
Chapter 12 - The Holy Flash

In St. George Private Academy, things such as noble privillege or what not does not exist, it is a school famed for it's iron clad belief in survival, as such they welcome talents from all over the world, because for them, the only race they discriminate against is the Devils.

In this school, there is no such thing as jumping years because for them, every year you spent in the school molds you to be the best exorcists.

However, there exists one such joke, a true joke created to scare the most boastful of young ones, the Exorcist Pandemonium Test, which was approved by the dean Elisabetta as nothing but a light hearted joke.

Until now.

Minato Shidou stood in front of St. George Private Academy's entrace, he wore his own custom exorcist outfit.

Yellow sleeveless turtle neck tunic with an extended collar that acts as a scarf, on top of it was a white high collar vest. Inside these 2 clothes he wore the tight black spandex exorcist wore.

He had a open finger black gloves with only 4 fingers being open, the index finger was gloved. He also wore metal gauntlets that covered his entire forearms. He wore a 3 wrap belt that had a dagger holster to both his right and left hip, each having 5 daggers.

For his bottom he wore tight black pants that had knee guards and metal laced boots.

His entire look was a mix of armor and tight but stretchable outfits.

He had a soft smile on his lips as he entered the premises and headed straight for the dean's office.


"Minato? Hm? Have you finally decided to finish up with your needless phase?"

"Not at all Ma'am, I came here to take the Exorcist Pandemonium Test"

Elisabetta's mouth swung open, and she dropped her ballpen, for people like her, that joke was actually doable, but for most students and even exorcists? It serves it's namesake pandemonium well.


"Why not? St. George Private Academy indulges in talent don't they?"

"The Exorcist Pandemonium Test is not a joke, 50 exorcist are needed to complete it, you couldn't possibly past it at that age, you might be a genius but that test doesn't measure a genius, it measures nothing, it is but a joke"

"Right, I think I heard you say Ma'am that I was worth 30 students before..."

"Of course I think you do, your potential is worth more than 30 students not your capabilities, stop joking around or being suicidal and go to your class, I'm busy"

"I'll quit this school if you don't allow me to do the Exorcist Pandemonium Test"

Elisabetta stopped in place, weighing the cons and pros at a split second. A single question arose from her sheer curiosity.


"To prove a point in the future"


The 2 had a staredown, burning determination concealed within the calmest of waves, against a destructive fury cocentrated into a cute little form.

"Do as you wish, just remember, failing it is nothing but death, and problems for your family"

She took a badge from her desk cabinet and threw it to Minato.


"Have you heard? Minato is doing the EPT"

"What's the EPT?"

"Exorcist Pandemonium Test, it's an april fool's joke about jumping years and graduating early"

"Really? I know he's a genius but he's actually suicidal too?"

"Hey, it's Minato, maybe he can actually pass it?"

"What a bunch of fools, even teachers can't pass that test, what makes him better than the teachers?"

Minato ignored all the chatters and headed straight for the undeground field 2, in all seriousness, the EPT was in the same field as the tragic class from before, it's labeled 2 because it was right next to it but the strays in there were a lot more than from where they had classes.

This was where the most insane and twisted of Stray Devils they captured go, the reason this place existed? To threaten spies if they are ever found within the school.

It's tightly kept by countless blessed crosses and periodically doused with holy water and priest prays there everyday to increase the holy energy barrier it has.

"Hm? I don't think there was a spy caught today? Who are you kid, this place is off limits"

Minato quietly showed him the badge, prompting the priest to be quiet and shake his head in disappointment.

"Ah... what a fool"

Minato went past the fence and stood just right at the edge of the holy barriers.

"Are you sure about doing this?"

Tonami appeared and asked for the upteenth time.

"Yes, being a student for this school was a mistake..."

"So I'll be an exorcist instead and do things my way"

Minato stepped out of the edge and activated his senses, he could feel malevolent energy move around his positon but only watching, afraid or wary that he might step back so he goaded them by taking another step.

Somewhere, Elisabetta and the school was watching this.

He took 2 daggers and ran forward to the nearest Stray he could feel, his speed enhanced my chakra was noteworthy.


Minato's face was calm, slashing the Stray in the eye and using the other dagger to slash the throat, killing it in a split second.

He took one more dagger from his holster and threw it at the oncoming stray, all the onwatchers saw this and thought that it would do nothing but the surprise came when an ambush came and Minato disappeared from his spot and appeared on top of the Stray he threw the knife on, he disappeared again and was now stabbing the 2 ambushers who were still confused in the throat.

With 9 daggers, Minato flickered in and out of range of the Strays, a single dagger was placed inside the holy barrier just in case. You can never be too careful.

By 2 minutes, Minato has killed 40 Strays, he continued deeper into the looping field and skillfully dodged ambushes he should have no idea coming, sometimes he would seem to slash appear in 2 places at the same time, and sometimes he gets hit and replaced with a corpse of a stray.

"W-What the..."

"He appears and disappears in a flash... I can't even see him killing sometimes"

"How is he killing those strays so efficiently?"

