
Chapter 142 : Tetsuya #2, Seirin's New Member!

Riko could only sigh tiredly, looking at the six players in front of her with a headache.

"God.. What should I do with you a bunch of idiots?" She muttered.

"Well.." Koganei as the loudmouth of the team trying to speak, looking at her sheepishly. "How can we not train hard after watching the last game? The momentum is quite right to do some internal competition.."

His words were echoed by the other five who nodded in agreement. However, they all cringed at the furious glare they received from the girl. Several players who were not involved with the game earlier snickered from behind, trying to hold their laughter. Fortunately, Riko didn't have eagle eyes like Izuki, or she would be able to see them mocking the six players in front of her, and the consequences would be dire.

After messaging her temple for a while, Riko took a deep breath once again before saying, "Forget it.. I am glad everyone is motivated, but you've got to last all day during our formal training time! Be careful not to wreck your body from overtraining, okay?"

Seeing that Riko didn't have the intention to bring it up again, they all let out a relieved breath while bobbing their heads comically like a flock of parrots.

"Yeah, you are right!"

"We will be more careful in the future!"

"Yeah! It would be bad if we got injured right now!"

"But the winter tournament is close, though…" Kagami suddenly chimed in. "If we don't train hard and improve in this period of time, we won't be able to touch the Generation of Miracles at all. Either we do it and kill them all, or we can stay still as a loser. There is no between those two, and I think we can agree on what choice we want to make, right?"

Hearing Kagami's words, everyone turned solemn, determination burned in their eyes. For the first time on this day, Riko showed a bright smile as she huffed a little, a bit exasperated by her players' sudden excitement.

'Sometimes, Kagami-kun had a way with his word and could motivate them all instantly. But I swear they all are a bunch of kids. It is like I am their nanny instead of their coach…'

Riko shook her head, trying to regain her focus.

"Okay, since the six of you played earlier, you will be responsible for cleaning it up later. For now, let's gather first."

The six players who were mentioned groaned at the same time, eliciting chuckles from the others. However, they had no way to protest, as they all knew it was indeed their fault.

"Hey, have any of you seen Kuroko today?" Kagami suddenly asked. At that time they just realized, that the most invisible player on the team hadn't arrived yet. However, as it was arranged by the God, Kuroko suddenly appeared from behind right when they were about to find him.

"Good morning.."

"GYAH!" His sudden appearance startled everyone else for a second. "Don't just pop up in front of us like that, okay?! Do you want to give us a heart attack?" Hyuga complained.

"But I have been here for five minutes already…" Kuroko replied, still with his flat expression. Hyuga twitched his mouth in annoyance, not knowing whether Kuroko did this intentionally or not.

"Forget it." After a while, the captain waved his hand. "Why are you late today? You usually came earlier than everyone, so this is not like you."

Yeah, since he trained the basic skills with Furihata back then, Kuroko would always be the first one to come to the gym. It seems he gained his love of basketball again after touching the ball more often.

Not saying that he would abandon his ghostly playing style, but it was nice to have more options rather than just disappearing and appearing in a blink like a ghost. That's probably why Kuroko was motivated to improve his basic skills, and that's why it is rare for him to be late for training.

"Well, it is because I got this." Out of nowhere, Kuroko suddenly showed up a small box where a small dog was waging his tail happily, looking at them with cute doe eyes. It took them a few seconds to react before they all came to the same thought.



"So, you found this stray dog in the park nearby and decided to bring it here, huh?" Hyuga nodded at Kuroko's explanation. "Well.. That makes sense, I guess."

"I think the dog likes you, Kuroko-kun!" Koganei snickered as he saw the little dog climb into Kuroko's shoulder, playing with his blue hair while looking at the other Seirin players carefully.

"But what are we going to do about this dog?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Yeah. It is not a sin to just ignore it along the road. But once we've taken it in, it is bad to turn it away." Hyuga messaged his temple, having a headache about this dog.

"Hey, everyone, wait a second." Izuki suddenly spoke. "Don't you think you are a bit familiar with this dog?"


At first, they don't know what Izuki is talking about. However, when they met the dog's clear blue eyes, they indeed felt those eyes were similar. It was not until their eyes fell to Kuroko's lazy eyes that they widened their eyes in a shocking realization.



