be in bed.

She realized she was shackled and screamed. When she realized it, she attempted to remove the chain from her while crying. "Fuck!" She started to pull the chain again and cried out.

Thoughts of Gavin capturing her at last raced through her head. She felt bad for going outside to get her package. 

"Hey, you're not alone in this place. Give up shouting!" A female's voice called. Then she could hear other women in the truck crying. 

"Where are we going? "Who are these people?" Lana asked, attempting to find the person who had just spoken. 

"We also have the same fate as you." Someone else spoke, and another started screaming aloud. She cried when she realized what had happened.

"Please don't let it be Gavin..." In a whisper, she said. She had been sitting for an hour, and her body hurt. She attempted to find her purse, despite how dark it was.

Then she noticed that the truck had stopped and that the door had been opened, revealing two masked guys. Lana was pulled away with force by one of them, who grabbed her by the chain.

"Please be careful; it hurts damn much." Her skin squeezed around the chains encircling her arm, causing her to hiss.

"You got a smart mouth, huh?" With a gruff voice, the man pushed her forward. She saw girls as young as her age. 

They entered through the back door of the club and arrived in front of it. The air was heavy with the stench of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Her sense of smell was so sensitive that inhaling strong odors might prevent her from breathing properly.

The smell of cigarettes filled the room, and she felt her lungs congested. A middle-aged, plump man with a large, wrapped cigarette in his mouth was standing behind them. 

"We brought these ladies, boss. Check them, please." Says one of the guys in masks. And he made the girls sit on their knees.

"I'll make a call." After saying something, the man took his phone and put it in his right ear. His smirk was noticeable on his face as his brown eyes scowled at Lana.

"no please!" She started crying and whispering. I hope it's not Gavin. God, I don't know what to do. I have to get away from here, I have to run." In her head, she said.

"Hey, boss, the boys did well. They brought six gorgeous ladies. It looked like half of them were untouched. With the cigarette still in his mouth, the plump man spoke.

"Okay boss!" The man uttered. and let go of his phone. He got to his feet and began examining each girl separately. 


"Yes boss!"

"Take these ladies to Cherie and instruct her to prepare them. Tonight is when they are going to start working. Remember to tell her to train them as well." With a chilly expression, he gestured for us to stand.

A few other guys dragged the women into the changing room, where Cherie was waiting. 

"Boss just picked up these ladies today, Cherie. Please tell them what to do and get them ready for the event." With that, he left the room.

Lana stared at the woman with teary eyes. She seemed like she was smoking a cigarette while half-naked. She approached the girls and started observing them.

When she reached Lana, she touched her breasts. Lana was disgusted by this. That was not how she had ever been touched. She shifted her hands from her breasts to her hips.

"You have the perfect body." Lana coughed as she took off the cigarette and puffed smoke in her face.

"And a gorgeous looking face. You are going to make us huge money." Her teeth appeared as she smirked. Lana cried even harder after hearing this. 

"Shut up!" They flinched at her yell. 

"I'll give you everything you need for tonight's clothes. Ensure that you wear them. I'll return in fifteen minutes." She said as she gave the nearby guys the order to take off their chains.

"Put them on!" She ordered harshly, giving them clothes each. Lana looked at the clothing and saw that it was just a bra and a thong. 

"I'll be back." Saying that, she walked away from them. The women in the room burst into tears. Lana hated this; she hated the fact that horrible things always seemed to happen to her when she thought life was serene.

"I can't wear this!" She whispered. "I am not able to stay in this whorehouse. I have to leave; I'd rather die than become a whore." Throwing the clothing on the floor, a brunette let out a cry.

"How many of you are with me?" When she asked, four females put up their hands.

"This place is extremely guarded. Won't it be foolish enough to run away?" A blonde queried. Compared to them, she seemed more mature.

"I'm not capable of this! You realize we're going to look like whores? Given these outfits, what do you think we were given them for?" The brunette asked again.

Lana listened to their arguments in silence. She just wanted to get out. Imagine if they returned her to Gavin. 

"What is your name?" Lana questioned the girl, who suggested that they leave.

"Chloe." was her response. Walking to the door, Chloe looked to see who was outside.

"It's obvious where this is. Come on, let's go. This is our opportunity to leave! With optimism in her face, Chloe spoke. Although Lana was smiling, she was actually afraid.

"What if they see us?" Chloe sneered at the question posed by one.

"There isn't anyone present. Which would you choose, freedom or being a whore?" She asked, leaving the girl to remain silent.

"I'll take the lead." After saying this, Chloe exited the room. Lana and the other ladies trailed behind her. When they reached an empty hallway, they took off running.

"hey!" They ran away when one of the men who had brought them in saw. 

"Stop!" The women scattered when he yelled. "Let's go, let's go!" Chloe said as they carried on scurrying

A gunshot was heard out of nowhere.

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