
Lady Lantana

"WHEN life gives you lemons, make a lemonade." That was Brianna's favorite quote in her life—when she was alive. Brianna Gomez was a beautiful twenty-six-year-old teacher of cute orphaned students in the morning and a famous assassin in the evening who had never had a chance to experience dating since birth. Well, she was always busy with her two careers, so how could she even find time dating normal guys? Why orphans? She was an orphan, too. Her name was at the top of their organization for ten years, and no one managed to bring her down. However, who would have thought that just because she rejected a confession of love just after a mission, she would end up being shot by the same gun they used to kill the previous target? She never knew she had a psychotic friend! Just when she closed her eyes in the final moment and accepted her fate, she suddenly woke up in someone else's place with memories rushing in her mind. Waking up in another body, being cheated on and being ridiculed because of her size. Hah! No matter what that was, she wouldn't waste her lifetime again, even when there were a lot of people who wanted to antagonize her. Who asked her to be transmigrated as the softie duke's daughter anyway!? She would enjoy this lifetime and their money wisely for sure! However, who knew that those were only the surface of the surprises waiting for her to be unraveled? Secrets after secrets. Problems after problems. Adventures after adventures. Just how could she enjoy the richest of the duke if she would always get busy doing something else!?

xiwven · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: The D-Day Has Come

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"In the LORD's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him." —Proverbs 21:1

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THAT day was the big day—the d-day. The sun was shining seemingly brighter than how it used to be. The world seemed to be a better place—at least just for Lantana. Her father who was with her was so full of tension while the people left in their mansion were all worried sick for the result of the trial.

Lantana was wearing her best tailored dress that came from the finest silk that existed in the Vincequere Empire made by her handpicked tailor, the baroness. The dress was reaching the floor but it wasn't very ancient in design. The color of her dress was in the brightest shade of champagne and darkest shade of ebony arranged with real white gold and diamond sequins. It was body-fitting that made her look like a vampire—accentuating her already pale complexion while also highlighting all her best features; from her smooth neck and shoulders that were revealed by the strap-style dress, her bosom that was noticeably huge—creating a shadow in between, and down to her melon-like bottom that was hugged perfectly by the clothes. Accompanied her dress was a pair of shoes with similar style as her clothes, that made her seven inches higher and could definitely be used as a murder weapon with how pointed and high it was.

Standing beside Lantana was her father in all his glory. He was also wearing clothing that she designed and in match with the color of her dress. His hair with a few grey streaks was in a clean updo while his face was free of mustache that made him look younger than his actual age.

With the way her father looked at that time, they could easily be mistaken as lovers instead of family by people who didn't know them—which was why a lot of people who were there at that moment, couldn't help but move their mouths and gossip about the relationship of the two even when they were only a few inches in front of them.

"Did the duke suddenly decide to take a new lover to replace his dead wife?"

"Why did no one know about it!?"

"Given his looks that seemed to age like fine wine, it didn't seem so odd to have a younger wife who also had an appearance of a goddess."

Those were only some of the noblewoman's thoughts that went into the palace to watch a spectacular performance but ended up feeling despair and great envy because of what they witnessed. And even if they realized the gap between them and the duke's 'new woman', they would never admit it since their prideful egos could never accept such a humiliating defeat.

Nevertheless, it didn't really matter as they were slapped in the face when they saw at the entrance hall how with a warm smile on his lips while wearing matching clothing together, the known duke with a stone heart and handsome face, assisted the beautiful lady that came out of the carriage that had the symbol of the Montgomery Duchy.

Actually, the woman wasn't even wearing any makeup that time—which made her look so innocent despite wearing red. However, no one could deny that while she looked innocent, she had a special charm—an aura that made every man who once glanced at her, forever be locked in her trance as they could not take their eyes away anymore.

The reason why she wore a bold color was not only because that day was predestined to become a victorious day—which was a symbol of her victory, but rather, it was also to clean up something that the old one did.

Penelope's fashion taste was not that great in the past, but it never became so awful since she liked imitating the styles in the fashion book that their family had in the library.

However, it worsened during the time she became friends with Mistica. Due to her blind love, she wanted to improve herself so badly at the shortest time possible. She asked Mistica once for advice on how Hubert would like her better and the reply was a vague phrase; "To be matured".

Lantana knew about that information because it was also written in Penelope's journal.

