


Nicky_RBLX · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Academy

"Hey, you!"

Ateek turns around, looking across the road at the young man staring back at him. It doesn't seem like the man wants to ask him a question. There's nobody else around: it's just the two of them on an otherwise-empty street.

The man doesn't wait for a reply, but instead strides unsteadily across the road towards Ateek. As he gets closer, ateek can smell the beer on his breath.

"Whatcha doing out here, scum?" The man said. He's a little taller than Ateek, and tries to use that height to tower over him. Ateek who has brown messy hair and crimson eyes along with a short figure, couldn't put up with this man's bullshit.

The man gestures at Ateek's school uniform. "You one of them freaks from the evil fiend school, then? Think you're just going to walk around and eat normal people?" The man said.

He gives ateek a shove, and he barely manages to keep his balance. "Fuck off, I didn't even do anything to you, leave me alone." Ateek said.

"Hahaha, so you bite back? That just makes me want to hurt you more!" The man says while giving Ateek another push. Ateek, who is already tired of this nonsense, so he decided to give him a piece of his mind.

His stance means that his legs are spread fairly wide apart, and Ateeks gives out a kick directly between them.

"IYOOOOHHHH" The man lets out an awkward scream, He sinks into a crouch before collapsing to the ground, shoulders shuddering. One might think he's actually crying.

Ateek turns around, walking quickly away. In about twenty minutes, he'll probably start trying to stand up.

The taxi he took here dropped him off at the end of the road. Despite his best efforts, the driver had steadfastly refused to bring his vehicle any closer to his destination. Nothing Ateek tried managed to change his mind, not even after Ateek claimed that he had a stomachache and couldn't walk very far.

The taxi hadn't moved an inch until Ateek climbed out and took his belongings, and then it had shot off so fast that a nearby speed camera actually exploded.

Ateek reached the edge of the pavement and step onto a cobblestone drive. As he do so, it's as though the descending sun has suddenly become hidden behind clouds. A chill sweeps over him, and the night sky suddenly becomes more darker

Looking up at a pair of gates. They are made from iron, black and twisted into patterns complex and chaotic enough that might make ones head aches if they try to follow them. At the center of the gates, the frantic outlines flow into an ornate pentagram, more lines of dark metal forming a hellish contortion of designs in its center. As he takes a step towards the gates, there were words engraved onto the pentagram's borders.

The gate itself is flanked by a wall upon which two gargoyles stand. Perhaps unable to decide between dragons, lions, and demons, the artist apparently decided to make their stone creatures out of all three.

There are also spikes on top of the gate, which, in view of the rest of it, seem unnecessary.