
Lady Boss, Only Mine

Finding out that she and her son could die if she stays any longer, April decides to take matters into her own hand, but will things really go as she planned Please, no one should copy my book, this is my own world and work. You can also read this novel on wattpad. Thank you!!!❤❤❤ And, before I forget, this book's gonna talk about friends with same sex relationship. So, if it's not your thing, then this book is not for you

Kris_Kim · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

April's POV

I wait in my car in front of Jordan's school, trying my best to calm myself,

There's no how Sir Adrian won't know that it's me

Think! April, think!!

Did he know about me before coming here? No, it can't be, he looked surprised also to see me.

Different thoughts are just haunting me, I don't even know what to do. I rest my head on the steering wheel, with my hands shaking

I planned everything perfectly, so should I call this fate or coincidence? I know he would start investigating about me now

He's gonna find out about Jordan!!

"What should I do??", I mutter, as tears fill my eyes, the same way fear injects itself in my heart

My ringtone jolts me back to reality, it was Sammy, I know he's gonna be super confused right now, so I rub my cheeks and clear my throat, before picking the call

"Hello", my voice still hoarse a little bit

"Where are you right now? You're not home, right?"

Like seriously, that guy knows me too well

"No, I'm not, I'm in front of Jordan's school, I'll wait here until he closes". There is silence on his side, if not for his breathing, I'll think he dropped the phone

"So I guessed right", he says after a while, "that's his father, right"

"Yeah", I say honestly instead of lying to him.

I hear him sigh, "so, what can I do to help?, tell me anything I can do". Honestly, i don't know how I lived my life before meeting Sam, he's the best friend I could ever ask for

"Where are you now?" I ask, an idea formulating in my head

"Still at the company, I don't know why the pretty angel on my shoulders keeps telling me that I'm gonna be followed, why do you ask?"

"Look!, I need to borrow you and your apartment right now"

"I don't understand"  he says, I'm sure he's confused, "what do you need me for?"

"First", I say, as I switch on the car's engine, "you become my son's father"



"Ahh!!", I exclaim finally taking my hands away from my laptop's keyboard after for like 3 hours. I had to prepare everything ahead, I have to change everything to make them believe Jordan is Sam's son. Sam has gone to pick him from school, cause I know they might follow him, like what he said

I know Adrian will use all method possible to get to me, so I cannot allow any kind of harm to come to Jordan, so he's gonna be safe as far as Adrian doesn't know he's connected with me directly

And I know how much Skyler, his lawyer is skilled and has connections almost everywhere in the world, so I can't wait until there's danger before I protect my son

----- flash back (5 years ago)

I look at the baby in my arms, blood still on his body. He didn't cry, I don't know if I should be scared or be grateful to him. I look outside my room window, but the guards are still on standby.

So, I quickly drag my tired body and my baby boy to the closet, pick some clothes, and dash to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I'm able to look at my baby closely, I wasn't able to earlier, as I had to make sure my screams were muffled.

I wash his black hair as it sticks to his head, giggling as he yawns while I wash him.

He's so adorable

I haven't been able to see the colour of his eyes, since he hasn't opened them yet. But maybe because, I haven't seen new born babies, but my baby is the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on

The way his nose, hands, feet are so tiny is so cute. I wipe my cheek when I feel something drop on it


I haven't cried for like forever, and now I'm wiping my eyes, although the tears don't stop, they keep coming. But I am not sad, people cry when they're in pain or sad, right?

But, I'm happy, really happy. Yes, I'm in pain and feeling fear that Adrian might kill my baby if he sets his eyes on him, I still have to think of how to take my baby away from here without anyone knowing

Yet, as I look at my baby, the more I hold him in my arms, I can't help but feel like it's going to be alright, there's this inexplicable feeling in me right now, but I know it's a pleasant feeling, so making these tears, happy tears

I wrap my baby with clean bedsheets after we're both clean. I couldn't buy clothes for him at all.

I make sure to clean everywhere, I scrub the blood stains on the ground till everywhere is perfectly clean

I kneel beside the bed as I watch my baby sleep, he wasn't up to nine months, barely 8 months, but he's so big, but I'm still scared

Throughout the pregnancy, I couldn't go to any doctor's appointment,

So, what if I ate what I wasn't supposed to eat?

What if I did what I wasn't supposed to do?

He still hasn't opened his eyes, isn't he supposed to cry now? Shouldn't he feel hungry now?

All my worried thoughts dissipate at the sound of the knock on the door.

"Yes!!", I answer. I get up from the ground, looking around for where to hide my baby,

"Miss, Master Storm orders your presence in the study",

"Oh, o-okay", I stutter, before clearing my throat, "I mean, okay. I'm on my way, you can leave". I can't afford to look suspicious.

I bite my fingers as I look down at my baby who is still sleeping sweetly,

What if he cries when I go out?

I carry my baby, still looking around. I can't leave him on the bed. I know no one will enter my room without my permission, but things will get suspicious if a baby's cry is heard

I decide instead on keeping him in my walk in closet. Tears come out of my eyes as I think of how useless I am of a mother, but I clean them away, now's not the time.

I put him among clothes, making sure he's well covered especially because of the evening breeze, before walking quickly to the study. I knock on the door

"Come in", came the deep voice from inside

The door opens before I could. Skyler, Adrian's lawyer came out,

I really like the cheerful vibe Skyler gives, even if he's a close friend of Adrian, but I became extra cautious of him, when he made a joke of me being pregnant, when I was actually pregnant. "He's not in a good mood", he said, looking down at me, "and you don't look good also"

I nod, without giving a reply as I enter the study.

Although, my mind is still on my baby


I don't know if the baby part came out nice, since I skipped the birth process, but I don't want to imagine the pain as I'm typing, then I'll start crying, and start thinking of how to be a good daughter to my mum, and I'm not really in the mood for that now. So, you guys should tell me how it came out, nice or okay?

Don't forget to comment, say what you think about in this chapter , Thanks for reading, see you next time

Kris_Kimcreators' thoughts