
Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

This story is being rewritten. All the chapters with (Edited) on them have already been rewritten and edited. I also advise all the old readers to go back and read it again. A lot of things have changed. ... What would happen if Shinji Koganei started playing basketball at a young age? Well, that's what we're discussing in this story. It is just that this Koganei has memories of his past life and improved physical talent. How would such a man fare against talented players like the generation of miracles, Shinichi Maki, Hisashi Mitsui, and Kenji Natsume? I guess we're about to find out.

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46 Chs

Basketball Camp. (3)

The Patreon page is now live! Unlock early access to multiple chapters every week, with posts scheduled from Monday to Friday.

I'm back, so let's resume our already-established publishing schedule. In webnovel, I will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

Here's the link: patreon.com/user?u=76259148

If the link doesn't work, search for this username: The_Omnipotent_Slayer

Also, participate in the free poll to help choose Koganei's love interest. You can help choose the story's female lead by heading to the Patreon page. Participating in the poll is free, so why not do it?





As the vibrant chatter of the camp members continued within the restaurant, Koganei found himself finishing his meal earlier than the rest. With a polite excuse, he rose from the table, excusing himself from the ongoing conversations. However, before making his way out of the restaurant, he decided to pay his respects to the trio of Yoshimune, Anzai, and Anton, who occupied a table nearby.

Approaching them with a respectful demeanor, Koganei greeted the trio, expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the camp.

The three of them reciprocated the greeting, acknowledging Koganei's performance in the Finals.

Yoshimune, with a stern yet approving expression, remarked, "Your performances during the Finals caught our attention. You were one of the first choices for this camp."

Thanking Yoshimune with a humble smile for his words of praise, Koganei suddenly remembered an important detail. "Excuse me for asking this question, but, may I know where we will be holding our training sessions?" He politely inquired explaining that he usually had a morning training routine he didn't want to disrupt.

The trio burst into laughter at the unexpected revelation. Anzai, who hadn't spoken until now, praised Koganei for his diligence and hard work. "Those traits are a must-have for any aspiring player," he added with a nod. He had seen a lot of players waste their God-given talents and do nothing with what was gifted to them. So, seeing such a hard-working and talented individual made him slightly happy. 

Of course, there was a chance that the teenager was lying to them and only hoped to impress them. However, seeing the boy's expression, they all crossed that thought off.

Politely acknowledging Coach Anzai's praise, Koganei looked at the trio with an expectant gaze, waiting for their response.

Fortunately for Koganei, Yoshimune, still amused, finally gave his consent. "Alright then, Anton, exchange phone numbers with Koganei and send him the address via private message." He said, looking at Anton, who was enjoying the interaction. 

Hearing those words, Koganei's face lit up with satisfaction as Anton and he quickly exchanged contact information. Thanking them once again, he expressed his appreciation before announcing that he needed to retire early for the night.

Nodding understandingly, Yoshimune advised Koganei to stop by the reception to get his room card before telling him to "Have a good night," as Koganei bowed slightly in gratitude and took his leave from the restaurant.

As Koganei made his way out of the restaurant, a triumphant self-praise echoed in his mind. While obtaining Anton's phone number wasn't his goal, he couldn't deny the significance of having the contact information of the personal assistant to a multi-billionaire.

A satisfied smile adorned his face as he made his way to the elevator, ready to conclude his evening.

Returning to the reception area, Koganei spotted Rei Sakamoto, the receptionist he had encountered earlier, engaged in conversation with one of her co-workers. Noticing that she wasn't occupied, he approached her with a polite smile, greeting her as he jokingly announced his return. Mrs. Sakamoto responded with a warm welcome, seemingly pleased to see him again.

Engaging in small talk, Sakamoto inquired about Koganei's dining experience, asking him how he found the food. Koganei, with a lighthearted tone, shared a positive comment about the meal before smoothly transitioning to the reason for his return to the lobby.

"I came to get my room card," he mentioned, his smile unwavering.

Mrs. Sakamoto nodded, and with a friendly demeanor, she proceeded to explain the details of the accommodation. She informed Koganei that he would be sharing the room with another participant, and it was equipped with two separate beds.

Koganei, looking somewhat suspicious, couldn't help but question why this information wasn't provided earlier when he had asked about the room arrangements. Mrs. Sakamoto, chuckling, swiveled the computer screen slightly, revealing that she was simply reading the information directly from the system.

