
Chapter 9 Vol.1

Chapter 9:Fubuki sensei

2 days after Calli planned out my schedule, I decided that I had enough rest. I talked to Calli that looked carefree to start with my lessons. First, I need to gain preliminary knowledge on skills. Today, Fubuki will drill it in me and also develop my aptitude on Ki. As I entered the library I saw a familiar face next to Fubuki. She looks just like A-Chan from Sike mura and the only difference is that she doesn't have horns. She's wearing a white Hakama and also light blue glasses. I wasn't sure of it until she spoke.

"Good morning Edge, aren't you surprised to see me?" [A-Chan]

"I'm confused, how did you get here? Did you come for Mikochi?" [Edge]

"This might seem confusing but I am serving under Fubuki-sama and the A-chan that you met at Sike Mura is designated to serve Miko-sama."[A-chan]

"What?" [Edge]

"Anyways, there's another A-chan serving under Mio-sha here. You can learn more about it from A-chan herself afterward." [Fubuki]

Fubuki wearing black full-rimmed glasses and formal attire interjected impatiently so that she could start the class.

I was given a notebook to write down important points of the lesson along with writing tools. Fubuki went ahead and drew wind, water, earth, space, fire in the shape of a pentagram

She brushed the chalk on her fingers and began explaining.


She spoke at an incredible pace, I could only hear the important parts of it and tried to connect the dots using them to theorize what I didn't catch. Before I manage to write down anything, Fubuki stopped.

"That'll be all, are there any questions?" [Fubuki]

I am in a daze but I did catch her saying there's something unique about space.

"So, why are abilities categorized under space more similar to each other?" [Edge]

"Sensei !" [Fubuki]

"Im... sorry Fubuki sensei..."[Edge]

The atmosphere turns stale and Fubuki simply replied

"Good, do you want the longer explanation or the shorter explanation?" [Fubuki]

I would like to take the long thorough explanation but knowing her ability to talk as fast as lightning I knew what I had to go with.

"...., short one please sensei..." [Edge]

"Space could relate to dimension or the image of it, both of them stems from the user's mind. The other name for space is mind itself, which means mental related skills are a part of space. So when someone is categorized having space abilities they can either do mental attacks or dimensional manipulation which is very rare." [Fubuki]

I suddenly remembered what Calli told me about Polka's ability.

"Like Polka?" [Edge]

"Oh you've met her, that saves up some explanations." [Fubuki]

"Skills can grow and eventually it reaches a point where it is indiscernible from the original skill. Mio-sha's skill showcased tremendous growth in raw strength within a short period of time. In my case, the manipulation of water became manipulation of ice after the skill was passed down for a few millennia." [Fubuki]

"How do they change with time sensei?" [Edge]

"Take Polka as an example, It was believed that the skill was originally just a mental skill that could bolster the effect of euphoria in the minds of others. Eventually, it became an illusion that could project the affected individual's desire, and finally, it could turn the projection of Polka's circus in her dimension real, unlike an illusion. "[Fubuki]

"What's the cause for the growth sensei." [Edge]

"It's on a case by case basis, but the owners of skills that are hereditary have found their way to pass on and grow their skills with methods that are kept in secret. " [Fubuki]

"Then is it okay to reveal Polka's skill to me sensei? " [Edge]

"It's because I believe in her ability to reduce any threats that might find her." [Fubuki]

For Polka to receive such high praise from Fubuki, it seems I underestimated her too much to only see her as a clumsy and kind performer. It seems that Fubuki also doesn't think too highly of me and sees me not as a threat to her.

"That'll be all, if there's anything you need you can ask A-chan for it. We will start with Ki in the afternoon." [Fubuki]

To surmise the 5 elements are just a way to categorize abilities under each element and it's basically useless to use them to guess a person's abilities based on which element they're categorized under. The class was short but at least I had learned the way a skill can grow and what it could grow into using Polka's example. However, this makes me realized that does that means the skill changes completely from the previous and it became so different as if there's no relation between the first and the final form of the skill. If all the stages are part of the growth wouldn't that mean that all the previous attributes of the skill should be kept or a new skill was simply generated by using the old skill as a foundation?

It's afternoon, I was told to meet Fubuki outside the training grounds by A-chan. There she stood in the blizzard like a dazzling figure under the dim sunlight.

"You stink boy." [Fubuki]

"I'm sorry, it's a mark given by Calli." [Edge]

"I know. enough talk, let's start." [Fubuki]

A-chan came next to Fubuki and pulled out a piece of paper in the blizzard with the same 5 elements diagram she showed me in the afternoon.

"It's the same thing but they matter this time." [Fubuki]

"Okay..." [Edge]

"Allow me to explain Ki, It's an internal energy that flows within us, however, it could be also used externally which is what people call magic." [Fubuki]

"Oo.." [Edge]

"Basically the five element diagram here simply represents the 4 different manifestations of Ki that we could manipulate-."[Fubuki]

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Sensei but where's the fifth?" [Edge]

"Thanks for interrupting me because I was just about to get into it Edge, maybe next time you should listen to it until the end ok? " [Fubuki]

Fubuki let off a menacing smile that churns my guts, I feel that I'm in danger.

"I...I..I'm sorry Sensei." [Edge]

I looked at the floor to avoid looking at her out of fear. Fubuki let out a breath and decided to go on with her explanation.

"Anyways, the fifth element of space is the prerequisite element that is necessary for anyone to even acquire the ability to manifest any of the elements in the diagram. "[Fubuki]

"Space is the mind, you need to have the capacity for the elements in order to use them and the mind to transform Ki into the elements."[Fubuki]

"I understand sensei! So I just need to have a good imagination?"[Edge]

Fubuki seemingly annoyed replied

"That would be an understatement."[Fubuki]

"But we could try it your way."[Fubuki]

Fubuki smirked and thought of something.

"Take off your outer clothing boy."[Fubuki]

I excitedly removed my jacket and scarf thinking that I'm going to make progress on day one.

"What's next sensei?" [Edge]

"Do it, What you understood earlier." [Fubuki]


"You have 15 minutes before you freeze to death, Imagine the element of fire using that mind of yours and manifest the Ki of that element so you wouldn't die." [Fubuki]

"Wait, how do I manifest Ki?"[Edge]

"Let me give you a hint. First, you need to sense the flow of Ki in your body. And to manifest heat, you should give yourself a good rub to keep your body warm." [Fubuki]

"HUH? But...but how?"[Edge]

"Follow through and you'll see what lies at the end!"[Fubuki]

"You will continue training in this way until you can last in this blizzard for an hour"[Fubuki]

"That's impossible!" [Edge]

"You don't know that until you try it, not everything should be handed on a silver platter for you so stop acting like a spoiled kid." [Fubuki]

Fubuki turns back and walks out of the training grounds. She yelled at Edge

"If you can't do it you could at least use the time to reflect on yourself. HAHAHAHA" [Fubuki]

Just as she said, I couldn't do anything to last for an hour. I tried running to maintain body heat but I only managed to pass out in front of A-Chan.

"Damn it..." [Edge]


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