
Goodbyes of Love 11

"Tell us more" the other guest asked.

"We will film a wedding scenario. To promote our resort as the Best intimate wedding Mountain Resort. Who will volunteer to be the bride and groom? "

"Though we are a couple we can't because we our bound by a contract to our agencies, we can only play a minor role" the celebrity couple reasoned out.

"We are newlyweds, our wedding is fresh from our memory we still want to cherished it so we can't be. "One of the newlyweds exclaimed. The other newlyweds nodded".

"No no not us. It should be young people to have a fresh romantic vibes. How about Yuri and Alex they are a young couple. This is good for them as a rehearsal to their union in the future. And besides they are perfect couple" the mayor suggested.

Yuri's jaw dropped how he can refuse when it was the mayor suggested it. You Alexa caused me this mess. Alexa looked at him with a puppy eyes saying you have to agree. His Honey Bitch is cute as a puppy. Before he could answer her the host spoke.

"Please Please Please" the host and staff begged and was joined by the other guests.

"Please Honey lets help them beside it's just a photo shoot I want to look pretty" she begged softly and blink her eye lashes like that makes him laugh.

"Do you really wanna do this?" he asked her to confirm.

"Yes, I want to do this let's just make most of our time together."Alexa replied with a little bitterness. Every time she thinks that their time together is almost out, it pierced her heart. She doesn't want to wake up from this dream. But She realized she have to faced her problem before she could move forward. For her this is just a dream that leaves impression in her heart.

"Okay I'll be my Honey's Groom" loud applauses echoed through the hall.

"Sir we may ask both of you to come up here on the stage" the host asked.

Yuri reached out his hands to Alexa and guides her to the stage. They are a happy couple.

"Let's welcome our Bride and Groom to be" another round of applause echoed.

"Sir can I talk to you for a moment?" The host asked Yuri.

Yuri nodded. Then guide Alexa down back at their table. She chatted to the guest as they were all excited what would be the outcome. The staff handed scripts to the guest of what would be their role. Of course they already know what their role is but they have to pretend and act accordingly what was planned. The guest who knew the master has to follow his plan they don't want to crawl on the streets in a blink of an eye. The Guest who doesn't know the family happily joins the play because of the talent fee. Each registered cabin guest will be given a 30 days free stay at the mountain resort everything is free including airport transfers complete use of the amenities with a car on standby for their use. So who would refuse such a privilege?. Alexa did not receive her script.

"Madam we will give it to you later" one of the staff told her.

Yuri in the other room

"What do you want?" he said in a kingly manner.

"Sir, thank you for agreeing to this matter." the host slightly bowed

"You are new here?" Yuri asked.

"Yes sir I'm the new event manager".

"So this is your idea?"

"No sir, this was part of an already a planned promotional video shoot of my predecessor before she takes her maternity leave for 150 days." she explained with respect as she knows base on the aura of the man she can't trifle with.

"Why now who ordered you to do this? Explain"

The host was startled by his bossy voice. But she had to do this as planned of course she has to lie. She was taught by the master what to tell Yuri if he asked.

"Sir even if this is not my idea it has to pushed through. The original plan was to hire celebrity couple. As the plan coming through it was pushed back because the celebrity got pregnant with another guy and they had to pull out. And timely my predecessor suddenly takes her maternity leave for pre mature birth. Yesterday we received a call from our main office that we have to submit the video. So we have to make do what we could and decide to ask for the help of the guest" she explained.

"Okay it's alright why did you call me" Yuri asked. In his thoughts it is not his concern what happened. What matters most to him for the moment is for Alexas happiness.

"Sir because there's a wedding there should be a proposal. We have prepared the engagement rings". She handed the engagement ring.

"This isn't a simple ring"

"Sir its one from the top master jeweller they sponsored as the rings and also the wedding rings are from the renowned legendary jewellery artisan."

"Okay let's do this" he just wanted to go back to Alexas side.

"Sir, before I forgot I need to tell you that tomorrows wedding is somewhat real we have to do the ceremony. You can make your own vow or if you can't just tell us well make it for you"

"No need what time tomorrow?"

"I'll send you the programme sir, then the butler will do the rest everything is prepared you just have to be happy for your wedding." the host smiles..

She signaled her other staff to prepare for the proposal.

'Okay everyone proceeds to the proposal I have the groom here secure the bride proceed as planned. Camera man, director get ready" she talks to her communication device.

"Play this song" Yuri showed her his phone that is playing the song.

"It's a good choice sir" she smiled and admired him for his romantic choice of song.