
Lady Kagome

Kagome runs from Inu Yasha thinking he betrayed her. She ends up running into Sesshoumaru thinking her life has literally gone to Hell. Despite her travels to find the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her journey is about to get much more fickle than ever.

Nile_Flores · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 20

"How can you love her? You hate humans," Inu Yasha began, barely inside the doors of Sesshoumaru's private study.

"I will elaborate for you, little brother, so listen well. At first, I was merely interested in her. Her loyalty and love to you were admirable. She defied me and presented herself as an equal that my own inner beast was attracted to. I am sure it did the same to yours. No female demon has called out to me as Kagome has. She is beautiful, more so than any creature I have seen. Not just outside, but within. She makes this Sesshoumaru's heart feel like the sun has shown upon it and melted it. This Sesshoumaru is not suppose to feel, but it happens every time she is in this Sesshoumaru's presence. Surely little brother, if you love her, you know this," Sesshoumaru replied softly, almost shocking InuYasha.

"Yes, but she's mine," InuYasha growled. "I'll fight you."

The thought of losing Kagome was frightening, but now knowing how passionately his brother loved her, he was pretty sure he would call for a pack clause. He knew that Kagome had developed feelings for Sesshoumaru. They had spent much time and shared many moments, perhaps actually speaking. She probably even knew more now about Sesshoumaru than InuYasha. This new revelation was an eye opener to him as Sesshoumaru rarely expressed, even verbally, his affinity towards anything. Fighting with him would make Kagome mad.

"You'd lose brother, now that I have both of my arms. In our laws you know you cannot unsheath your sword to fight for a mate. And without a sword, my skills are still far more superior. Fighting would upset Kagome. She has told me your bouts with the Wolf Prince. However, there is one way, as alpha male I can call upon a pack clause. Little brother, if Kagome agrees, we will both have her," Sesshoumaru said, deep in thought.

"You would be willing to share Kagome?" Inu Yasha asked, still surprised.

He knew it had been an option, but for brothers to share a mate, it was not something often done.

Jaken entered the study, and set out some tea for the brothers. Jaken knew what they were talking about. Despite him being treated as a servant, he had been around a long time, and knew a lot of things. Before he pledge fealty to the Western Domain, he was a leader amongst his own demon clan. As his lord's retainer, tt was his job to know, even if the demon lord did not use him much as his council. He knew that both brothers loved the same woman. He had not approved of her coming into the palace or being trained by Lord Sesshoumaru, but she slowly grew on him. He knew that Lord Sesshoumaru would do anything in his power to have Kagome, even if it meant calling up the pack clause of mate sharing. Jaken took one last look at his lord, bowed, and hurried off so the brothers could continue their talk.

"Ugly fucker. I don't know why you have him around," InuYasha complained.

Sesshoumaru smirked and then answered his brother's question.

"It is not uncommon for brothers to share a mate within their clan. I have never hated you and will not deny yours or Kagome's happiness. I would not be jealous if she were to sleep with one of us more than the other. A pack clause only strengthens the protection of a mate. Any female within a pack is to be guarded at all costs to insure the flourishing of a pack," Sesshoumaru explained. "Plus, if she only mated you, there are some that may not honor your mark and try to take her. My mark would ensure that she would remain untouched by other demons."

Sesshoumaru did have a point. InuYasha knew that demons and human alike, would not honor his claim, if he were to mate Kagome. The thought of Kouga taking Kagome from him, and superseding his mark, made his demonic blood boil.

'Just another thing to be pissed off at the world for,' he grumbled to himself.

"I never thought of it that way. Very well. Only if Kagome agrees with this, otherwise I'm not sharing her. She has loved me first and my claim has already been placed far before yours," InuYasha stated.

"Understood," Sesshoumaru nodded, and then left to tend to his other matters involving his station.

Inu Yasha mulled his brother's words in his head. He was not sure if he was ready to share his intended mate, but Sesshoumaru did issue a fair solution to the problem. He knew somehow Kagome also loved Sesshoumaru. Kagome just had that type a nature that even the Aristocratic Assassin himself accepted her into his heart. Inu Yasha wanted Kagome to be happy and if sharing her with his brother was the solution, then he would accept it wholeheartedly.

Sesshoumaru mulled over his conversation with Inu Yasha as he walked his halls. He had chosen his words carefully as he did not want Inu Yasha waving Tetsuseiga around like a fool. The annual ball was coming soon and it was to be hosted in his own palace. He wanted to introduce Kagome to high demon society, regardless if she became both his and InuYasha's mate, or just InuYasha's mate. She was the Priestess of the Jewel of Four Souls, and despite her being human, her role was important and she needed to be introduced so that the other lands would recognize her, and give her protection, since she was already an honored guest in his court.

It was true that the previous Priestess of the Jewel of Four Souls, Kikyo did not ever receive such a introduction, but it was because of her despise of demons. She did not trust them and even with InuYasha, she refused to be with him unless he was human. Many demons died at her hand, and even in the demon world, there were both innocent and guilty demons. Her crimes were endless about killing innocent demons, and so after some time, many demons avoided the Musashi area. Soon after, she was called from other villages to come and exterminate. Rumors had it that InuYasha had appeared some time with her during her journey to help defeat demons, and they were confused because of his obvious relation to the Lord of the Western lands.

Because of Kikyo, InuYasha had been dubbed a traitor to youkai. Sesshoumaru almost chuckled as those same demons had always pestered or tried killing him without the reason of being a traitor, but because he was half demon.

Now that InuYasha was no longer split in his feelings between Kikyo and Kagome, he could redeem himself. Even though he now stood in his ancestral home, he had enemies, and the greatest of them all, Naraku was to be the first on the agenda. Kagome needed purify the Jewel of Four Souls, and rid the world of Naraku. That is why she came. He knew that she had worried about disappearing once the Jewel of Four Souls was no more, but he was a demon. He'd lived for a long time and would wait for her. She deserved it. She gave up so much for everyone and got so little back.

He rounded the corner and heard someone in the dojo, so he went to check it out.