
Lady of the forest

Gabriela dies in modern day society in an unfortunate accident, but instead of going heaven she is send to another world as an Angel to save the world! And she is surrounded my hot men, is this a fantasy world? Maybe or maybe not? Read for more!!

Khaenehar · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: THE BEGINNING (1)

I am your average American honors middle schooler; Gabriela De Nana.

I am 5'3, 12 years old, long dark brown hair, emerald green eyes, light olive skin, a good waist line, surprisingly no acne for my age and soft chubby cheeks. I don't have a normal family, my brother is a high school drop out, my father abandoned us when we where little and my mom works day and night to provide for us. But that didn't last for long though cause who would have thought that a 8th grader would transmigrate from earth to those REVERSE HAREM WORLD!?

To be honest, I was a huge weeb and I liked those kinds of animes, but seriously. We were in the real world, not some anime world. Now, I will tell you the details of how my life turned upside down like a pancake flip. It was a average day for me, get ready, pack my lunch, wake up my older lover brother and walk to school alone. To be fair, my school was fifteen minutes away by walking and today was a beautiful sunny day so I decided to walked, but like in a Japanese manga, I didn't look at the road since the CROSSING ROAD SIGH WAS ON!

So I proceeded to walk across the crosswalk while texting my best friend April.


"MOVE!" A yell came from my right side and by the time I looked up, my life was over.

The truck raced at me like a Lamborghini and threw me into the air like a kid would throw a toy. At that moment a single thought shot through my head, "I'm sorry, mom."


My body landed on the warm cement along that immediately filled with the crimson blood as I breathed my last breath and my last heartbeat at that moment. Then everything turned pitch black, I couldn't feel anything in this void. Was I going to hell? Where was this? Is my family going to be okay? How will my friends react to this? Is grandma going to cry? How many people are gonna cry because of me?

I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen to everyone around me. Yet at the same time I didn't, I didn't want to carry the burden of making them sad.

" ...cha- ....live...my child," Immediately I shot my eyes open.

"Wha . . . . ." I slowly stood up and looked around. Where was I?

Everything around me was green, flourishing with life with a bright sunny sun, was this heaven?

"Angel-sama," a small voice said next to me. It was a fairy with green hair, eyes and wings! "Have you awakened Angel-sama? Are you okay?"

I froze at her words, Angel-sama? But then I noticed my regular school uniform changed into a long white beautiful dress. It had three layers, a silk white layer, then a beautiful flower pattern and finally a beautiful white see through white cape dragging behind me without shoes for some reason. My hair also changed, it was as white as snow and my nails turned white.

"I am no angel, I am a sinful human," I said to the cute small fairy.

"But the fact you can see me proves you are one Angel-sama, you have been brought down from heaven to save this world!"

Savior? Wasn't this the afterlife? I die because I was ignorant and didn't pay attention to my surroundings, but even I knew that this was definitely not heaven or hell.

"So . . . . Who are you?" I asked while getting up from the soft colorful roses under me and I noticed some where definitely not normal.

"I am a forest fairy Angel-sama, my name is Green. It's an honor to be in your presence Angel-sama."

I looked at Green with surprised looks while glancing around me, everything around me was green and filled with life. This place looked stunning, colors coikd be seen everywhere and the smell of flowers filled my nose while the further you looked you could see everything was dead. Without life and the futher you looked there was even animal bones! What in the world happened here!?

"Oh, you noticed Angel-sama. This forest was dead and thanks to your presence, it was enough to bring life, this is why we need you, the hero of this world has killed and extinct many monsters that where good and bad so we need you to help us Angel-sama!" Green said while clenching her little hands with a determined look. "You brought me to life and the least I can do is help you Angel-sama!"

"I don't understand! I am no savior much less an angel. So stop saying such crazy things!"

I covered my eyes and curled myself into a ball while thinking. Why me? I could name countless more people who were more suited for the title of an angel and I know that I'm not special in any way, I'm just your average middle school student.

"Angel-sama, it is destiny that this happened. This is nothing to be afraid or scared of."

"Wh-what can I do? I'm useless! I haven't even dated anyone yet!"

"No, you're not useless Angel-sama. You bring life yo the world and you are beautiful! Without you this world will end!"

I listened and wondered, can I really do that? Me, a child with no future could do that? I finally managed to raised my head and faced Green, I could basically feel the determination in my blood.

"How do I help?"

"All you do is sing a song that only you can sing and just like that you will be able to bring life to the forest."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I opened my mouth and started singing the sing, the song my mom used to sing to me when I was little.

