
Guess what, this Chapter have no title too!

Chapter 5!

The baby was still flying in front of the whole Dick Clan and he is wearing a very serious face. Though there was a hint of arrogance and pride in it. It was just a baby but nonetheless oozing with charisma and confidence. He must really be an overpowered character!

{ No, I am not just an overpowered character, I am an Overpowered Main Character. I am a Main Character, and I am really Overpowered! There is a big difference about that, and I am not just gonna let that pass by. You ought to be corrected immediately if you want not to make the same mistake again. Anyway, I still have a speech to do. }

And so the baby landed himself on the platform, high above the crowd of his clan member. Every body can see him now despite not flying. Though flying is the sign of power, how an individual carry himself while walking is the sign of nobleness and grace, and the baby Better Dick is going to do everything to flaunt his supremacy.

So he finally begin his speech long delayed which should be in the previous chapter.

The inter-universe social media was then activated by the baby, he is going to do a livestream broadcast!

" Don't panic everyone, it is normal for me to talk just minutes after my birth because I am so powerful and all. So ladies and gentlemen, everyone gathered here and to everyone watching the broadcast and live streams, please share for us to reach a wider audience. Everyone, to those who are at the edge of galaxy and those in the multi-verse. To the parallel universe and to those who are sitting in their throne, if you are a leader, a king, an emperor, a president and even gods, I won't be rude to everyone so I will greet you all first a happy day. Or if you are night this moment, a good night but don't sleep yet you really must listen to me it is very important what I am going to say. You don't wanna miss it and regret for the rest of your life. And to you readers, I can see your multi-pounds eye bags, that is you badge of honor reading great stories, sleep? Huh! Don't ever trade reading for a sleep. Cut all your sleeping hours into the below requirement, you'll get a lot of sleep after you stop breathing so don't hurry for it. Anyway, a great day it must be for everyone since…. I am here! Before I was born into this character, some of you claim to be the most powerful character. To be honest, I took that shit personally, now I am here to declare to everyone I am the most Overpowered Character, protagonist or antagonist, hero or villain. I am the most overpowered! You are all welcome to challenge me. First I am calling for those who are calling themselves Apex Champions, you're all a weakling yet daring to call yourselves Apex. You are at the top, but in reality, you are on the wrong end- the bottom one! Yes, you are the lion in the arena, well, that arena isn't even worth my shit. Our level cannot be compared because there is no comparison in the first place!"

In the far corner of the universe of fantastical world, a lot of beings were grinding their teeth very hard upon listening to the broadcast and livestream. Who the fcck is this kid that he thinks highly of himself huh?! A lot of powerful beings were grinding their teeth and flaming with anger upon that words.

Just wait you stupid baby! You ask for it and you will have my wrath!

The universe shook awake that day and their were a roaring of anger. People, beings, beast, demons, heroes, champions and even some gods themselves was flaming with extreme anger. Some called for their fleet, hidden weapons were brought out and the seal of forbidden spells were being undone as of the moment. Their destination? To that arrogant kid!

Teeth was being grounded, almost to a cracking point, as they continue to watch the livestream.

" First, let me introduce my self. I name myself Better, from the clan of Dicks. It really was an honor to receive a name from a powerful and legendary figure himself, which is myself. Somebody said they are the best, which is often the words of those petty beings who sit in their thrones and castles but let me tell you all of this, I am just going to clarify all the lie you have been hearing all you lives because it is obvious that one is lying if they claim they are the best. Yes, you watching this, how can you have the ability to tell the lie with a straight face that you yourself is the best?! No, you are not! I am telling you the truth and you should be thankful that I have corrected you. You are the best? I am just better! You have the best ability? No, I am just better! You have the best power and nobody can ever withstand your presence? Don't make me laugh! *Pfft!* I am better! My name is Better Dick! ".

Lot of the audience instantly turned red with anger and they cursed at the arrogant baby. They are the best in their field, proven for all the years with the the victories they have accumulated and some newborn idiots have ever dared to call them not?! You are asking for early death you dimwit bastard!

Portals in space and teleportation devices were being activated at the same moment, some had just a single hero, others in groups of champions, others were in fleet of hardened conquerors , gods were riding their clouds and mythical beings. Some were magnificent castles were being moved. All toward one location. All wanted the same thing. Make that little bastard shut his mouth, none want for just a moment, they want him to shut up forever.