To be matured, her ass! Who the heck was that trash woman fooling? Lantana assumed that it was because of that crappy advice that Penelope's closet also became total trash. Penelope mistook maturity by wearing bold colors and applying red lipstick on the lips while acting like the widow women she had seen in parties before.

She was as if a social climber trying so hard to blend in with the real classy rich people. However, instead of being able to blend in, she popped up in a very bad way for wearing bold colors and makeup—making herself the clown of the ancient high class society—which ended up making herself a laughingstock of the nobles.

Lantana wanted to erase all those embarrassing moments of Penelope and leave a mark to every person who was there, how the meek person they used to bully became so much different and definitely more beautiful than any of the women present. She wanted to replace all those moments by wearing bold colors that will definitely leave a lasting impression—an impression that was very far from the one Penelope used to have.

Yet at the same time, she deliberately did not wear any makeup to make sure that her sick look could be used appropriately to arouse the people' sympathy and to make everything into her favor.

"Make a way for the sun of the empire! Please welcome, Emperor Gregory Yosaiah Von Vincequere!" the servant in front of the entrance announced as soon as he spotted the silhouette of the highest man in the empire.

The earlier noise from everyone who was gossiping, was immediately slain as soon as they heard the servant speak. The moment the shadow of the great emperor entered the room, everyone fell into complete silence as they all lowered their heads in respect and fear.

After a few minutes of waiting that seemed like centuries because of how slow the emperor walked, the emperor finally appeared in front of them all. He was walking very slowly yet with authority, in a way as if he was enjoying his time—even when he was already late—and how nobles had to bow their heads for him even when some of them probably didn't want to. All throughout his walk that as if he had all the time in their world, a serious expression was painted on his face.

"Everyone may raise their heads," he declared as soon as he sat in his position.

Lantana, who also bowed her head the moment she saw everyone doing it, raised her head immediately after hearing the emperor speak. Though she was annoyed at how he took his time too much when he walked, she couldn't still stop herself from admiring him the moment she secretly took a look and saw his face and figure in her peripheral vision.

'Such a handsome man.' She thought. Too bad, he was too old to be her type. Though he had an amazing face and body, his skin lines didn't lie.

At that time, they were inside the multipurpose hall where the real Lantana—Penelope—was humiliated by other people and by the people whom she trusted.

At first, Lantana also wondered why they would be at the multipurpose hall of the empire after her father told her about it since usually, the place was only being used every time there was an event. But her father seemed to have something in mind, so who was she to disagree? In the first place, by being inside the multipurpose hall, a lot of people—even the lower rank nobles—could attend such a spectacle that would definitely top the newspaper and become the news of the century.

"Everyone may take a seat," the emperor spoke again.

Inside the place that was decorated as if a ball was taking place, Lantana grinned mischievously inside. Such a nice place to ruin. A party setting almost as good as some of the descriptions of some fairy tale she had read before with her grandmother yet no fairy godmother would appear nor a magical ball would take place at that moment. There would be no drinking, no romantic dancing nor merry talks from anyone as there would only be retribution served to those who deserved it.

She was certain that from the moment they stepped out of the carriage, no party would happen as a trial would take place in the room as soon as her father's mouth started to move. Once the real focus of the sudden meeting occurred, the room would definitely be filled with screams of terror and pleas for a guilt-free conscience from the guilty people who hurt and used Penelope. And only after that, would she laugh victoriously.

"Except the duke of Montgomery and his daughter for the two of them shall receive the seats at my right side while the imperial scribes, mages and retainer take charge in this discussion," the emperor added which made Lantana's eyes widened.

"We thank you, Your Majesty," Lantana's father said as they bowed before he assisted her to sit.

Noise started to resurface again from the nobles upon hearing the announcement of the emperor.

The duke will sit at his right? And the duke's daughter he said!? The daughter whom everyone thought had died!? What was happening?

Despite their curiosity, no one managed to raise their questions to the emperor as no one among the nobles really had the power to do that. Among all the people inside the hall, only the duke who had a very close relationship with the emperor could really do it.

"Commence the trial," the emperor said with jurisdiction.

"Trial? Whose trial is this?" Lantana heard one of the nobles say.

The nobles were very confused about the situation but their confusion didn't last long as soon enough, the highlights of the show were called to enter the stage.