

Chapter 10!

" Your god makes prayer to me! "

Gabriel's sword is feather of Phoenix, purest white of cleanest appearance. It does not emit any dangerous or fierce aura but looking at it makes you feel drowsy and sleepy for eternal rest.

The angel's golden eyes was full of fury, silent yet fatal, ready to explode anytime.


Then Better Dick turned to look at you, reader, such a cutie pie face and he gave you the sweetest smile.

" Hello there dear readers! Are you feeling sleepy head right now? How many hours do you allocate for sleeping? That many? Okay, take care of your health, one less reader is really sad. So I will give you a tip to fight sleepiness for at least 5 minutes at your weakest resistance of temptation to give in to sleep. + Blink very fast 10 times. Does it work? No? Give yourself a slap, that will boil your anger at the author! Hahaha! "

[ Noooo!!!! You are making everyone hate me! ]

"Why, are you lovable? "

[ Of cour--- wenwqkehqkjehdg gdhhdsghj dsgahdhashga ahdhjdhsag aghhagdsgah ]

" So now readers, let's go back to the fight scene with angel, poor guy, don't worry he doesn't know that I have inserted some irrelevant shits. I have paused the scene, I know that isn't a superpower, only me ever possessed such ability, cause you know who I am? Overpowered Main Character! And don't worry, to make the story interesting and with presence of tension, I will hold back and nerf myself so my opponents have at least a chance of fighting me! Hehe! So continue author!"

The scene was played again.


"You dare profane the name of our highest Supreme Lords, and for that, you no longer qualifies for my mercy, I will give you painful death and even more painful existence after death! Prepare to face my wrath you spawn of devil! " Gabriel the Executioner points his sword at the baby Better Dick.

There was a chink, it was so fast yet not a tiny bit of stirring was made.

Suddenly the air exploded into bits!

How is it possible?

Can you slice the air?

Can that thing be done really?

But it happened! The air was torn into a clean slice of pieces!

However the sword energy did not hit baby Better Dick, only tearing the air around him by mere millimeters away from the smooth baby skin. The Angel smiled, he meant to do that in an attempt to intimidate Better Dick.

" Yow angel! You are pretty good too! That sword don't look really sharp with all that feather edges, but it just make a clean chop of the air! " Better Dick shouted his pleasant surprise at the angel, though he might probably be just faking it, you know to raise the fighting spirit of the angel.

" Beg for my mercy now, petty mortal! And I might not make it painful if you lay prostrate before me and apologize to the Supreme Lords! " the angel Gabriel give Better an arrogant look.

'Now, you really reveal your true nature huh?' Better Dick thought to himself. " Oh no! I don't beg anyone for my life, nobody gave me my life but myself, opps! Sorry! My mom and dad combined their effort to make me, but to be honest, that was only possible because I have decided to make my existence in this world possible. Sorry to my mom and dad, I am really the one who made myself for before mom even combined her egg cell with dad's sperm, I was already existing. So do you think I will beg to you?"

Better Dick gave a tiny smile at the angel. The angel did not paid any mind to it or give it any meaning for he believe that there is none until the Supreme Lords give meaning unto something

" I wasn't talking about your life, pitiable creature. I am talking about death you want!" the angel Gabriel gave his reply to baby Better Dick.

Better Dick was stunned, now he realized that no matter how Overpowered Main Character he is with all the fancy looking abilities, powerful spells and infinite strength, he still needs to improve his dialogue.

Yes, Dialogue!

Characters was made immortal by the dialogues they leaved imprinted unto the minds of readers and if hopefully adapted in mangas and movie or TV series or anime, memorable dialog is the life force of a great character!

Am I right readers? Isn't that one of the criteria in judging how great a character is?

" You caught me off guard with that line angel," baby Better Dick stroked his smooth baby chin, as if he was thinking deeply. " But you did not say who death it is-"

" Yours! " the angel give a swift reply that interrupted the line of baby Better Dick.

"Damn you angel, I thought you were all honorable yet here you are, interrupting my epic lines!," baby Better Dick have a look of being slighted in his cute baby face. "That's rude you know!"

" Are you going to cry now, pathetic creature? " the angel ask baby Better Dick with a smile of mockery in his face. "Your mouth seems to be more skillful than that of your fighting ability!"

"Haha! Are you trying to play mind games with me? This story is about me! You and the author there that is writing this story and most importantly to the readers who bear witness to all this happening, I just want to declare to all of you, let me give a reminder to you all, I am the Main Character here, Overpowered Main Character! You will know it later how you are not even worthy to wipe my ass! Let's begin the fight angel to end this shit quickly, after you, I'll have the rest fight me in batches of thousands. Consider yourself lucky of facing me in solo. Let's start now!" the baby Better Dick roared, he was clearly a little bit upset

"You like to talk things that are worthless and conjured by no wit intellect of yours, pathetic mortal being!" the angel replied.

