
La la land

It follows Bill Evans, a 16-year-old boy who on his birthday, finds himself transported to a new world where he loses most of his memories of the real world. Though this utopia seems to be paradise, he must return before it becomes Impossible and cause a change in the course of the world. In the real world, his friend thrives hard to bring him back after discovering the hidden plans of the moon.

sylvanus · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter One: February 11th, 2017.

It begins like any other tale, with the sunrise. The sun shining into the room, revealing Bill lying on a bed with his back faced up, tossing and turning to block out the light of the sun from his eyes. The room walls are covered with posters from a superhero movie franchise, Warrior's Dawn. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy..." goes his phone alarm, he reaches for it and stopped it. He sits up on the side of his bed picking of the phone he sees it's 7: 03 am, he stretches both arms up yawning and gets to his feet, he walks to the bathroom which is just out the door, down to the left side of the corridor couple of steps away from his room, he looks at the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth. "So, big-guy your turning sixteen," he said to himself. "Six-teeeen, Six-teeeen. You know it kinda has a nice ring to it. You can finally drive, soon gonna go to college and grow a beard." Smiles in the mirror "Yeah! Bill is gonna be a man," he said with his fake deep voice "yeahhh" he spits out the toothpaste and jumps in the showers.

7:30 am

Bill comes downstairs all dressed as he enters the kitchen, a white woman is cooking, she turns around, sees Bill at the door, she smiles whips her arm on her clothes and stretches her arms hugging him and kissing him on the head.

"My boy is turning sixteen," she says, very happy for him.

Bill feeling uncomfortable. "Mom, you got to stop or my clothes will start smelling like eggs".

She leaves him to continue her cooking."Bill, you better-come home early, your father is planning something big tonight". she said excitedly.

"About that," he said, "I was hoping to talk to you about that".

She feels concerned. "What is it?"

Finding it hard to tell her. "well, was hoping I won't be home early today, Johnathan and Chris, are both planning something for me". He begs.

Feeling a little bummed that Bill doesn't want to spend his birthday with them "Well, okay you come late today, it's your birthday, so you can go have fun with your friends" she said smiling at how he has grown. "But if you ever change your mind, we will still be here, even if it won't be as grand as we planned it," she quickly adds.

"Okay, but don't wait out too long for me," he said feeling happy staying out all night.

She feels okay with it and tries to start a new topic."You know, I never really support you having only male friends," she said, but Bill cuts in.

"Mom, I thought we've been through this," he said trying to avoid that topic.

She continues. "You need to get yourself a girlfriend." Insisting. "I want more girls around here, not those people that can't even pick after themselves," she adds.

"Okay, mom. I'll get a girlfriend," he said, wanting to end the topic.

"Now, you'll see how much better your life will be," she said, happy that he finally agrees. "Don't forget, the bus will soon be here,".

He rushes to the pile of pancakes, he takes one and starts eating it, then carries a couple more and walks to the door and called. "Mom?" she turns. "Next year." Runs out, to wait for the bus.

Bill receives a tap on the back, he turns to see Olivia, his elder sister by 2 years. "Happy birthday," she said, not too excited."You didn't think I'll forget your sixteenth birthday, did you?" She said taking a seat beside him. "So what do you have planned today".

"Just John and Chris, don't know what they are planning?" he replied.

"Well, whatever it is, just want to have my gift," She said, giving him an envelope.

He takes him it. opens it and as he brought out what was in it a big smile came on his face. "Woah! wow! Tickets to see the premiere of Warrior's dawn 3" then he remembers "I thought those were sold out, how did get these?"

"Well, lets just I got a guy. But aren't I the best big sister ever" she said feeling happy that he likes the gift.

"Of cause, which other sis do I have? You're my only one" He said, happy about the gift.

Then suddenly from outside. "Honk Honk".

"It's the bus gotta go," he said picking up his back and leaving.

In the bus, Bill walks to a black sitting next to a window and looking happy to see him, Bill sis beside him drops his bag down.

"Happy Birthday man," says Johnathan the black guy. "So are ready to have the best day ever."

"Sure" Bill replies feeling ecstatic for the day.

"I and Chris have planned something amazing for today"

"But it better wait cause we're going to see warriors dawn3, Boom!"

"You got tickets? wait I think you must be joking. You got tickets" John replied, happy and shocked to hear that.

"Yeah" he replied confirming it.

"You're telling me, you got tickets to see warrior dawn 3" Bill smiles. "Wait how did you even get it its been sold out for a week"

"My sis, she gave me as a gift"

"Well is she coming cause she gotta try out the J-man 2.o," John said showing off his biceps.

"No, my sis will never go out with you, even if you're the last guy on earth. So please stop trying" he said trying to soften his crush.

"No matter what you say, Bill, I will always keep going for Olivia," John said gazing into the window as though she was outside. Then looking back at him. "Besides when was the last time we had a girl in this group" Bill ignores him. "I'm telling you, bro, we need a girl in this group."

"Serious it's we're bros and since when do we have gals hanging in a bro group," Bill said not interested in this topic.

"But we're bros and that's what bros do" john adds, persisting.

"Do what exactly?" Bill retorts.

"Like girls?" John said.

"Okay I've heard, we do need girls" Bill agrees "But not today, I'm not in the mood for Sky to reject me".

"Of cause, not today. Today is for bros"

"Yeah" the grab each other's palm hard, smiling and looking forward to today.


