
Chapter 1 Eva's P. O. V.

Have you ever met someone and just knew right from the start that they were the one. And no I don't mean puppy love. I am talking real love like soulmate stuff. The type that gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach, make your hands all sweaty. And make you feel like you can't get a full accurate sentence out. Studies show that's how you know that you have found the love of your life.

I had this happen to me the moment I met, Daniel. We were in elementary school in the 3rd grade, when he came into my class. He was a new student and he was so cute, he was a chunky white boy with brown curly hair. I couldn't help but blush when I looked at him. Mrs. Espinosa introduced him to the whole class and then told him to take the seat that was next to me.

When he got to his seat I tried to introduce myself but the only thing that I could get out was "Hi Eva name meet my you." He just chuckled and said "Nice to meet you I'm Daniel. I hope that we can be friends." I just nod my head in agreement, and we go on about our day. He was actually a lot of fun. We were partners in some of the assignments and it was just all in all a great day.

After that Daniel and I became the best of friends. If I wasn't at school, he wasn't at school. We were inseparable.

All through elementary school and middle school we have been spending almost every single day together. Now lets flashforward to high school.

Now we are both sophomores in high school. He is the popular guy in school, he plays football and he is decent in his academics. And me in my end I am in basketball, I only play it because it would look good on my college applications. And I am on the honor roll, I am even eligible for college classes next year, which I am excited for I'll be ahead and I would be able to start my dream job in being a history professor. I love history, I study it in my spare time. And that is what I want to major in when I get to college.

Daniel and I are having one of our many study dates, and he is just squirming around acting all types of weird.

"What's wrong with you bro?" I ask.

"Nothing I just can't seem to get comfortable." He says while he is adjusting himself some more.

"You never had a problem before. What is going on with you?" I ask.

"I don't know I don't want to talk to you about this. It's personal."

"Daniel, we are best friends we tell each other everything. I told you about my first time getting my period."

"Which was gross, but I got used to it. But no I can't. Anyways...." He says all suspicious.

"Okay well anyways did you do the homework for history?"

"Yeah. It was hard but I did it." Then his phone dings.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Its Lisa." He says smiling.

"You mean Lisa the slutty cheerleader? The one that would sleep with anyone just to wear their lettermen. That Lisa?" I ask surprised.

"Ha yea she's asking me if I want to go to her house her parents aren't home. Do you think I should go?"

"I mean I thought we were hanging out but I guess if you want to go with her go for it." I say with disappointment, hoping that he can hear me.

"Thank you Eva, Thank you so much, you have no idea how badly I need this." He says as he gets up and gets his things and makes his way out the door.

I am upset that he chose a girl over our friendship but I have to hide the fact that I love him. After I finally came to the realization last year that I am in love with Daniel, I decided to hide it as best as I could because I don't want to lose him as a friend. I mean even if I did tell him how I felt about him there is no way that he would even look at me that way. I mean now he is a 6 foot tall muscular guy who still has his curly brown hair. He wouldn't even take a second look at me.

I continue with my homework, trying not to think about Daniel anymore. It hurts to much.

After finishing up with my homework I text my girl best friend Kim. I met her when I joined the basketball team, and we vibed instantly. I love her she is my tall African American friend. She is gorgeous, she's 5 feet 9 inches tall and she has black curly hair and she has big beautiful eyes. She is very fit as well.

Well I text her to let her know what is going on. I told her how I felt about Daniel, she has always told me that I need to tell him, because according to her he looks like he is in love with me as well.

"Girl you see I done told you that he was going to go to someone else if you don't tell him that you love him." she texts.

"I know but I don't want to ruin our friendship I know he doesn't see me the way that I see him I just know it. " I tell her.

"Girl stop you keep telling yourself that and now look he is on his way to be with some other girl. And not just any girl but the school slut."

"I know I know but what was I supposed to do tell him 'oh I love you please don't leave me'"

"Yeah bro something like that."

"Ugh whatever I am going to go to bed I'll see you at school on Monday."

"Alright girly well I'm here if you need me."

I lay in bed thinking of Daniel and it breaks my heart that he is with some other girl right now.