"I'm just going by what's written here," she explained with a light laugh.

Shrugging off the oversight, Koganei continued the conversation with the receptionist as she processed the details on her computer. They exchanged a few more pleasantries, and once the process was complete, Koganei received his room card with gratitude.

"Thank you for your help," he expressed, tucking the card away securely.

With his room card in hand, Koganei headed toward the elevator once again, his mind buzzing with the events of the evening. 

A couple of seconds later, room 1204 stood before Koganei, and with a smooth swipe of the card he'd been provided, he unlocked the door and stepped into his temporary abode. The room welcomed him with a sense of spaciousness and tasteful decoration that caught his eye. Not one to pass up an opportunity, Koganei, camera in hand, decided to capture the essence of his new surroundings, conducting a meticulous room tour.

His camera moved gracefully, revealing each corner and detail—the neatly arranged furniture, the cozy ambiance, and the subtle touches that added character to the space. Koganei, in his element, showcased every nook and cranny with an enthusiastic commentary, capturing the essence of his first impressions.

Once the impromptu room tour concluded, Koganei turned his attention to the practical aspects of settling in. He efficiently stowed his suitcase in the closet, each movement reflecting a sense of familiarity and routine born from his previous life experiences as a basketball player and frequent traveler. The room, now ready to accommodate his stay, awaited the next chapter of his journey.

Feeling the need to refresh himself after the day's activities, Koganei made his way to the shower. The cascading water served as a welcome respite, washing away the remnants of travel and invigorating him for the days ahead. Emerging from the shower, he changed into comfortable clothes, the fabric a testament to the familiarity of routines ingrained in his daily life.

Seated on the room's couch, Koganei decided to make a call to his family, updating them on his safe arrival and settling into the camp. The warm exchange with his loved ones provided a sense of connection amidst the newness of his surroundings. With the call concluded, Koganei felt contentment settling over him—a blend of familiarity, anticipation, and the promise of exciting experiences.

Around 30 minutes later, as he was still seated and reflecting on the day, the sound of a key turning in the lock caught his attention. The door swung open, revealing an individual almost as tall as Koganei, who now stood at an impressive 180 cm. A smile effortlessly spread across Koganei's face upon recognizing the familiar features. It was none other than Akira Sendoh, Teppei Kiyoshi's teammate from Shoei Junior High.


As the door swung open, Akira Sendou's face lit up as he entered Room 1204. Spotting Koganei seated on the couch, Sendou's expression bloomed with genuine happiness. With a demeanor that was both pleased and composed, he approached Koganei, extending a hand in a gesture of camaraderie.

"Hello, I'm Akira Sendou. Nice to meet you," Sendou greeted, his voice carrying a friendly tone.

Koganei reciprocated the gesture, rising from the couch to shake Sendou's hand. "Shinji Koganei. A pleasure to meet you too. Kiyoshi mentioned you quite a bit, and spoke highly of your skills."

A warm smile lingered on Sendou's face as he scratched the back of his head modestly. "He likes to exaggerate a bit. I still have a lot to learn." He responded, aware of Kiyoshi's personality.

The exchange of pleasantries seamlessly transitioned into the unpacking of suitcases. Sendou, allowing Koganei to lend a hand. Amidst the folding of clothes and arranging of belongings, the two engaged in a steady stream of conversation.

As they talked to each other and got familiar with each other, Sendou started opening up a little, showing his personality more and more. At one point, the teenager revealed how he had learned a lot from Koganei.

Koganei, curious about Sendou's statement, decided to delve into the topic. "How did you end up learning from me?"

Sendou's trademark smile adorned his face as he began to explain. He mentioned having watched Koganei's video analysis of the game between Sendou's team, Shoei Junior High, and the formidable Teiko. Koganei's meticulous breakdown of the multiple passing opportunities that would've most likely led to easy points caught Sendou's attention. At first, he was irked, not understanding what Koganei was talking about.

However, he was still intrigued as Koganei convincingly explained each situation. So, Sendou decided to pay more attention to those aspects of the game, and that change in mindset significantly enhanced his effectiveness on the court. The newfound awareness even led to his coach considering transitioning him to the Point Guard position.

Listening to Sendou recount this transformation, Koganei couldn't help but look at the teenager with a hint of admiration. "That's impressive. Not everyone can take constructive criticism and turn it into improvement." As a former trainer involved in helping players improve, Koganei knows how stubborn the new generation of players was. Once they grew comfortable in a spot, it was hard to make them change, even if that change would make them significantly improve. So, for Sendou to take the criticism and improve on the identified weakness was remarkable.

