
Lady Arkesh

It's the day before Young Lady Arkesh turns 13. Tomorrow she will be tested during a ceremony to confirm her potential as a mage, solidifying her position in the court, and earning her the respect of many. Depending on the outcome of course. With her parents negligence and her existence in the castle less than a ghost, she has suffered daily for the chance to earn the respect and love of her family tomorrow. With an unclear future, and her heart pounding, she hopes tomorrow will be better than her last 3 years... Initially I thought I wouldn't be able to write anything meaningful or maybe I'd just give up without following through. But this novel has taken on a life of it's own and I'm happy to share it with others. I hope you like it! A warning to any future readers: There is content covering anxiety, depression, thoughts of self-h@rm, severe neglect, @buse, and other mature themes. None of these are portrayed in a positive light and I attempt to write about it respectfully. Full disclosure, this novel will not contain: a harem, fut@, r@p3, or het romance with the MC.

EmpathicWan · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Her Recovery

I was resting, floating freely in a warm space. I could feel a gentle touch from time to time, comforting and soft. The smell of grass, flowers, and fresh soil permeated my mind and eased my worries.

I was safe, and there was nothing that could harm me here. I knew there was nothing that made me fearful, anxious, or exhausted.

'You must come back to me young one.'

I recognize the voice.

No, it's not a voice, but a presence. One incapable of speech, but not of conveying their thoughts.

'Don't allow yourself to slip too far away child.'

She's asking something of me, but I'm tired. So tired of people asking things of me. Have I not done enough? I succeeded in… What was it? Something that I needed to do… It doesn't matter now, I know that, because I succeeded. So, can't I rest?

'No child, not a rest like this, it is dangerous for you and there are those who still wish to see you.'

'Is there more that I need to do? Is there no way I can rest?'

'You can rest, but not like this. You are loved more than you know, and by more people than you believe.'

I thought there was some truth to what the presence spoke of. That touch I felt earlier, it's not from the place where I am but somewhere else. Somewhere outside. It was a touch that was new, and a little bit foreign, but still one that feels familiar.

'What do I need to do to feel that love?'

'Come back to me first, you can rest with me here. But if you keep resting where you are, you'll never find your way back.'

Instinctually I know that she's right. What she's saying carries a weight of finality to it. I can feel the pull of her presence as well, something directing me in finding my way.

'Good, follow the presence you feel, I shall keep you safe here for a little while longer.'

Suddenly, as I feel myself gently guided by her presence, a brightness overwhelms my being.


I find myself next to my Mother Tree again, this time feeling the wind and smelling the scents more strongly than ever.

"What happened to me?"

She responds quickly, in the recently comforting voice I've heard only a few times before.

'You nearly left to the other realm child. I had to keep your body alive while urging your soul to return. But you're safe now.'

"So, I almost died?"

'In the physical sense, yes. Your soul would have been cleansed of what shaped you and entered the cycle of rebirth, but your existence as you are now would be no more.'

The idea that I would pass on might have been more appealing to me in the past, but I don't think I would be okay with that now. I've succeeded in what I've always worried about and wanted. Something that has defined me for so long is no longer a chain, but a pair of wings. I had a future.

More than that, though, I wanted to see Venna again, and I don't want her to cry because I left her. I think she cares for me. I hope she does. I don't know though…. I'm still so confused about things, and it's only been a little less than two days. Or is it more? So much has happened so quickly that I can't even judge how time is passing.

"Can I return now?"

'You can… but your body is not in good condition. If you were to return now you would be in a lot of pain, and it would be impossible to do much. Do you wish to return now?'

"If I can't do much, resting here seems like the best idea. Will you tell me when I can return safely as soon as possible? I can deal with pain so if you could let me know…"

'I'll tell you when it should be manageable, and you can make that choice at that time.'

I walked under her protective branches and laid with my back against her trunk while leaning over one of the roots. The warmth of her lifeblood was moving subtly under my arms as I drifted off, my mind wandering.

What only felt like a short time later the Mother Tree let me know that my body was stable, and I could go back.

'You've been unconscious for sixteen hours, so you will still feel weak when you awake. There is also a surprise waiting for you. Be sure to give my thanks.'

"I will and thank you Mother Tree."

Her leaves shook as if she were giving a light chuckle.

'You're welcome child.'




I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light that was almost too bright coming from my windows that had their curtains pushed back. Eventually everything came into focus, and I felt a small warmth on my right hand.

Turning to my side I saw Venna seated in a chair next to my bed, slumped over on my mattress and holding my hand. Her hair was a tangled web of silver silk and drool was leaking out of her lips.

I couldn't hold it in, and I started to chuckle, startling her awake.

"Mari, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, please wake up."

She seems to still be only half awake, which is even more adorable.

"I'm so sorry Mari, please don't leave, okay? I'll stay here with you until you… Wait, Mari?! Are you awake!?"

She finally noticed. Well, I'm sure I worried her, judging by the state of her clothes and hair.

