
Kurokawa clan

A boy down on his luck is reborn in the world of naruto only a few years from the founding of Konoha, will he be read https://www.patreon .com/lunático1995

Luna1995 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The massacre

The next day we left for the village of the Satomi clan, it was almost impossible for them not to detect such a large troop movement.

But apparently the Hyuga clan ninjas eliminated the sentries, they could not hide to warn the village.

The fate of the Satomi clan had already been played, and they had lost, but they did not know it yet.

According to the strategy marked by Lord Hiromasa before launching ourselves against the village we would first surround it, the order was not to let anyone leave here alive.

Our location was the north side of the fence and there we hid waiting for the signal.

I could hear the laughter of children playing, until suddenly.

An explosion started the massacre of the Satomi clan.

Hundreds of shuriken and Kunais flew as well as long-range Jutsus.

Houses began to catch fire, and bodies began to litter the streets.

The Ninjas of the Satomi Clan, fought with all their strength, the Hyuga had no mercy, and by order of Lord Kano, we began to participate in this cruel act.

Using the Katon: Karyū Endan I started the fire to the north side of the village, Kento and Yori advanced to take advantage of the Jutsu to kill distracted enemies, but when we met civilians we could not kill them, they were children and women.

An instant later an explosion originated in the same place where the civilians were, the person responsible for the killing was Fudo, who did not hesitate for a second.

Another person appeared right in front of me, but I could only see his back.

Lord Kano: "Next time I hope you won't hesitate."

He said it with a disappointed tone, which I hadn't heard since the trainings, immediately after that he disappeared the same way he arrived.

I didn't want to get involved in this massacre.

Kento: "Aki, a seriously wounded man, ask for your help".

I could tell he wanted to leave too.

Aki: "Let's go"

When I arrived the wounded man was a Hyuga, he had a sword pierced all over his belly and blood was pouring out of him, Naoki tried to stop the bleeding, but it was impossible for his level.

If he didn't act fast he would bleed to death.

- "Divine Restoration"

The characteristic stripes of the Jutsu appeared on the Hyuga's body, and I started to control the Chakra quickly closing the wound, I had to repair the stomach and liver, that would take a few seconds.

But just like all the ninja that need me to use this technique on them, he became unconscious.

When I looked up to indicate the success of the operation, I realized that there were too many Hyuga around me, did they want to see the technique, or was this ninja someone important?

But my thoughts were dispelled by another voice with a tone of urgency.

Yori: "Hurry Aki, we have another injured one."

Today will be a busy day, I supposed, but I would rather be using all my Chakra than be the direct cause of all this suffering, there were bodies of women and children lying around the streets of the village, and there weren't many Satomi Clan ninja left.

They were caught off guard, they didn't have their gear on and the few that did were wiped out early on, those that went to arm themselves came out too late to make any real difference.

It was a sorry scene


The massacre lasted thirty minutes more, I decided to retreat with a portion of my field medics to check on the wounded and unconscious ninjas.

My medical tent, I had no dead, I had executed my mission with complete success.

Now I was writing small prescriptions or treatments that they should follow to finish recovering; until I noticed that several ninjas entered, it was Lord Hiromasa, he began to search among the wounded and it seems that he found him, I could see the concern in him.

Aki: "Greetings, Lord Hiromasa".

Lord Hiromasa: "I was told that you saved my son with your technique".

Aki: "Yes, he is stable for now, but he will be affected for several days by the intrusion of external Chakra into his system."

I stare as if in thought.

Lord Hiromasa: "You are certainly very young, but you are young and capable."

He said it by putting his hand on my shoulder.

Aki: "It's a pleasure to help an ally Lord Hiromasa."

I'm not sure what diplomacy was like at this time, but I'm sure in my world or here it was a good time to throw in the rope.

Lord Hiromasa: "Allies, yes it is true, between allies we must always seek to help each other."

He had a slight closed smile on his mouth, it meant that the clan achieved their goals.

Lord Hiromasa: "Your father is waiting for me for a meeting, if Haruki needs something special let the Hyuga guards know so they can get it, and thank you for continuing to take care of my son."

Now the concern made sense, it was his son and explains the white eyed guard on the battlefield as he healed him, Lord Hiromasa retreated with his guards.

Now it was calmer the clan would have its first alliance with a powerful ally like the Hyuga clan.

It was a nice moment of stability, but it was time to take advantage of the rich allies.

Aki: "Naoki, bring me the records of the recipes that are for the Hyuga ninja, don't let anyone notice."

He didn't seem to understand him why he was asking that, but he did it anyway.

I took it upon myself to remake them and start putting in medicinal herbs with not cheap costs, just one or the other so he wouldn't get suspicious.

Aki: "Naoki, have the Ninja's prescriptions, I don't have some of the medicines so ask the Hyuga Guards if they can get these for me."

Naoki again obeyed very calmly, he was a ninja and knew how to hide his feelings very well although I think he didn't like the idea.

I still had a lot of gold, but I had noticed that it was going easily, and I wanted to save as much as possible.

The Hyuga's have a lot of money anyway.


The alliance between the two clans was formally signed a week later, and the news spread around us.

Quickly giving us prestige as a clan, since anyone who signed an alliance with the powerful Hyuga clan cannot be weak.

Thanks to this I also received a sum of six hundred fame points, reaching one thousand store points, but I wasn't planning to spend them yet.

The prices in that system store were super-inflated, and it wasn't worth spending them on raffle tickets that wouldn't bring any luck, better to wait to buy something that would be useful to me.

Our contracts also became more lucrative, we were hired by feudal lords and governors, for missions from assassination to gang capture.

It would still take us some time to recover the investment in the construction of the village, but we were already earning more than when we were in the service of Kora.

Which by the way was destroyed, the Ryu Clan ended up abandoning it, the Rivers alliance lost so many troops that they were attacked by various cities and feudal lords who saw them as weak.

Karma always comes back, the war would continue in the northwest, but it was no longer important for us.

In the north central area which was where we were located we already had a space of influence next to the Hyuga, the clans that were large withdrew after learning about the massacre of the Satomi Clan.

The small clans of about a hundred members remained, they were not a threat to us, they just tried not to clash with us in their missions, for their sake.

And even though we had an alliance with the Hyuga we kept a slight watch over them, they surely did the same.

I was busy training the clan members in the use of the mystic palm, I don't see another crisis coming for a long time, but it's always good to be prepared.