"Damn, we are getting emotionally attracted to it, already!"

"Puppy! From today onwards, your name is Tetsuya #2!" Koganei exclaimed with shining eyes.

"Don't give it a name!" Hyuga complained. "Now we really cannot turn it back onto the street anymore!"

"Wait a second, everyone!" Kiyoshi raised his hand, gaining the other's attention. "There is something else that I noticed…" Seeing the solemn expression on Kiyoshi's face, they turned serious, waiting for the center to speak. "Well… What is Kagami doing there?"

When everyone followed Kiyoshi's gaze, they found out the red-haired boy trembled in the corner of the gym, trying so hard to not get noticed by everyone. And when they all realized why Kagami tried to hide, a burst of laughter broke in the gym.


"Kagami-kun, are you afraid of dogs?!"


"You weakling! We thought you were a tiger when you first arrived!"

"Yeah! Tiger, don't succumb to the little puppy like this!"

"I never said I was a tiger!"

"Kagami-kun, please don't say that.." Kuroko suddenly spoke again, gaining Kagami's attention.


"Look here.. It's so cute, right?" He offered the dog to Kagami and kept chasing the red-haired boy who tried so hard to run away.

"Stay away, damn it!" Kagami cried comically. "Damn, Kuroko! Stop it, or I'll kill you afterward!"

Everyone had sweat dropped at their interaction, they had the same thought, 'He did it on purpose!'

Furihata who hasn't spoken anything about it suddenly noticed the wrong state of his coach. When he looked carefully, he noticed Riko had her face red and her body trembling as if she were holding something. Furihata was about to ask what was wrong before the girl suddenly snatched the dog from Kuroko's hand with shiny eyes.

"Puppy!" Riko exclaimed in delight, lifting the dog into the air. "Oh, you are such a cutie! Who is a good dog? Yeah, you! Aaaw!" Hearing Riko's high-pitched baby-like voice, everyone had sweat dropped again, not expecting their calm and cool-headed coach would act so coquettish like this.

"Yeah, we cannot abandon it anymore.." Kiyoshi said with a flat face. "We have to figure out how to take care of it later."

Hyuga let out a deep sigh, knowing that it was time for him to take charge.

"Okay, everyone. Let's do the vote. Hands up for those who want to keep it in our club." Unexpectantly, almost everyone raised their hands up, couldn't resist the charm of such a cute dog. "And who is against the idea?" From the corner of the gym, Kagami raised his trembling hand slowly, triggering another round of chuckles from the other.

"You want to abandon this dog for a second time?" Kuroko asked with depressed eyes, holding the dog who had a similar expression.

"Don't look at me with those two pairs of identical eyes! You will not fool me, Kuroko!" Kagami sweated a lot, still eyeing the dog with a frightened expression. "You cannot force me to take care of this dog! Back when I was a kid in the States, a gigantic dog bit me in the ass! And this dog will do the same too, you have to believe me!"

Seeing the frightened Kagami, Furihata decided to take pity on him and poured the cold water into the team.

"Well, senpai.. We are a basketball club. Taking care of this dog would take up a lot of time, and I am sure the school wouldn't allow us to keep it here, right?"

"Well…" Riko feels troubled for a second. Indeed, what Furihata said is right. However, seeing the pitiful eyes of Kuroko and the dog, she didn't have the heart to reject it. "Kuroko-kun…."

"Well, I can see Furihata-kun's point." Kuroko nodded. "Don't worry. I will take care of its living conditions. But can I bring the dog to the training?"

"Just don't let this get in the way of our practice, okay?"

"Don't worry. I will ensure it doesn't get in the way." Kuroko nodded. Hearing that agreement, everyone took a relieved sigh, still not ready to take part in the cute dog. However, there is one person who is not happy with that decision, and it is Kagami who looks at the dog with stink eyes.

'Why did it turn out like this…?'


Kagami's nightmare that was supposed to end after the small game this morning was continued due to the pressure he received from the dog who stands by outside of the court, looking at the game as if it could understand it. Even though the dog itself didn't do anything out of the ordinary, hell, it didn't even bark out loud, but the PTSD Kagami suffered whenever he met a dog was enough to mess up his game.


