
Kuroko No Basket Time Is Now

I'm just not going to put it on Hiatus like the previous author so basically like a build on of Rebirth in KurokoNoBasket

GodTypist · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

New Life

It had been four years since our protagonist reincarnated in the world of Kuroko NO Basket. The time spent as a newborn and an infant was tough. An infant's eyesight only worked when the object is eight to twelve inches away and, all he could do was stare at his mother or father when they held him in their arms which for the record felt extremely comfortable because of the gentle body heat that kept him all warm and fuzzy, other problems were no control over his bowels, crying whenever he was hungry, and his head which even if slightly off from the optimal position caused intolerable discomfort because his neck was still not developed enough to support his head.

He learned the language extremely quickly which he attributed to the fast adapting brain of a baby, he learned, that his name was Yukimura Shin( the last name comes first). His mother was a nutritionist, his father was the owner of a local gym, swimming pool facility, and had his clinic where he worked as a physiotherapist.

Shin's daily routine as a child was quite simple; he would wake up in the morning, to join his mother to practice yoga and go to school, his school transport would drop him off at his father's clinic where he would do his homework and then his father would drop him off at the basketball camp, the camp doubled as a place where working parents could leave their children. Shin's father then would pick him up on his way home and then he would spend time with his family, all the meals in his family were prepared and cooked by his mother who was quite strict and didn't tolerate any picky eating habits, but at the same time, she was an excellent home cook. Shin; s parents would divide the work equally, and they taught him from an early age to be responsible, and he was responsible for setting the table, packing his bag on his own, taking out the clothes that he would wear the next day, etc.

Just like that, it was time for Shin to enter elementary school. Shin was tall for his age and looked very cute; he had silver hair and deep red eyes. Shin would always think that how all the members of Generation of Miracles had special hair color (including Momoi Satsuki; Manager) and how Haizaki Shògo lost his unique hair color when he quit playing basketball in middle school.

Sports clubs at the elementary school level were for fu and only met once a week. So Shin continued to go to the basketball camp, but now he played and practiced with kids older than him as playing with kids his age was quite boring.

Even when he learned everything that the camp had to offer he continued to go to the camp as there were advantages such as a large number of basketballs, baskets at the height for junior high students, and his parents would be relieved that he was not alone at home and was under an adult's care.

He attend many mini-tournaments in the camp, and his team never in skill between him and other kids was too huge. He started to hold back a little on offense and started to focus more on defense and passing which made the games more interesting for him as the defense and passing which made the games more interesting for him as the defense took more effort than scoring and passing the ball accurately he could increase his field of vision and on-court awareness. Of course, once in a while, he became frustrated when his teammates made silly mistakes, and he had to hold himself back from becoming a ball hog and score all the points himself.

During the years, Shin worked on becoming ambidextrous, his ability; God-Speed Impulse and his young age had a big role that he was able to perform any task from both of his hands. A child's rain is extremely adaptable and would pick up things quickly, a study in which a child and an adult were asked to learn how to ride a modified bicycle, which had its handles reserved if your turn the handle left it would go to the right and vice-versa, the result was that the child was able to learn the modified bicycle much faster than the adult which was also the case for Shin.

[SmarterEveryDay: The Backwards Brain Bicycle - Smarter Every Day 133]

Shin finally understood the greatness of the internet and youtube as he could learn moves streetball moves from tutorial videos, Shin decided that he would mix the style to give birth to his very own form of basketball, he was taking a different route from Kise Ryota, who had to push himself to play like other Miracles, what Shin was trying to do was to aging different cogs which he would be able to fit together to form a smooth working machine.

Shin wanted to create an original style that was unique to him, and with Perfect Copy and God-Speed Impulse, he would be able to achieve that and be able to play at a high level throughout the entirety of the game.

With such an aim the years passed, and time for entering middle school came, and thus we arrived at the start line of our stary.