"Come my children, dance with me

Come see the sky above

Watch with me the moon and sun

As they sing and dance for us

And one by one

Let's us sing too

And go to the mountain top

To listen to the star above

singing the song of stars

Come, come my children

Let us all come back home

One by one make a wish

Then go to wonderland."

I opened my eyes again and saw the crying face of the fairy.

"Was my singing that bad?" I panicked and started waving my arms. "I'm sorry if I sang bad!"

"No Angel-sama, it was extremely beautiful," the fairy said cleaning her eyes. "Just look around."

So I did what the angel said, I saw everything around us and had green for hundreds of feet with many kinds of animals too, like paradise. Soon the animals all began gathering around me like I was Moses and even let me pet their soft, fluffy, or rough skin.

Seeing all of this I couldn't help but put on a genuine smile. After some time passed and I walked around the forest as the fairy informed me of this world. It was like a fantasy world, it had magic, monsters, magicians, kings, and adventures too!! In all, the walk was pretty nice. The cool air felt nice against my skin and the soft grass felt nice as well.

"So, I am meant to be the just ruler and to make decisions without emotions?" I asked Green out of nowhere.

"Yes Angel-sama, you are the one who leads this world so you mustn't ever take sides and show your emotions. This is a justice less world where the rich blossom and the poor wither, this is why you where summoned here Angel-sama."

"Oh . . . I see."

It was just like a fantasy world . . . . . . So this is all real.

"Here we are Angel-sama."

I looked up at a huge cotton bed in the middle of the forest, without realizing it the sun was setting down and the animals headed to sleep. The bed was about ten feet wide and long with a small waterfall next to it with colorful fishes, beautiful roses and flowers surround the cotton field.

"This is where you will sleep Angel-sama, it is the highest quality cotton in the world."

"Okay, thank you."

I smiled then proceded to jumped into the cotton bed and feel like I was in heaven. The cotton was soft, fluffy, warm and it had a pleasant smell to it, like home. But after a while my eyes became heavily and I fell into a deep slumber.

The next day arrived and I awakened. Green was asleep on one of the bigger flowers and looked super adorable, so I didn't wake her up.

"Angel-sama, why are you staring at me?" Green asked startling me.

"Y-you looked cute."

"Well, thank you for the compliment Angel-sama."

"Your welcome Green."

I stretched and we began walking in silence around the forest admiring the scenery but out of nowhere a large 16 feet long bloody green snake approached us in a hurry with a large egg in her mouth. It had injuries on its top and it was definitely made from a sort of spear or arrow.

"Is it okay!?" I asked crouching down to the snake and petting its head lightly.

"It says the humans have begun to attack monsters who are the hero, the hero's group, and the twin princes's of the Avion Empire," Green said as the snake put her egg next to my feet. Then just like that, she stopped moving completely. "She's . . . . . . dead."

I covered my mouth in horror and stared at the mother snakes body, she had traveled here just to safe her baby. I proceeded to pick up the egg and frowned at the direction the mother snale had came from.

"What are the humans doing Green?"

"They are approaching us, they seem to want the green snakes scales for armor and weapons according to this world's knowledge Angel-sama."

I looked at the snake coldly then said words I would never have said in my life.

"Can I punish them Green?" I asked as her in a dead serious note as Green nodded her head. "I will judge them like a judge would then."

Soon a group of five beautiful people arrived. The only female among them had had long blond hair that reachsd her butt, a thin beautiful body, ocean blue eyes, pale white skin, a sort of priest outfit, a height of about 5'5. The male next to her had a long white with gold thin sword in his hip, a tight white long sleeved shirt, tight black pants, short black hair, chocolate milk skin, obsidian eyes, tuned muscles with a nice body, and a height of 6'1. Two of the other males who both looked alike had light brown hair, dark blue eyes, pale olive skin, tight white pants, well refined muscles with sexy faces, a loose white short sleeved shirt, with a height of 5'11, one had a bow with arrows while the other had two thin swords in both his sides. The final one had white blond hair, dark green eyes, white fair skin like snow whites, refined muscles with a face that was too beautiful to stare into; a medium sized sword in his left hip, tight black pants with a tight long sleeved black shirt, and a surprising height of 6'2.

"An Angel?" One of the twins said looking at me.

"The prophet never predicted a Angel descending, but then again he isn't the most accurate prophet in history. So, how do we deal with an Angel?" The woman questioned while she kneeled in front of me. "I greet you Angel-sama, my name is Celestial La Victorian the high priestess of the Avion Empire."