Shaking his head, Sendou's gratitude was evident as he expressed, "I'm truly thankful for the insights. I plan to keep watching those videos. There's always something to learn. So, please don't stop making them."

The conversation between Koganei and Sendou continued to flow effortlessly, weaving through multiple topics of basketball, shared experiences, and their respective thoughts on the sport. As the evening wore on, a sense of familiarity blossomed between the two players.

Eventually, fatigue set in, signaling the end of their animated conversation. They prepared for a night's rest, each with the promise of the upcoming days of training.




The morning sun had yet to cast its full glow on the cityscape as Koganei stirred from his sleep at 5 in the morning. Casting a careful glance at his still-sleeping roommate, Akira Sendou, Koganei made a conscious effort to minimize any disturbance as he prepared for the day ahead.

Silently slipping into his training attire, Koganei moved with deliberate grace, avoiding any unnecessary noise that might disrupt Sendou's peaceful slumber. The clock on the bedside table silently ticked away as Koganei gathered his belongings and made his way toward the door, gently closing it behind him.

The air outside carried a serene stillness as Koganei navigated the early morning streets, the city awakening gradually to the promise of a new day. Anton's message from the previous evening had provided the address of the nearby basketball gym, a mere 300 meters down the street from the hotel. Koganei took his time, absorbing the cityscape as he strolled toward the training venue.

Upon reaching the gym, he noticed that the door was already ajar. A sense of anticipation and eagerness accompanied him as he entered the quiet space, expecting to find others engaged in early-morning training. To his surprise, the gym stood empty, devoid of the bustling energy he had anticipated. Undeterred, Koganei decided to embrace the solitude and commence his morning training routine.

Dribbling the basketball with rhythmic precision, executing precise shots, and engaging in agility drills, Koganei immersed himself in the solitary rhythm of the gym. The echoes of each bounce reverberated against the walls, a testament to the dedication that fueled his early-morning practice.

As the sun gradually painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Koganei concluded his solitary training session. A satisfied smile played on his lips as he exited the gym, content with the fruitful start to his day.

Returning to his room around an hour later, Koganei proceeded to freshen up with a shower. With the clock ticking and the morning progressing, he gently roused Sendou from his sleep. The day ahead held a schedule that demanded punctuality, and Koganei wanted to ensure they were prepared.

The morning air still held a touch of coolness as Sendou, despite his initial grogginess, managed to ready himself in time to join Koganei on their way to the restaurant. With a sense of shared purpose, the two of them navigated the halls of the hotel, their footsteps echoing in the early morning silence.

The restaurant welcomed them with the comforting aroma of breakfast, and the duo, being among the first to arrive, secured a spot to fuel up for the day. Conversations were hushed, the anticipation of the upcoming training sessions casting a quiet focus over the group. A shared meal later, they descended to the lobby, where a palpable sense of eagerness lingered in the air.

Standing amidst the lobby's polished ambiance, Koganei and Sendou patiently waited as their fellow participants trickled in, each taking their time with breakfast. Around 30 minutes later, the lobby became a bustling congregation of all 30 camp members, their varied expressions hinting at a mix of excitement and determination.

As the group gathered, a figure clad in coaching attire approached them. It was one of Coach Anzai's assistant coaches, a seasoned individual who exuded an air of authority and experience. The assistant coach, with a nod signaling the commencement of the day's proceedings, directed the group to follow him.

The collective steps of the players echoed through the hotel's lobby as they made their way out of the Hotel. The morning sunlight bathed the surroundings, infusing the atmosphere with a subtle warmth. The group, led by the assistant coach, traversed the familiar path toward the gym where Koganei had diligently practiced earlier in the morning.

As they approached the gym, the anticipation heightened. The rhythmic sounds of sneakers against the pavement resonated, creating a symphony of determination. Mitsuyoshi Anzai and his coaching staff awaited the group, ready to impart their knowledge and guide the aspiring players through the challenging yet rewarding journey ahead.

The gym doors swung open, revealing the court bathed in the glow of daylight streaming through large windows. The echoes of bouncing basketballs and the murmur of conversations filled the space, creating an electric ambiance. The players, their expressions a mix of focus and excitement, took their places on the court, ready to absorb the wisdom and guidance that awaited them.