
BIO Profile - Ragnar (Updated throughout story)

Bio: Ragnar is a Nord warrior and the last Dragonborn. Since having awoken his Dovahkiin heritage, Ragnar has become legendary since defeating Alduin along with other achievements and Ragnar has also achieved numerous titles during his adventures in Skyrim. Ragnar has since chosen to leave Skyrim and travel the world to seek out more adventures and opportunities to help innocent people along with another possible reason, believing now that Skyrim will be fine without him. It was after at least 6 months into his travels that Ragnar heard of the civil war happening in the land of Eostia between the Kingdom of Eostia and the Black Fortress and chose to go there to see if he could help out.

Full Name: Ragnar of Bruma

Titles: Grand Thane of Skyrim, Nightingale of Nocturnal, Grandmaster of the Thieves' Guild, Harbinger to the Companions, Legate of the Imperial Legion, Bard of the Bard College, Archmage of College of Winterhold

Aliases: The Dragonborn

Status: Alive, Single

Age: 25

Race: Nord

Height: 6'6 feet (Due to Alteration Spell) 7'5 feet (True Height)

Weight: 250-450 lbs

Affiliation: Tamriel: Skyrim, The Companion, The Imperial Legion, The Greybeard, The College of Winterhold, Thieves Guild: Skyrim & Cyrodiil

Occupation: Adventurer, Thief, Criminal, Bounty Hunter, Dragonslayer, Mercenary, Mage, Alchemist, Enchanter, Bard

Skills/Abilities: Superhuman Physical Condition: Immense Strength/Tremendous Endurance/Herculean Stamina/Enhanced Speed and Agility, Genius-Level Intelligence: Advanced Cunning IQ/Wisdom, High Combat Prowess: Master Hand-to-Hand Combat/Master Weapon Specialist(Master Swordsman/Master Heavy Weapon/Master Axeman/Master Archer)/Military Genius, Social Mastery: Master Politician/Master Leader/Master Intimidator/Master Charmer, Master Mage, Master Thief, Master Entertainer

Equipment: T.B.A

Armor: T.B.A

Weapon: T.B.A

The Profile shall be updated as the story unfolds to reflect the MC development and status within the story.

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