"I greet you Angel-sama, we are the twin princes of the empire of Avion. I am Arther Avion Crystal and this is my twin brother, Leonardo Avion Crystal," one of the twins introduced himself as they both took a knee.

"I am Yoo Asteriona the magician of the hero's group, it's an honor to be in your presence Angel-sama," the black haired man taking a knee said. " I humbly greet you Angel-sama."

"I am the hero of the Avion empire, my name is Straley Sungwoo Envanos and its an honor Angel-sama. "

I looked at the people nervously kneeling in front of me. But because of what they had done to the poor snake my personal opinion about them lowered drastically.

"Did you hunt the snake down?" I asked.

"Yes, you see. Our kingdom is desperate for a war is coming and we are currently tryi-"

"So you killed one of my children for that?" I asked cutting the priestess off in a angry tone like a mother. "You all started a war so don't get us dragged into this."

"Calm down Angel-sama," Green said as she sat on my shoulder.

"But with your help, we could win this war," prince Leonard explained. "So the lives of innocent people won't be lost."

"Can you say the same for the other side?"

" . . . . .No, we can't Angel-sama. There would be lots of casualties on the other side," the hero admitted without hesitation.


"Then leave and never come again to this forest," I asked interupting the high priestess again while turning around. "This is your only warning."

"PLEASE, we need you!" prince Leonardo pleaded.

"It isn't my problem."

I started walking away with the egg in my hand. Suddenly a hand grabbed my leg and when I turned around I saw the priestess.

"Please Angel-sama, I beg you."

"Trust us Angel-sama. We need you to help us," the hero added.

"We will do anything, for now just look and if you don't like it you may leave," prince Leonardo looked desperate.

"Just this once, I beg you and I'm willing to put my honor as the first prince on the line!"

I stared at each of them thinking, maybe I could change the power hierarchy and help the poor? I scratched my head from thinking, why would I bother to help them of they would just kill and hurt others? I finally had my answer and extended my hand to the high priestess.

"Fine, I'll follow you."

"Thank you Angel-sama!" They all said while smiling.

"Follow us then," the hero Straley asked while taking the lead.

I sighed heavily and followed without hesitation, the sooner this was over the better. We walked the direction they came from in silence.

"Angel-sama, don't trust them. They could be plotting to kill you or take you hostage for your power. We need to escape from here Angel-sama."

"No, I won't Green. I want to see the human society of this world so I can understand everything better," I whispered in a low tone.

"But . . . . . I will trust your judgment for now Angel-sama."

"Thank you Green."

I smiled at her worried face. I knew the risk . . . . . I knew.

"Where here Angel-sama," Yoo snapped me out of my thoughts.

It was beautiful, there was a carrige for about ten people and it stood about twenty feet high. Its golden stripes shined with the sunlight gracefully hitting it. The carrige was stunning and as I stood there a man opened the carrige door.

"My masters," the man said. "I have prepared."

I glanced at the man. He seemed to be in his thirties by the looks and he resembled Yoo a lot except he was three inches taller, he had blue ocean eyes and he was a little skinnier than Yoo.

"You may go first Angel-sama," Celestial the high priestess said.

"Yes," Yoo agreed.

"Thank you then."

I headed inside the fancy carriage. The inside had super soft seats and there was even all kinds of wines in the sides, I decided to sit in the corner of the left seat next to the fancy window. After me everyone took a seat while Yoo said next to me and you could hear his heart racing, was he nervous?

"Lets go Hyung," Straley said as the carrige started moving.

It was silent with only the sound of the horses running and Hyung ordering them. It was a awkward ride, Yoo's heart was racing and so was the high priestess Celestials heart too. Suddenly Leonard's hand touched my thigh when Hyung suddenly stopped and Yoo's hand went through my silver white hair.

"Uhhhh . . ." I could basically see Green's murderous aura as Yoo and Leonardo removed their hands.

"Im so sorry Angel-sama!" Yoo yelled with a face redder than a tomato.

"AHHHH! IM SORRY!" Leonardo yellex too with a face blushing like he ate the hottest pepper in the world.

"Its okay."

"Watch it Yoo and Leonardo, don't do that to a woman you creeps!"

I looked around and it seemed like Everyone was jealous of Yoo and leonardo for some reason.

"Its fine Celestial," I said to Celestial with a smile. "Im okay."

"She had a soft thigh," Leonardo whislered getting everyone's attention.

"LEONARDO!" They all yelled together.

I couldn't help but laugh at such a funny display, it was just like a nervous anime girl had confessed her feelings. And for the rest of the ride, we talked about just what we liked to eat or our hobbies and stuff like that.