The angel Gabriel spread his mighty wings, it carried him to countless battles and it allowed him to triumph without any failure before. His smile was dazzling yet arrogant. Now, it won't be any different than before, today would only be faster.


"Oh! I forgot to tell you angel, it is going to be my trademark line from this moment onward as long as this series continue. Listen carefully, here it is: Spoiler Alert! You….. will….. lose!" baby Better Dick whispered into the ears of the angel as he put emphasis into every word of the last sentence. Then he just casually toss aside the wings like a dirty cloth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" the angel cried in extreme pain. He only realized the pain after baby Better Dick tossed away his right wing. They don't usually bleed from any wound but the stub of broken wing was flowing abundantly of fresh red and golden blood. The face of angel was contorted into ugly twisting of muscles.

What happened earlier was that Better Dick dashed at the angel in an extreme speed, he wasn't using any teleport technique or spell, just pure speed and arrived at the back side of the angel, without it noticing him. The right wing was torn without any much resistance, as if some wet paper by a strength of ten thousand tanks.

Then Better Dick buried his hand into the root of another wing. The angel's flesh burst with blood and some holy glitter like what they show on the movies. He yanked it off away from the body of the angel, which the latter give out an even more agonizing cry.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHH! " the angel, Gabriel the Executioner cried out. There was no traces of former dignity or anything, just a pathetic being right now.

Better Dick kick into the head of the angel, the flowing curls of the angel ruffled by the oncoming rush of air. Then it happened in an instant, the angel was able to block the kick with his bloodied left hand. The small feet fills half of the angel's hand. Better Dick was not fazed or surprised. He gave out a series of assault again. Kicks, fist, spells, energy balls and pounding. This time the angel was not able to block. He bear all the force, physical and magical and energy. The angel have fallen into a kneeling position.

Then Better Dick hold him by the neck, it was awkward to see a full grown adult in form of an angel being strangled by a newborn. Then the space around him warped and there was sparks and flashing.

Better Dick was dragging him through all the levels of heaven, penetrating layers after layers like he was just walking through the steps of a ladder. Portals after portals was forcefully opening.

Gabriel the Executioner widened his eyes, Better Dick brought him to the place he have been desiring all his existence but he was not able to reach. His power wasn't enough to reach or even give the permission to access this places, yet this newborn Better Dick dragged him into this like a boss who have access through everything.

"Who dares trespass the the Holy Temple?" a loud voice demanded, angry and commanding.

"Me, Better Dick, and I am here to relieve my shit!" the baby answered, all arrogant with all the tone a baby voice can be.

Angel Gabriel's eyes went wide with horror and anger. He was surprised how much this baby can cause trouble. He wasn't just attracting calamity, he is brewing them himself and groom them and then surely invite it right into his door!

This baby is insane!

Then Better Dick closed all the portals and they are back into the spherical cage, the angel was kneeling on his both knees, helpless with all his injuries. Shocked of what he was able to reach in such a few seconds.

He smiled at the baby before him, maybe of gratitude or hatred, well it might be mixed?

Better Dick was casting a seal, he have defeated the angel but killing it won't bring any more meaning to his victory, anyway all this fight is meaningless, just a plot device to reiterate how Overpowered he is. That's the truth.

"Thanks," the angel mumbled, his face sincerely showing his gratitude.

"No problem, anyway I am planning of shaking that heaven. It would be just an easy work, don't worry about me. I'll shake all these universes. Piece of cakes actually, I'm trying to tell you the spoiler of this story, as humble as I can. "

Better Dick sealed the memory of angel during about this fight and send him back in time like nothing happened, even the wings was attached again.

Better Dick felt bad at playing with the angel to he casted a buff unto it, as an apology gift. Gabriel the Executioner's power multiplied 10 times. The angel grow into a legendary figure after this fight as he was sent back in time with all the buffed ability.

Then Better Dick opened the lower half of the spherical cage and he announced to the rest who are waiting for their turn to have a fight at him. He just said it softly but it his voice was magnified by the spell he casted.

" All of you from number 3 to 1002, please come over here, I am fighting all of you together. Bullying each of you one-on-one is boring. Come at me together. Here, let me give you all a x5 buff of your power and ability. I'll nerf mine with divide 10. But first, before we begin, I'll warn all of you, … "

And the baby Better Dick added, loud and clear. "Spoiler Alert!"