"She's awake! Someone call Healer Yumi!"

"It's okay Venna, you don't need to yell so loudly. My ears hurt from that."

My throat was tender, almost as sore as it was after my ceremony.

"Sorry Mari, I just… I can't believe… Healer Yumi said you might not recover, that you had been starved for too long."

She started crying, her eyes reddening even more, a sniffle breaking through her nostrils. Judging from how red her eyes already were, she was probably crying before I woke up.

"I'm okay now Venna, I'll recover."

"Yeah. Yeah, you'll recover. You have to, now. I won't let you stay sick; I won't let you get worse again."

At this moment Healer Yumi entered the room escorted by a maid and carrying a bag with her. She came up to me, pulled up a small stool borrowed from my vanity, held my hand and began forming a magic circle over it.

"I'm just casting a circle to scan your body and make sure you're improving, don't worry."

The warm blanket of her magic was soothing, feeling as if it was wrapping around each part of me gently. It was different from the warm stream-like flowing of Mage Reginald's magic when he was verifying my potential. This time I could feel it spreading out slowly and settling into each part of me.

She had an expression of serious concentration while completing her task, so I began speaking to Venna as she worked, until the warmth around me slowly faded.  There was a long pause from her, so I turned back, and it was then that I noticed that her concentrated expression had turned to one of shock and disbelief.

"Healer Yumi, is there anything wrong?"

Venna looked up with a panicked expression when I spoke, so I squeezed her hand to soothe her. Ms. Yumi turned toward me and shook her head. Partially to tell me no, but it also partially seemed to be to shake herself from her stupor.

"No, Lady Marisilea, there's nothing wrong per se. But your recovery is much faster than it should be. At your current rate I would say that you'll be able to eat normally in two or three days if we keep you on a strict diet, and then you might be able to get to a healthy weight in just a few short months."

"Well, that's good then, right Healer?"

Venna really should try to learn some patience.

"Yes and no. Normally I like to tell patients that have serious issues that require time to heal to take it slow, but with this rate of recovery it might hinder your health for us to do so. I'm just worried about the consequences of this speed, and the possible cause."

I know the cause, but I feel like I shouldn't say anything about that. For some reason Venna glances at me nervously too. Hmmm, maybe I might need to question her about my Mother Tree and the golden magic. After all, it was her father who formed that circle with his golden magic during my Ceremony. I'm not sure I'll ever have time alone with her though, and I don't think I should let my father know about this.

"For now, you should drink this coconut milk, and I've prepared some broth with boiled seaweed. It won't taste the greatest, but it will help you recover. I can also bring you some small loaves of bread, but you must promise to eat them slowly and in small pieces."

"I promise to follow every instruction you provide, Healer Yumi."

"I'll take my leave. And Lady Rhyvenna, please return to your own room to rest as Lady Marisilea needs the quiet. Now that she's awake, I promise you that she will recover faster than you can imagine. And you need rest as well, I can see the exhaustion in your eyes."

"I'll leave in a minute Healer Yumi."

"No, Venna, you'll leave now."

From the door came the voice of Lady Myriani-tári Ardaine, her figure imposing and her tone brooking no argument.

"… Okay mom."

As everyone made their way out, Lady Ardaine paused and turned toward me, giving me a soft expression.

"Young Lady Arkesh, we will speak privately when you feel better. I feel there are some things we'll need to discuss."

"Yes Lady Ardaine."


The next few days weren't difficult, but I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth. Not metaphorically, but literally. I had to drink coconut juice and a broth of boiled seaweed while only getting some small pieces of bread and fruit to eat. Nothing with strong flavors.

What made it easier was that Venna was with me every day. Sometimes she'd stand by as Healer Yumi ran her checks, sometimes she'd crack jokes to try to make me smile. Apparently, she's taken to calling me 'The Iron Maiden' as she claims my expression barely cracks. If we were alone, I might be more expressive, but as I'm constantly under the supervision of a maid that I'm sure was put there by my father, I have to carefully manage my behaviors, words, and expressions. I'm sure that everything that happens here gets back to him.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in conversation or play a simple game or two. We've played chess, she taught me a card game that two people can play called 'combat', and we also talked about her home. I deliberately avoided anything to do with the Tree, and changed the subject as subtly as possible whenever it was brought up, though.

On the fourth day, only two days before the Ardaine's would have to leave, Lady Myriani-tári Ardaine came to visit me. I had already eaten breakfast and was in the middle of the exercises that Healer Yumi was supervising when I heard her soft voice break my concentration.

"Healer Yumi, will you be finished here shortly?"

"Yes Lady Ardaine, Young Lady Arkesh just needs to finish this stretch and then I will leave."

After ending the session and receiving a compliment from Healer Yumi, she gave a polite goodbye to Lady Ardaine as she swiftly left the room.

When we were mostly alone, Lady Ardaine surprised me by turning her attention to the maid that was in the room with us.

