
Lady Cultivator

The challenges a female cultivator has to overcome on her life journey are countless. She mustn’t lack in talent, cultivation techniques, medicinal pills or magic weapons. Otherwise, her cultivation will progress too slowly. She also mustn’t have too many emotions, weaknesses, kindness, or greed - if she has these in excess, she'll soon be saying hello to death. Moreover, she mustn't look either too pretty or ugly. Although she mustn’t be stupid, she also mustn't be too smart. With all this in mind, a certain female cultivator sighs. Why's it so hard to become an Immortal?

Yun Ji · Fantasy
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356 Chs

Second Rank Iron-Teethed Crocodile

Translator: Cenniwdyl Editor: Caron_

Inside the poisonous fog, Mo Tiange and Murong Zi calmly meditated. Their surroundings were completely quiet.

The quietness here was a rare thing in this mountainous forest. In contrast to the peace here, fights were breaking out in the other areas. Although this mountainous forest was vast, it was inevitable for people to encounter other cultivators. During an encounter, if one of the sides was the Zixia Sect, the encounter would definitely lead into a melee. There were people who killed and there were people who were killed.

When the sky darkened, the disciples from both sides gathered with their respective fellow disciples to boost their safety as well as to vent their resentments. They killed lone opponents they encountered while also protecting themselves from being killed.