
Kurama in DC universe

What if a Naruto fan died and got some wishes. Note:The first three chapters where written without any proof reading so expect to see grammer errors and spelling mistakes.

DarthSA · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Main Character Bio:


Height & Weight:7ft and 80kg(Humanoid form)

100meters on all fours and 250 000tons


Abilities:Enhanced strength





Transforming humanoid form

Fire and Wind release

Tailed beast bomb

Tailed beast bomb barrage

Pressure manipulation through chakra

Sage mode

Flying god thunder technique

Mc abilities explained:

Enhanced stats-Our Mc has enough stats to rival superman and he can track who are miles away using his nose.

Transforming-Our Mc can transform into a humanoid form where he has fox ears,tails,teeth and eyes and orange skin.

Fire and Wind release-He can perform fire and wind release jutsu's without the hand signs.

Tailed beast bomb-Our Mc combines negative and positive chakra to make a bomb that can destroy towns and small cities, so it's more of a nuclear bomb but without the radiation.A tailed beast bomb is about a quarter of our MC's size.

Tailed beast bomb barrage-Is when our mc fires small and weakened versions of the tailed beast bomb,but what they may lack in power the make for it in speed and numerical advantage.Each tailed beast is about the size of a bus.

Pressure manipulation through chakra-Its when our mc increases the pressure of his surrounding by releasing a large amount of chakra and he can also do it on a smaller scale like condensing the his chakra around his fist so they have a more deadly hit.

Sage mode-Sage mode is his god form,it boosts all his stats and abilities.

Flying god thunder technique-The same technique Minato used but our is a bit different,it differs in that Kurama can create the seal mark in his right hand and apply it on any hard surface and teleport to that mark.And the seal mark doubles has a tracking device so that Kurama can sense where the mark is.

MC backstory:

The Mc is a teenage male who died from a car accident but luckily he was given a second chance by god and got 5 wishes which where (1) To be reincarnated as Kurama in the DC universe in in the year 1000AD (2) He wished that when he meets starfire she will love him like how albedo loves ainz (3) He wished for a summoning scroll where he will be summoned animal (4)He wished for his own realm that was the size of australia like realms of the the summoning animals in naruto and the only way to excess this realm if by signing a summoning contract with him and he can open a portal from his realm to earth(5) He wished for his realm to be populated by kitsune who follow him as their god and king.