
Labyrinth: Exploring with a Hidden Class

JPt1 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


*swoooosh* *rumble*

'It seems like it was right to wait before I pull on it. They would have found definitly found me'

Through the activation of some kind of apparatus, the stone block which hid the secret lever folded inside and opened up a 2m by 1m hole, just enough to crawl thorugh without hitting your head or looking like a wanna be soldier.

Curios about where it would take him, Tobias lifted the backpack that was comfortably sitting on the floor right next to him and pushed it through the hole in the slope, testing if something would happen to him, if he would to crawl through.

Luckily the bag just hit the floor with a little *thud* without anything going south.

Gathering his courage, Tobias followed his curiosity which seemed to pull him into the strangest and most dangerous situations, like getting chased by whatever it was. Even though following his curiosity probably almost cost him his life not even a few hours ago, it just felt so right to follow it.

He picked up his bag again and after he took some MRE chocolate out, put it back on his back. He took the chocolate and threw it in front of him, hoping the solid brick would trigger traps if there were to be any. And after 20m he found his first one, needles shooting out of some well hidden holes in the walls.

'If someone would to see me, they might as well think I own a white van. This is ridiculous, but at least I didn't die yet'

Making his way further inside and sever so slightly down Tobias continued to throw the chocolate masterly as if his life depended on it, as it did. In the past hour he found 6 more traps. There were arrows, more needles, a blade flying of nowhere and even a pit. He started to get really exhausted, both mentally and physically. He was awake for who knows how long and his day was pretty rough, landing in the middle of a labyrinth, fighting a monster, fleeing and all.

He joked "The only thing I'm missing is a huge boulder and flamethrowers for the trope to be completed."

'Oof, I really need to find a place to rest. I'm so tired, it looks like the walls are moving'

He shook his head, trying to shake the exhaustion away. Looking ahead again he realized, the walls were really moving! He triggered another trap!

Bursting into full sprint and ignoring the chances of there being more traps on his way, he barely passed the area of the closing in walls, cutting of his way back,

'Guess I'm going this way now'

Then he realized the worst part...

'I forgot my precious chocolate brick! Goodbye my, you saved my life multiple times and were like a friend to me. And most importantly... I'm mourning a piece MRE chocolate'

Rather despirited he continued walking, trying to ingore his emotional connection to a dairy product.

Tobias was now in a more spacious corridor. If the corridors before were 1m wide and 2m high, this one at least 3m wide and high.

'Why is it suddenly going up?' The sudden change of pace alarmed him.

2 Minutes later, almost at the peak of his new path, just as he took his next step, he felt as if time was moving in slow motion. He put his foot down and heard a distinct *clink*.