4:55 pm

Bill and John are standing outside the cinema hall.

"So when did you think he'll be here," John asked anxiously.

"Well, I texted him the address and that we're going to see Warriors dawn 3 get here soon. So I'm sure he'll get here soon." Bill said annoyed and tired of hearing that same question.

"Well forgive me for asking," John said offended by the tone of his reply.

"You try hearing the same question over and over again," he said in defense.

Bill says nothing and there was an awkward silence as they waited. Then a boy walks to them feeling happy to see them.

"Man, you won't believe how hard it is to get a taxi in the city. And Bill sorry for the delay" says Chris a white American boy.

"Yeah, It's no problem man" Happy to see him.

"Hey, why apologize to only him, I waited too," John said.

"Cause one, it's his birthday and two, you're a hell of an ass when waiting and Bill just had to bear you" Chris quickly replies.

"Well is that how you feel too," John asked Bill.

Bill not wanting to answer that directly."Well, you can be an ass" Bill notices the disputed look on John's face as he said that. He places his arms each around John and Chris's shoulders pulling them closer. "But won't have that ass any other way," he said trying to make John fill better. "So why don't just go and see the movie".They all walk into the cinema.

6: 56 pm

Chris, John, and Bill are walking down the street from the cinema, they all seem happy.

"I swear, that was the best Warrior's dawn ever," Chris said.

"Yeah, especially, the ending that was epic as Thomas caused the dimensional rip, now I can't wait for 4" added John.

"The movie was great but I don't like waiting for a year or years before finding out what happens Jake" Added Bill feeling melancholy. "So where's the place, we've been walking down this street for hours".

"Just a little more and here we are". John said stopping at a voodoo shop.

"Mama maggie house of magic" Bill read out the signboard. "Wait seriously guys a voodoo shop for my birthday."

"Yeah, we couldn't think of anything cool enough to get you so why not a wish." Said Chris.

"And we read that it works" added John.

Bill looking confused, realizing he called off a party to take a seat at a voodoo shop. He walks in. The building is filled with skulls, bones, and scary sculptures. "Guys you couldn't think of anything to get me, so you chose to take me to this well-decorated shop," Bill said sarcastically and creeped out.

John and Chris said nothing they were to busy observing the shop and wondering how she got all the skulls.

"Did you guys even go inside before choosing this place," Bill said.

Suddenly a huge sound comes from the back and followed by a scream, the boys turn back to look, and as they look front the see a woman in long flowing black, red, and yellow dress, with a chain with the full moon on it. The site of her sends instant fear through the boys' bodies as they scooch back, panting.

"So how may I help you boys," Said the scary lady.

"Well it's his birthday and we will want you to grant him a wish," Said Chris terrified.

"Okay birthday boy please come close" She calls.

Bill looks to his sides to see John and Chris signaling him to move closer, he breaths deep and moves closer.

She stretches forward her open palm. "Give me your hand"

Bill puts his arm in hers and immediately she grabs it tightly, she turns his palm up and moves her long nail down all his fingers meeting his wrist, she pierces her nail into his index finger and putting the bleeding finger on her moon pendant. Bill seeming unconscious of what is happening, remains still and motionless as she did it all not even a grin or shift on his face, his eyes remain staring into the darkness behind her.

"So I'm done here," she said letting go of his arm.

Immediately Bill draws back holding his arm.

"By the time the first light of the moon hits upon your face your deepest desire will come true," she said then stretching her palm for pay.

John and Chris drop the money in the table avoiding any contact with her, getting up grabbing Bill and leaving.

Outside John grabs Bill's palm looking at it and seeing no mark then showing Chris. Bill pulls back his arm annoyed.

"What is wrong with you guys, I just got hand handled creepy lady as a gift. You know, thank you for this very thoughtful gift." Bill said angry, sarcastic, and annoyed. John tries to say something but he stops him. "Don't talk about it. I'm going home, are you coming" He said walking back hope sad at how his day went south.

At bills house. Bill opens the door and walks in and everywhere was dark, he goes and switches on the light, immediately seeing everyone His family including John and Chris at his back screaming. "SUPRISE!!!".

Bill shocked at the party and overwhelmed with joy he forgot what has just happened, a big smile forms on his face. He turns back and sees John and Chris smiling. "You knew about this?".

"Your mom and called me to make sure you have a terrible day. Happy birthday, bro" Chris said.

Bill soon turns to John "And you?".

"Who did you think found the voodoo, and also I'm the ticket guy. Happy birthday, bro" John said giving him a shoulder hug.

Bill immediately realizes everything, happy he went to the sitting room and join the rest of his family as the party kicked off.

12:00 am

Bill walks in his room in a towel, changed and went to the window in his room, looking out he sees the full moon bright and beautiful, shining on his face, then his arms ached with pain, looking at it, he sees blue lines running down all his fingers and circling at his wrist then his hair and eyes glowed bright blue and soon he falls to the ground unconscious and his index finger started bleeding out, the blood trail formed a crescent moon.

7:00 am

Oliver runs down the stairs into the kitchen to her mom crying. "Mom Bill won't wake up" she shouted terrified and worried.

Her mom turns to face her, seeing the tears in her eyes she drops the plates in her hand.

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Now on La la land-related matters; what really happened to Bill, did the witch kill him? find out more on La la land chapter two.

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