
Sixth Roll: Caught

6th Roll: Caught.


(Celestine PoV)

Where Am I?

I look at my body; It's the same as always, yet it feels like something is off. I look at my surroundings, it's all black, Pitch black. It feels like I'm staring directly at the void.

"Is this a Dream?"

I feel no taint of the underworld, nor Olga's magic here, so a dream or the future vision is the likely answer. But it feels so wrong being here; I feel like I intruded into someone else's home? I took a step, there's solid ground here at least.

I glance back and forth, scouting the pitch dark area. I walked, each step, strangely didn't make any sound.


I feel both of my legs being engulfed by a cold sensation. Looking down, my feet are submerged in a strange dark liquid; similar in color to this void-like space.

My mystic energy spiked in alert, screaming at me to get out of the liquid's grasp, but my body didn't listen, seemingly trapped in a trance.

I crouched down, " What is this stuff? It feels like mud, yet it has the viscosity of ink." I observe the smooth substance; it's not sticky. It has no dark magic in it, in fact, it has nothing.

This dream is becoming more bizarre the more I stay here.

If this is a vision, what is it trying to say? I don't understand, this place is just weird. Usually I can easily comprehend the vision that the Gods gave me. That's why I can easily predict the future.

"But, I have no clue what this dream is trying to convey."

Afterlife? Purgatory? Hell? It's none of those. This place just feels like nothing.


Unfortunately, this place seems to sense my confusion. As it answers my bewilderment with an explosion of killing intent, and immense bloodlust. My body froze the moment it sensed the inhuman aura. And, a primal terror possessed the entirety of being.

"W-what the-?!" My body struggles to even move an inch, as I feel the source of the bloodlust get closer and closer.

I tried to use my magic, but the moment it left my body the inky substance subdues the mystic incantation.

Dread is all felt, as death himself has pointed his scythe to my neck. Beads of sweat form, as I prayed to the Gods for any help.

I feel the entity stopped exuding its murderous intent, and I can finally move my body. In a fast motion, I ran but was prevented by the dark liquid taking hold of both of my feet.

Seeing no other way, I tried to chant something again.

"ᛈᚢᚱᛁᚠᚤ ᚨᛚᛚ ᛖᚡᛁᛚ"

Otherworldly energy oozes with every word I say. It surrounds my body, protecting me, but it doesn't destroy the inky substance. Merely absorbing it.

Full of hopelessness has fully taken over; my fate is sealed.

I took a deep breath, and looked behind.

What greeted me was a demonic being of milky-white color. A herculean physique, a strange object on its chest; similar to an eastern talisman.

I can't speak. No, I couldn't open my mouth. I turned upwards looking at its head. Expose teeth and gums, creating an expression of brutality. Its head elongated, looking like a serpent. Four wings erected on its eye socket. But the most sublime thing on this beast was a floating wheel above its head.

Is it oozing holy energy?

Before I could analyze the creature any further, It rose it's arm; a sword that leaks immense positive aura. My mind exploded into action trying to save me from this inescapable fate.

"What are you?"

The beast didn't say anything.

The thing's muscles contracted, and my vision immediately went blank.



I screamed all the air in my lungs, and I was ejected from my bed.

My mind rings from sheer fear, muting every one of my senses.






Today is dull as always, nothing interesting to do, nothing interesting to say.

Just boredom.


Well, I guess planning on how to tame the second shikigami is the most productive to do.

But, ehh, do I have to?

I'm fucking tired right now. Why am I tired? I don't know myself, I guess burnout. And mostly laziness.

I silently gaze at the sky. Feeling the gentle breeze of the wind. My eyelids threaten to shut, but I know better, then to sleep on the job.

This place has the tendency to use whipping as punishment, and frankly I don't want to deal with that. The punisher here has a reputation to be quite sadistic, and known to enjoy inflicting pain on "Sinners".

And wouldn't you know, sleeping on the Guard duty is quite heavy especially in the higher position.

You get the point.

"What to do, what to do."

Maybe do a bit of shadow-boxing here? Just light kicks and punches! No heavy stuff, nor Cursed energy usage. Just plain old training.

Standing up, I dusted off my butt and fixed my armor.

And it's night, no one here to see me.

I did a little stretching, gotta warm up my muscle first.

I lightly jab, and perform many slow kicks, just to Ready myself for the more hard executions.

Feeling my body ache lightly. I took a proper stance and began imagining a fight.

Muay Thai.

A familiar fighting style, known for its hard hitting blows.

I mentally conjured a humanoid shadow.

I exhaled, and throw the first attack; A round house to the chin.

The shadow dodge and countered with a spinning elbow strike.

Reflex took over, and I dodge with ease. Making distance.

The shadow dash towards me, both arms guarding its head.

The Shadow has taken great distance; in the range for close range strikes.

Without hesitation, I grabbed the shadow's head, and knees its nose.

The shadow staggered a few step back, but I didn't stop, spinning my entire body a rose my leg and delivered a devastated spinning hook kick dead center at its temple.

The shadow didn't have enough time to dodge; I imagine its skull from that blow, or at least inducing internal bleeding. In short a fatal shot.

But, I'm using my imagination so.

The shadow went back up, and delivered a side kick, I dodge, and grabbed the thing's leg. Pushing the leg, off-balancing the shadow, and in consequence fall straight face to ground.

I put my knee on its back, preventing any attempt at movement, and without mercy, I throw a barrage of punches at the back of the shadow's head.

Ending the fight.


I celebrated my imaginary fight.

I smiled. Fighting and using proper Martial Art has always been fun, it invokes a lot of good memories when I was young. Training karate, that I quit once I realized I'm absolutely trash at it. But, it is one of the many cherish memories I have.

Wiping the sweet on my forehead, I grabbed my spear and return to my position.

But, before I could do so a voice stopped.

"You! What in Goddess name are you doing!?" A brown haired girl with revealing armor, and brandishing a sword. Shouted at me with confusion and anger.

Oh shit.

" Good evening, Lady Brynn," I greeted with a nervous voice. " What can I do for you?"

The knight instead of answering, grabbed my forearm with the strength no normal human could have.

She looked at me with anger.

"Why as a guard, are you not in your proper pose!?" She said, " You're a Guardsman of the Castle, that the Goddess herself presides! What do you think you're doing, not properly upholding your dute!? "

Byrnn eyes burns with sterness, each word said exude a aura of vexation.

I look at the short at the short woman. Though nervous, I held no fear at girl's authoritative questions.

Cause I handle her, no problem. Not being arrogant here, but with the use Cursed Energy I could easily subdue and defeat a knight.

Now, a princess Knight? Not so sure.

I sigh, " I deeply apologize for my neglect," I said.

"I was merely Shadow-boxing, Lady Brynn."

The anger in the Knight's eyes faded into confusion.

"Shadow what now?"

Sigh. This gonna take a while.




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