
Labyrinth: Exploring with a Hidden Class

JPt1 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

What just happened?

With the rush and high coming from the adrenaline pumping through his vains slowly dying down Tobias' head cleared up and he slowly realised just how suicidal his "little stunt" just now was.

'I could have died so easily, it really wasn't my smartest idea yet. That said... I survived, no idea how I managed to do this. How did I survive, that was just so much luck, it's increadible. No wait, the most increadible thing is that I had this idea and I even did it. I don't know where I came from, but I'm at least sure I know myself pretty well. I can't imagine myself doing something like this in the past... and even enjoying this suicidal stunts. I guess whatever got me here, also changed me. To be honest, that's really scary to think about'

A little bit scared but mostly confused Tobias started to collect the things that fell out of his backpack and put them on a pile, together with the rest still inside the bag. Sorting out what he needed and what was totally irrelevant was really hard in a situation like this. It's like playing in a survival game and you run out of inventory space, you start wondering what to throw away and you might already have a stack of cooked porkchop but you really don't want to throw away the 5 apples. Just in this case... it wasn't a game and he might really die.

Frustrated by the task and hungry from his day of chaos he decided to take a break first, eat something and then sort his stuff out after it was reduced. Between bites of hard cookies from the MRE and some fruit salad that could probably outlive him, he started reflecting about his day, about just how well he took it, how he accepted it.

'Normally if you would end up in this situation you would panic and end up depressed, no? I don't think humans would act vastly different from lost sheep, at least not for the first day before your survival instict kicks in. I can't imagine they would be like me, going all "Well I guess I'm here, what ever. Let's see what's around. Oh a hole in the wall, I really have to explore where it leads". I don't think that's normal'

'I gotta see the positive sides though. Even if it is crazy or abnormal, I don't regret it. I think if I didn't come here, I would fret it way more. It is really amazing how good it feels just to steer through the unknown and tackle challenge after challenge. I wonder where this will lead me'

Lost in thought, filled by food and finally resting after a long day, Tobias' mind sank into deep slumber. He didn't realise it due to excitement and stress, but his body was really really tired. So after it finally got some rest and nutrition, his conciousness wasn't even drifting away anymore, it dove straight down.


Since he didn't even notice that he fell asleep, Tobias was greatly shocked after the fairly well lit ruin he was in before turned into black nothingness. Even worse, he couldn't even move. He could twist and turn, but moving away from his position was impossible. It was as if he was floating in space.

'It's just like before'

He heard birds cry, but different than before he could faintly hear a male voice mixed with it.


Hearing these barely recognisable and almost incomprehensible sounds mentally exhausted him somehow on a level he couldn't comprehend. It stressed his mind so much he passed out.


After Gods know how long, Tobias woke up. He was exhausted, totally exhausted. Even though he just slept and should feel at least somewhat refreshed, he felt like he slept 3h after staying straight awake for 48 hours and as if he got beat up for at least half the time.

"Guh" 'What was this? Did I faint? Was it a dream or what just happened?'

Doubting his own sanity normally wasn't something he would do, but if any about this was normal was really questionable.

Eitherway he was sure of one thing: 'Something happened after I passed out' he thought, as he was looking down on the feather in his right hand.

* * * * * *

In case anyone reads this, I'd really appreciate if you could give me feedback. Writing is sometimes kinda hard, especially if you've never done it before. I know what I wanna say and where I wanna go with the story, but putting it in words (and/or translating it in English) is time consuming and tiring af.

Eitherway... I hope you had a nice day, enjoy the rest of it!