


Nicky_RBLX · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: A.... Teacher?

The woman continues to regard Ateek, as her expression offering no clue as to what she's thinking. She's short, Ateek is easily several inches of height over her. Her light brown skin is smooth almost impossibly perfect, free from even the slightest blemish

She looks human, though, or at least she does until he looks at her in the eyes. It's not the color or the shape that so disturbs him about them, but rather their depth. There's knowledge and experience in there beyond that which any one mortal, even one that's lived for over a hundred years, should have, and their place in an otherwise-human face just makes that fact far more unsettling.

Ateek is aware that there's a growing silence, and also I couldn't possibly think straight about what the woman said.

"I, ummm, just so you know, there was a big circle of fire outside."

The woman inclines her head. "Hahaha, you dummy, of course I am well aware of that. I was the one who placed it there! Sheesh when would people acknowledge my brilliance!

Ateek knew what he said was stupid, but it looks like he found out that this woman is actually bright,

"Call it an opportunity to measure our new arrival." Her voice gives nothing away.

The woman raises a clipboard and a pen, both of which he would swear she'd not been holding a moment before. "Name?" she inquires with a bright smile.


"Ohhh, what a sexy name" she says

"Huh, what was that?" Ateek questions with shock.

She makes a note on the clipboard, completely ignoring the question, frowning as though hisname is just on the right side of acceptable. "I am Mastala," she says. "I'm one of the Higher ups of the Academy!. I am responsible for the Academy's students, which in turn means that I am responsible for you!" She says with an enthusiastic tone "By 'responsible,' I am referring both to your well-being and your behavior, and I would advise you now not to cause me undue effort when it comes to either. Am I understood?"

You nod. It seems to be the expected answer.

Lady Rastan clicks her fingers, the noise echoing around the entrance hall. In response, the light in the hall intensifies, growing brighter. You swallow. Magic, of course, is simply a part of life, but seeing it performed so effortlessly is another matter entirely.

"It is, perhaps, a personal failing of mine," Lady Rastan goes on, her tone making it quite clear that personal failings are afflictions that affect other people, "that I consider cleanliness to be an essential part of one's well-being." She gestures at your socks and shoes, which are still caked with the unfortunate contents of the swamp.

She waves a hand with an irritated air. There's a tingling in your feet, and you look down. Your shoes and your socks are as clean as if you'd just bought them an hour ago. You look back at Lady Rastan, who has already lowered her hand.

"While I would not consider it to be comparable to godliness, it is still an important attribute in one's daily life," she comments. "And I would…recommend that you take that lesson to heart as you embark on your education here."

Ateek nods again, still taken aback by her casual command over magic.

"Now," she continues, "you have an appointment with the headmistress, and it would be best not to keep her waiting. However, I feel that it would be…appropriate to first give you a warning." she says.