
Kurokawa Izana x Reader : Safe Haven

"I will protect you with all my life because you're my only family" turned into.. "You are nothing but a woman I use to pass time, I can replace you anytime." He broke her but she stayed. She stayed until she can't take it anymore until her own comfort breaks her. She gave her best but he just let her. "I love you Izana... But not the way I used to

Roxanna_Agreste · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter : 7

You almost covered your ears because of the unpleasing loud music inside the club. You frowned, Seriously why the hell am I here? You thought and glanced at Ran who's currently pouring you a drink.

A few hours ago...

"What do you mean clubbing Ran?" You asked confused, while Ran is in front of you with his handsome and smiling face.

"Let's go clubbing. It's been a week but you're still constantly spacing out. You need some new environment babe." He said and twirl your hair on his fingers.

"And a club would help me with that you say?"

"Yeah, and why don't you find a replacement?" He said casually making you look at him. I thought he likes me..? You thought while looking at him making him look back at you.

"Yes babe? Why are you staring at me?" He asked.

"Nothing." You replied. He leaned on your shoulder, "Why? Are you thinking about my confession?"

"W-What n—"

"That makes me happy then if you're thinking about it. But I'm afraid that you might not like me that's why just find another one. Divert your attention." He sincerely said and caressed your cheeks.

"I'm fine as long as you'll be fine. Don't worry about it." Ran said that made you lean on him.

"Why didn't I met you sooner? I should have just grew up with you.." You mumbled as tears fell from your eyes. Ran wrapped his arms around you and caressed your back.

"Then just use me to forget about him. I'll prefer it if you use me." He seriously said.

"N-No... How can I do that? Why would you say that?" You said while clutching his shirt. You're feeling bad for Ran, why would he choose to be like this?

He's so handsome and he looks like he can get any woman he wants. Why would he choose a broken woman like you? You just don't get him.

"Then just go clubbing with me and forget about your worries. Hm?" He offered because he doesn't want to drink with you at home. He might take advantage of you or force himself on you when he got drunk. He's afraid of that.

But while clubbing there are many diversions, he won't focus on you well that's what he thought.


"Come on y/n why are you so stiff?" Ran chuckled at you while you two are currently dancing, well just him, you're just frowning at Ran.

"I don't know how to dance you motherfucker!" You exclaimed at him and drank the liquor on the shot glass.

"Hey that's strong!" He said and was about to grab you but you took a step back making you bump into someone.

"Hey bi—" he was about to cuss at you but you turn to him and he was dumbfounded by your beautiful face. "I'm sorry for that." You politely said.

"N-No that's fine. You can bump to me anytime." He said and reached out his hand, "I'm—"

He was cut off by Ran who harshly brushed his hand away and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "Fuck off. Why are you flirting with my girlfriend?" He growled and glared at the man.

"Who's this girly looking dude?" The man asked while mockingly looking at Ran.

You sighed, you elbowed Ran's side to stop him from talking even more. "Hey mister. Why don't you shut your fucking mouth? You're contaminating the air. Don't insult my boyfriend because you might drop on the floor." You said with a glare.

Well, Izana taught you how to fight so you can actually make someone drop on the floor.

The man looked embarassed, "Y-You're not that pretty bitch!" He said before scramming.

You turned to Ran to see if he's still mad but he's looking at you while smiling, "Boyfriend huh?" He teasingly wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up. That's just to make him go away. And why are you sticking to me? You said I should find another diversion?" You said but he just shrugged.

"That was the sixth guy you scared Ran." You said with a glare but he just wrapped his arms above your shoulder as he move behind you. He placed his chin on your head.

"Can't be help. I can't seem to go away." He said and you just sighed as your eyes roam. You're actually looking for someone who could resemble Izana, well he might make you forget or you'll atleast get used to it.

Your eyes twinkle when you saw a glimpse of a man who has white hair, the crowd were covering him so you tiptoed making Ran's chin bump on your head.

"Hey ow! Why are you moving so much?" He asked with a frown but you didn't mind him as your eyes chased the man who has white hair.

The people were getting fewer making you see the man who own a white hair. Your heart throbbed, he was sitting on a couch crossing his legs while spreading his arms. He has four women surrounding him, pouring him a drink and touching him.

You just stood there frozen, you didn't thought that you'll see Izana here.

Ran felt you've gone stiffed, "Hey y/n what happened?" He asked but you just looked at Izana, he seems to feel your gaze so he turned to you, your eyes met.

Your tears fell from your eyes, it's been a week since you saw him.. He's still the same as ever, looks proud and handsome. And what hurts the most is that he seems unaffected of your break up. It looks like you are the only one who's still caught up and hurt.

Ran was alarmed when he felt your tears fell on his arm, he glanced at the direction you're looking at. Ran covered your eyes, "Y/n.. Don't cry here. You got me. Don't cry." He whispered while covering your eyes but your tears didn't stop.

"R-Ran.. L-Let me talk to Izana.. J-Just for a while. I want t-to talk to him for a while... I miss him." You murmured. You wanna hear his voice. Despite of being hurt you still want to approach him, hug him, hear his voice and feel his warmth.

Izana looked at the two of you, he stood up because he also want to approach you and coax you to comeback to him but the moment that he stood up Ran got in front of you and cupped your cheeks before kissing your lips.

You tried to push him away, "Ran! Izana is the—" he cut you off by biting your lower lip.

He seriously looked at you, "It's me who's in front of you. Why are you chasing a man who's constantly hurting you while I am here willing to give you my everything? Why won't you look at me?" He asked, pain were audible on his voice.

You and the people around you were startled when Izana rushed to your direction and punched Ran. "Hey Haitani, how dare you touch her?!" Izana exclaimed angrily before turning to you making you flinch.

"Hah." He scoffed, "Did he make you forget y/n? Is he good, that's why you're not coming back—"

Ran also throw a fist at Izana that you really didn't expect. "Don't you dare talk to y/n like that." Ran were also angry.

Izana was about to attack him again but you got in between. "Stop. Izana, Ran stop." You said and looked at Izana. The moment you saw his face up close, you can't help your tears from falling.

"I... I missed you. But I can clearly see that you didn't miss me Izana." You hurtfully mumbled and glanced at the sit where he come from. There are the girls who's waiting for him.

"Y-You didn't even miss me.. Y-You're not even hurt. Do you sleep with them?" You asked and bit your lower lip.


"N-No don't answer." You cut him off afraid of his reply. "J-Just stay well and p-please don't forget to eat and sleep properly. I hope they are treating you better. B-Bye." You said before grabbing Ran's wrist and pulling him outside.

It was raining but you didn't care and Ran just let you drag him. Your knees weakened so Ran immediately caught you and you just cried on his arms while raining.

"A-Am I that worthless Ran?" You asked while crying.

His hug on you tightened, "No... I won't punch the man I admire if you're worthless." He whispered.

You sobbed, "I-Izana was not like that... W-Why did he change? I hate it that I am the only one who's so caught up. I hate him! I hate myself! I hate myself that I can't stop loving him..." You mumbled before losing consciousness out of shock.

Ran felt you lose strength making him alarmed, "Y/n? Hey, y/n?!" He looked at you and he was relieved when he saw that you're only sleeping.

He carried you on his arms and kissed your forehead. "You should have just use me to forget about him, so you won't cry like this anymore. You're hurting me even more when you're like this.."