
Ladybug: A Story of Time

LadyBug is a young girl who has a hard time understanding the world. Although she is given a lot to deal with as a small child, to only suffer the death of her mother. She must face her alter ego and accept that she has the power to change her life if she follows her heart instead of listening to her thoughts from the past.

Kallen_Kaution · Teen
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11 Chs


She stares at me in the dark room in which I lay.

Flat on my back with a soaked pillow, containing the tears that

dripped from my eyes.

All she can do is stand there and laugh at my misery.

I close my eyes like I do every night, and dream of something to pass the night.

A ballroom. Filled with ladies and gentlemen. They dance, laugh and chatter while the pianist plays his song of a time when life was good.

I sit on my throne as a princess while my butlers try to talk me into dancing.

On this very night something was supposed to happen and after waiting for endless hours it never happened. Suddenly she stands in front of me with a wicked smile.

"Why so sad, you are royalty so why not a smile on a glowing face?"

"I do not care for riches..unlike the nouvaue riche, I save what is valuable to the dead."

"Hm..I thought you wanted to be a princess Ladybug. I thought you'd be happy so see a world that has missed your face for hundreds of years. Even the one who likes you is waiting for you down the carpet."

In a moments breathe, she is correct. The one I love is waiting for me.

I walk to him slowly while he walks with a loud thump of a hundred bison.

They get louder and he changes his form, only then did I realize why I slept a hundred years.

I did it because I wanted to escape the ruins of the world. A world I messed up.

It would have been perfect if I hadn't messed with magic. No princess if fit for a witch.

I beg, plead and scream but everyone watches me, reminding me of what I did.

"I hear the princess has returned to kill us all."

"Oh what a shame, she did her lover the same way her mother. Off with her head if I were the king."

They were against me. I push through and run out of my castle of misery. My prison, is should say.

They run after me with fire in their eyes, torches and stones. I run for the water.

As I fall from the highest cliff, I felt a hand grab my waist. It was indeed my lover but he wasn't real.

He proves me to his equal with a kiss, a splash and a blinding light that brings me to the end of my dream. It was like Shakespeare..always a romance tragedy only this time, they die together.

Here I am back into my reality, living the same as my dream. A flower crown on my head and a throne made of souls and my dear standing next to me with eyes waiting to strike.