"Obviously his daggers are blessed, and if I'm right he also doused and dried them in holy water beforehand"

"No, it isn't obvious, having 100 of those won't help you against the swarm of strays, his skill with those daggers are unfathomable"

Back to Minato, started slowing his pace, baiting the smart strays into attacking far more aggressively thinking he was getting tired, the bald teacher of his before recognized this and had a small smirk.


Indeed, after Minato slowed down, 10 to 20 appeared and attacked him, but they all died regardless, he had 3 daggers in each hand and used them as claws to rip open a stray and teleported to another dagger and did the same, sometimes he threw 3 daggers randomly and killed 3 all of the sudden at an instant in close range.

At 4 minutes, his kill count skyrocketed to 60, the goal of the EPT was to basically annihilate the strays in the field, all of them.

The smarter strays started running away after that, but a throw of a dagger killed them. Eventually, he was left alone with 76 kills at 5 minutes.

But Minato wasn't satisfied. No, he was proving a point, he couldn't just go and settle for it like that.

He activated his sensor skills and felt the surrounding demonic energy, he then switched to Mana and felt his daggers, 4 was stabbed into other still alive strays and they were hiding with several other strays.

Oh how bad that was. How bad for them indeed.

He took out 12 paper bombs that were more or less blessed too, the onwatchers didn't know what he was planning by taking out 12 paper slips and watched intently.




And 46 more strays died.

"He killed those strays... in a blink of an eye or two"

"Were those holy bombs? What is this Monty Python and the Holy Grail?!"

"He's... like a Holy Flash"

Everyone around that breadwinner great minded individual cannon fodder looked towards him.

"Yes, it's a fitting title"

The one who said that was the petite dean, the student felt blessed but let's not delve deeper in to cannon fodders psych.

Back to Minato, his kill count was now 122. It was a far cry from The Yellow Flash's 1,000 killstreak but hey, he's also just a 15 year old.

"28 left"

Minato walked towards the deepest part of the loop, in there he could feel it, there laid his graduation ticket.

As soon as he appeared 20 strays jumped at him from behind and the front. In that split second, Minato's eyes widened, he didn't know how he missed the 20 but he reacted quickly, throwing a dagger upwards just before they appeared and when they were only an inch away from taking first blood, he disappeared and appeared on top of the strays, in his hands were 9 daggers.

He shot them in a wide space to the strays and blitzed through the air, and before they even touched the floor, the strays died.

"8 left"

The 7 that appeared soon were killed in the same manner despite their massively bigger size, but the 8th was the problem.

It wasn't just a stray.

It was an actual Devil.

"A human? A human like you wiped out these disgusting army of mine? What a joke"

The man was balding on the head, he wore a messy suit with lots of holes and he smelled like your shit after eating spicy food.

"What's a devil like you doing under here?"


"So you're insane?"

The Devil didn't allow anymor peptalk and launched a fireball towards Minato, he saw this and dodged.

The Devil kept doing the same spell over and ove again, a one trick pony but the problem was that exactly, he just kept spamming it non stop, no strain whatsoever.

'This isn't good, I can't win, I have to do something else'

Minato looked around him while hiding behind a tree, he couldn't blitz around because the firing rate was fast enough that as long as the Devil spammed he couldn't get closer, plus he already knew what the daggers were for and would try to stay away from them.

Minato started playing with his daggers, spinning them in his finger, this was a habit he formed from his month long absence in school, spinning daggers in his fingers to practice and hone his nimble fingers.

Yes, this is just word buffer and not important to the story.

Minato formulated many plans in his head, playing them out theoretically inside his mind, but all of them weirdly ended up with getting hit.

'Crap, it's really a dead end, unlike unknown but easy to counter fights, this is literally just spamming something even a 5 year old knows the effect of, he fires those things so fast he looks like a flame thrower...'

Minato perked up with a solid plan, if he couldn't beat him with own powers, he'll just have to fight fire with fire...

Taking a dagger from his holster, he summoned a clone and transformed it into a dagger while he took a dager and transformed it into a rock and left in somewhere.

He went out of hiding and the barrage continued, at a single second 3 fireballs were sent but it could go even faster, so instead of hiding, Minato challenged it into a speed dodge fight.

"Is that the best you can do? I can dodge this all day!"

He taunted, the Devil was a pretty stupid spamming prideful dude so he reacted angrily and increased the rate of spamming, Minato grinned at that and threw his daggers as he dodged, he managed to make the Devil move from his place to stand just right in front of the dagger disguised as a rock.

And then he stopped moving and panted like crazy.

The onwatchers all saw this and started shouting at the screen. Elisabetta unknowingly gripped the helm of her tube skirt tighter.


Back to Minato, the Devil had a cocky smile and charged his strongest fire spam, 10 in a second creating a wide area of effect and big size coming to Minato solely.

The onwatchers thought it was the end and some even covered their mouth with noticeable tears... yeah, I don't know about that. Probably some crush or something.


Minato looked back up with the smuggest of grins.

"Hiraishin: Dorai"

The fireball that was about hit him seemed like it hit rubber, the space moved along and essentially absorbed the attack.

All of the sudden, the Devil's eyes widened when he felt upcoming heat from behind him.



3... more... chapters... writing something totally not part of the initial idea I had is hard.

I mean, does anybody also just gets hit with an idea but you don't know how to start it?

DevilNeumanncreators' thoughts