"Please give me a few minutes to speak to my daughter's friend."

"But the Lady's…"

"Do you want me to repeat myself? I intend no harm, and even if I did do you think I would hurt the Young Lady of an influential house in your Kingdom when it's known that I was alone with her? That would be tantamount to declaring war."

The maid still hesitated. I think her name was Rebecca.

"Do all the servants of House Arkesh act this way to diplomatic envoys from other countries? Do I need to have a conversation with the Duke about the disrespect a maid is showing me?"

"Pardon me, Lady Ardaine."

At that she rushed out of the room. I don't doubt that she's going to report this to my father. If Lady Ardaine is here just to talk about Venna then everything should be fine, but if she isn't…

"Well, we only have a few minutes before we'll be rudely interrupted, so I have a few quick questions for you."

I give her a quick nod.

"First, during  your Ceremony did you see the magic that my husband was using, and if so, what color was it."

"It was golden, Lady Ardaine."

A soft smile escaped her lips.

"Second, what did you see when you were meditating that night?"

Okay, I know I don't have much time, but I can't be sure of her intent with this.

As if sensing my hesitation, I felt a breeze in the room and smelled the scent of flowers just briefly. It was soothing and I think it was giving me permission? I don't have too much time to think on this, and judging by Lady Ardaine's face, she felt it too. Let's just put my faith in her.

"It was the same thing I've seen for the last few years that I've practiced meditating, a forest surrounding a beautiful meadow, covered in flowers and with a massive tree measuring six-to-seven meters across."

She nods her head as if expecting this answer.

"And did you ever speak to anyone there?"

"Not until the day before my Ceremony, and at first it was just responding to my questions by shaking it's branches."

She looks surprised a little, and then puzzled.

"You said 'at first', does that mean you've spoken since then and more coherently?"

"Yes, during the Ceremony she, the Mother Tree as I call her, was able to use the golden magic to speak in broken sentences, but after my Ceremony she seems to be able to speak freely."

Now her face was painted in incredulity. She's going through a myriad of emotions following her surprise too. Why are so many of the Ardaine's so expressive?

"Mother Tree, what an apt name for her. Did you notice anything in particular about her? The color of her leaves, any traces of color intertwined in her bark?"

"No, I haven't looked closely at her bark and the leaves seemed a normal green. Her flowers are usually a beautiful whitish silver though. During my Ceremony the gold magic that was surrounding me seemed to entwine around the bark, but it was moving from me towards her."

Another look of shock, this one more expressive. She doesn't seem to be able to find any words and is just flapping her mouth like a fish.

"Lady Ardaine?"

"Oh, I'm sorry dear.  I think I've heard what I need to hear for now, and we'll be having guests shortly anyway. One last thing though. I promise that no harm shall befall your 'Mother Tree' from my family. Do you believe me?"

Again the gentle breeze from before blows past, this time causing Lady Ardaine to smile broadly and laugh. Her laugh is beautiful, I wonder if that's how Venna will sound when she gets older.

And right after that a pounding sound from the door was accompanied by the shouts of Trevor, the house butler.

"Lady Ardaine, the Master of the House is not home, and you were specifically asked to only speak with the Young Lady when he was here!"

The door behind her suddenly flew open, causing the butler to tumble over and on to the floor, followed by the young maid who was here earlier.

"It's okay Sir Trevor, our discussion is finished, and I won't need the assistance of the Duke. It was just a few harmless questions about her health, right Lady Marisilea?"

"Yes, Sir Trevor, Lady Ardaine had heard from her daughter that my health was improving and was curious about how I was feeling. I owe her a debt because she allowed Venna to spend so much time with me during my illness."

Trevor's face was hilarious, I wish Venna could see it. Rebecca though, she's glaring daggers at me. I can only hope that my obedience from the past is enough to keep me from too severe a punishment.

Lady Ardaine gave me her best wishes and quickly departed. Trevor hesitated for just a moment, looking at me carefully, before he too left. Rebecca stayed behind and stood by the door.

"Please go get Lizabeth, Rebecca."

"… Yes, m'lady."

More hesitation. I'm sure now that she's been assigned to watch me, and anyone around me, by my father. I hope I can eventually earn his trust, but I fear that my actions today may have made things harder for me.

Alright, so. Things are getting better for her! I might have pushed too much in to this chapter, but I just couldn't find a good place to stop. Every time I thought I needed to end the chapter, it seemed like it wasn't right, or I had just a little more to add, or I felt like it wasn't enough information.

Oh well. Thanks to all my readers and supporters! Onlyuri, Kuesk, treebuilder72, Fluffle_the_tanker and Jada_Henry! If I missed you I'm sorry!

On a side note, the beginning of the chapter deals with thoughts of being 'better off dead', so I'd like to throw this out there: If you are thinking about the same thing, or are thinking of hurting yourself, or worse, don't hesitate to contact a local hospital or call a hotline for help. In the US the number is 988.

EmpathicWancreators' thoughts