"Come on, Kagami!" Everyone booed the red-haired boy. "Why are you so bad today?"

"Shut up!" Kagami roared angrily. "It is because of the dog! It messed up my game!"

"Who are you trying to convince, Red?" Furihata joined the fun, asking Kagami with a mocking tone. "Don't forget we played against each other this morning, and you have already been this bad. Just admit it, you lost your touch today."

"Shut up, you bastard!" Kagami gritted his teeth, wanting to punch the smug smile on Furihata's face. "Just wait there and see!"

Unfortunately, it seems today was not a good day for the power forward. No matter how hard he tried, except for a breakthrough layup and dunk, all of his shots failed to go into the basket. To make it worse, Kuroko would always try to sneak the dog and force him to communicate with it at every chance possible, worsening his mood. After a while, Kagami finally had enough.

"ENOUGH!" He roared out loud. "We cannot keep this dog here! It pooped into my sneaker!"

'It is getting worse!' Everyone thought the same. However, they couldn't blame Kagami. If Tetsuya #2 only watched and barked from the outside of the court, it would be okay. But to mess up with Kagami's sneakers, it was a bit over the top.

But they didn't have a chance to say anything, as Kagami walked out of the gym angrily, not giving a shit about the other. Riko could only sigh tiredly before turning her head to the troublesome blue-haired boy.


"Don't worry, I will talk to him." Kuroko nodded, picking up the dog and followed Kagami outside. However, that didn't reassure the other, though. Instead, it only makes everyone worried.

"He still brings the dog to Kagami-kun? Will it be okay?"

"Don't worry about it." Furihata replied. "This kind of dog is a bit too friendly toward humans, and it thought Red's frightened behavior was an invitation to play. It would pester him up until one of them gives up, so it is better to resolve this as quickly as possible."

"Eh, you know this kind of dog?" Hyuga asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"Um." Furihata slides his phone before giving it to the team. "This is a pomsky dog, a crossbreed between Pomeranian and Siberian husky. These are the kind of overly social animals who will never be afraid of humans, so they won't attack you out of nowhere. And don't you think Red's dislike toward the dog is a bit overboard? This would be a good chance for him to learn how to control his emotions better."

Everyone was dumbfounded at Furihata's nonchalant way of explaining how it would benefit Kagami while pushing him down toward the pit before they all chuckled wryly at Furihata. Inwardly though, they vowed to themselves they would not provoke Furihata out of necessity, or his revenge would be terrible.

After a while, Kuroko finally came back, but without bringing the dog with him.

"Kuroko-kun, where is Tetsuya #2?"

"Oh, I left him outside with Kagami-kun," Kuroko replied simply. However, this stunned everyone else for a second, before they all rushed toward Kuroko in panic.

"Are you kidding?!"

"Kuroko-kun, why are you so reckless?!"

"What if Kagami-kun killed him? This is horrible!"

"Screw it! Let's save the dog!"

They all ran outside, just to be stopped by Kuroko. Before they could ask questions, they were hushed by the blue-haired boy, asking them to keep silent while peeping Kagami from their spot. There, they could see Kagami rubbing the dog's head gently even with a reluctant expression. However, as time went by, they all could see the red-haired boy started to enjoy it as the dog itself wiggling happily toward him.

"He is such a dad." Furihata couldn't help but mutter. "Didn't want to have a dog near him, but once the dog came, he was the one who cared the most. Such a tsundere dad."

All of them rolled their eyes at the same time, knowing that it was a sarcastic comment. However, they choose to keep silent, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere between the man and the dog. After a while, Riko suddenly let out a wide smile as an idea popped into her head.

"I have decided!" She exclaimed. "Tetsuya #2 would be the new member and the mascot of our team!"

A silence dropped onto the team, as everyone was too shocked at her impulsive decision. However, when it finally sunk into their heads, they only had one reaction.



Author note :

If you want to support me more, you can visit my Patreon page on patreon(.)com/ZetaFaes

You can read this fanfiction up to chapter 162 on that page. Also, you can read my other fanfiction, Diamond no Ace: The Prince of Hitter up to chapter 22 too.

Thank you! :)

-Zeta Faes-