The Dick clan members was shaking as they were reading the comments in the livestream. Why the heck is this newborn baby asking for all this trouble?

" You Madafaking Bastard, you wait for my wrath and I will extinguish that pathetic life of yours! I will erase your existence and all the dirty traces of it. You have angered me beyond the thresh hold of my mercy and your life won't be enough to pay for the anger you have awakened! I will have your clan, that full of stupid idiots into the lowest of low. I will drink your blood and make pickles out of everyone with you this moment! ".

The Dick clansmen you were reading the comment section shuddered in fear. Who was that commentator? It have the ID of sLaYer_123 and his ID have the check meaning it was verified. Who was that? It was only the feared conqueror, Maldog. Quick in temper and quicker even in social universe media.

And did he say he is going to come here? Everyone was frozen with fear! Dick clan was ancient and noble clan, their capability not to be taken lightly but against the combined wrath of powerful beings in the universe and every other parallel universe and every other universe, who can resist that?

Stop this madness now!

However, the newborn babe, that stupid idiot was still running his mouth at full speed and worse he is just beginning. He is still gaining ground as he continue speaking!

" So everyone listen, don't rush. I will all be waiting for you. Everybody will have their turn which will be unfair if they won't given the long voyage you all have made to pay homage to me. I will guarantee to all of you that nobody will be disappointed once they go home with their tail between their legs. I will be merciful, come on. I am a good guys, I will never break you. I will just let you all have a taste of what it feels to be broken without going to be broken! I will make you all realize and publicly acknowledge that I am not the best but the better one among you all. So is there who is already near? I am greatly bored right now? Can you all please hurry up? Because when you arrive you have to sign up first in order to face and you all will have to fill up some necessary information. It will take some time and I have set the policy of first come, first serve. So the first to arrive and fulfill the necessary requirements will be the first to face me. Anyway, arriving late and facing me later will have the advantage as you can observe me in the fights before you. But it is not going to any advantage to you actually, it will just delay your defeat and humiliation. So anyway I am waiting here for you all! Please hurry up! I am greatly excited to trash and crush you all!"

The members of the Dick clan was already dying of fear. Even their two S-tier sorcerers have never done that before, in fact nobody in the whole history have ever done that. They are desperately trying to stop this madness but they are weak with fear, everyone have barely a voice and strength right now. Thinking the coming of all fiercest and powerful and cruelest of all coming for them, their skin were crawling with fear and shock.

Somebody stop the babbling of that stupid baby! He is just a newborn, his head wasn't well developed yet, doubtless he isn't capable of logical thinking yet. And now he dared to provoke the ire of every powerful beings, nobody is going to top that kind of stupidity in a long time, maybe forever. Who the fuck is stupid enough to challenge powerful beings on the day they were born?

That baby is running his stupid mouth and now ruin is what awaits the whole Dick clan. So much for all the hope of a powerful sorcerer, all he brought was ruin instead of greatness. And on his very born day. At least that will be written in the history.

This clan is going to be extinct. Those who survived today will be hunted to the end of every universe they will run to.

Shit that stupid baby! Damn him and all his ancestors and all his relatives! The Dick clan members who were either resting in heaven or suffering in hell felt a painful thrust in their butt!

"Who is cursing the Dick clan, why was the hatred so powerful?! "

And also the Dick clan member felt that painful thrust in their butt too.

Wait, aren't we his blood relatives? No, scratch that damn him alone!

"So why is everybody taking so long? Tsk! You fail to meet my expectation. I really have a high standard in my mind and it's sad none were successful in achieving it. "

It was said by a baby yet it awakened more the already boiling demon inside of everybody. A fuel was added to a raging hell.

" Isn't that baby really gonna stop, even our soul in the hottest hell wouldn't have a peace with all his provocation! Let's hide ourselves and we might the hope of escaping the wrath of those that damn baby provoked!" They think of saving themselves.

" So while waiting for everyone, let me introduce first my fellow clan member, so will know their names in case you meet them anywhere. Don't ever forget to pay them the respect in place for me". the baby Better Dick added.


And that was the end of our grim hope, every Dick clan member cried. Nobody had known them before, now their face was printed into the mind of everyone watching the broadcast. Surely this is the end of our glorious Dick Clan and all thanks to that stupid boy!

Everything happening right now is absurdly unbelievable and it all happened during the birth of that stupid baby. They cursed at him together and watched him scratch the itch in his tender baby butt.