
Chapter 1:Alone

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm,I sat up grumbling because I had not have enough sleep but alas I had to turn the alarm off and get off the bed."this is going to be a very long day" I said to myself then sighed . Am Laila,am 19 years old and I live alone all by my self in a small compartment building, I lost my parents in a car accident 9 years ago and I have a little sis who stays with my aunt in another city. I attend college which was paid for by my aunt, I have a part time job in working at a local restaurant to earn my own pocket money . well that's all I could remember or should I say that's all I know about myself.i stood up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom to brush and take my bath.after dressing up for school, I went to my small kitchen to see what I can prepare for myself to eat. at the end I ate a light meal and rushed to school because I had not enough time by myside.i rushed out slamming the door closed while turning the locks,I did not even bother to brush my hair as I rushed to the car park and then zoom off to college . the car parked in front of the school building and I exited the car int the school.*sigh* "prepare for another worst way at school Laila", I told myself as I entered the school.i Walked towards my locker to grab a few books and head for my class. while going I spotted some of my classmates"hey looser where are your other two eyes" they are talking about eyeglasses and I don't even wore any. it's because am mostly seen with my books and they therefore thought of me as a nerd saying'where are your glasses,are u sure your eyes are not too tired from reading Soo many books all the time ' they are too dumb to know that only people with poor eye sight wears eyeglasses they thought of it as something all needs wears so if anyone is seen with glasses they automatically becomes a nerd . as usual I ignored them and head for my class as I heard the bell ring indicating the beginning of classes.