
Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple

They say 'show, don't tell' - but how patient are you? The plot unfolds through your own exploration and insight, not explicit explanations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Jianghu, the realm of skilled martial artists and heroes seeking fame and justice, was thrown into chaos by the sudden emergence of the mysterious Tower of God. This imposing Tower compelled not only martial artists but all people, forcing and kidnapping them to confront deadly challenges on each floor. Failure meant death, and Ji Wuye, an ordinary disciple from the Kunlun Sect, could only watch in horror as even the talented Du Chen met with failure. "Ah... I should never have relied on you..." he regretted bitterly, burning with remorse. However, as his soul connected with the abyss, a divine voice reached him, offering Ji Wuye an opportunity to rewrite the past he had experienced. Now given a second chance and his memories intact, Ji Wuye is determined not only to seize every opportunity but also to clear the Tower and reach its highest floor, no matter the cost. In a world where martial prowess reigns supreme and the stakes have never been higher, will Ji Wuye's resolve be enough to conquer the challenges that await him in the Tower of God? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update rates: 5 - 7 chapters/week Discord: https://discord.gg/GS9GYQXxdY

DragonKnov · Action
Not enough ratings
146 Chs

Chapter 41


Meanwhile, before Song Jia's arrival…


The abandoned courtyard lay still and quiet, save for the soothing chirps of crickets that seemed to echo through the deserted space.


Under the pale moonlight, a couple embraced in a tender moment, their silhouettes casting long shadows across the ancient stone tiles.


Suddenly, the woman's eyes fluttered open, and she abruptly pushed the man away, her brows furrowing. Of course these pairs no one other than Lian Rougang and Ji Wuye.


In this moment, Lian Rougang lowered her delicate face, strands of her silky black hair falling across her flushed cheeks as she stammered, "Junior...this is rather unbecoming of us."


Ji Wuye's lips parted, ready to explain that it was she who had initiated the intimate embrace, her lithe arms wrapped around him in a moment of vulnerability.


But before the words could leave his mouth, Lian Rougang snapped, "Forget about that!" She vigorously shook her head, sending her raven tresses swaying, and pressed her soft palms against Ji Wuye's lips, silencing him.


Embarrassment colored her porcelain cheeks a rosy hue as she turned away, unable to meet his amused, piercing gaze. "Anyway, I'm relieved to see you're unharmed," she murmured, her voice a melodic whisper in the stillness of the night.


Then, her clear eyes, shimmering like twin pools of crystalline water, met his once more, and her expression grew solemn. With deft fingers, she reached into the hidden pocket of her martial robe, retrieving something.


"Take this pill," she said, pressing a glittering golden pill into his open palm. Etched upon its surface were ancient words that seemed to glow under the moonlight's caress.


The pill was forced into his hands, her smooth skin brushing against his as she gripped and rubbed it, ensuring a firm transfer.


The suddenness of her action left Ji Wuye stunned, and he reluctantly accepted the precious offering, rolling it between his fingers as he studied the intricate markings.


'Reawakening Sun Pill,' he muttered to himself, recognizing the rare and potent medicine.


It was a pill far superior to the common Rejuvenation Pill, capable of accelerating the metabolism and refinement of one's Qi, enhancing comprehension and absorption, and much more.


'Such a precious pill...' The thought echoed in his mind as he looked up, meeting Lian Rougang's solemn, unwavering gaze. He couldn't help but wonder about her true intentions, her motivations for bestowing such a gift upon him.


This scene, where she handed him the extraordinary pill, stirred memories from his previous timeline. It was the same; back then, she had also gifted him the very same Reawakening Sun Pill.


The only difference was that in that previous timeline, he had been injured and recovering in the male Outer Disciple courtyard, attracting jealous looks from the other disciples.


This time, they were alone, away from prying eyes.


'I can't decipher your motive...' he pondered internally as their eyes remained locked, searching for answers in the depths of her inscrutable gaze.


What could prompt such generosity? Clearly, it wasn't mere kindness, for she had shown the warmth toward others, including that… Du Chen.


She is just a kind woman...


Ji Wuye shook his head, dispelling the negative thoughts as he glanced down at the golden pill once more. Then his gaze was unwavering as he met Lian Rougang's eyes. "Senior, I cannot accept this gift."


Lian Rougang's delicate brows knitted together as she opened her mouth to protest. "I knew you would say that. But it's not overly expensive, and my father has a lo--"


"Senior," Ji Wuye interrupted, his voice gentle yet firm.


In one fluid motion, he reached out and gently grasped her shoulder, his palm meeting the smooth, porcelain skin exposed by the collar of her robe. Their eyes locked, and an electric current seemed to pass between them.


Without warning, Ji Wuye thrust his other hand, still clutching the precious golden pill, towards Lian Rougang's parted lips.




Caught off guard, she gasped, the pill slipping past her defenses and lodging itself in her throat.


Lian Rougang's eyes widened in shock as she realized what Ji Wuye had done. The pill was now stuck, and she exerted her inner strength to prevent it from falling out, teetering on the verge of vomiting.


But she held back when she heard his next words.


"I know you're suffering from meridian blockage in your throat," Ji Wuye spoke softly, his crimson gaze intense yet gentle. "Because of this, you can't properly connect your Middle Dantian and--"


He paused, awkwardly gazing around, the problem being that up until now, or in this timeline, his knowledge had been limited to the Lower and Middle Dantian realms.


Probably due to neglecting or having thought it impossible to achieve beyond the third realm after years of trying in the previous timeline, he hadn't bothered to search for knowledge past the third realm.


Instead, he focused only on skills, cool and famous martial arts either brought by the Tower shop or that had become well-known and used by other martial artists.


'This is so embarrassing, for me, who has been returned to the past,'Ji Wuye thought, feeling really embarrassed inwardly and, to make matters worse, they were in this situation right now.


However, still, despite the unpleasant situation, he attempted to communicate his understanding. "Ummm...I have no idea about the rest--"


"Upper Dantian," Lian Rougang interrupted abruptly, a small, enigmatic smile tugging at the corners of her lips despite her discomfort.


"Pff...how could you know this information if you have no idea about the Upper Dantian..." A melodic chuckle escaped her, her eyes alight with curiosity as she studied him intently.


"I am...stupid," she murmured, shaking her head slightly. "It's understandable that you may not be aware of this, given your current..." Her final comment trailed off, laced with a hesitant, unspoken concern.


Brushing aside her cryptic remark, Ji Wuye pressed on. "Because of this blockage, you're unable to effectively channel between the Middle and Upper Dantian, right?"


Lian Rougang nodded eagerly in response, her expression growing somber once more as she affirmed his deduction.


"First, take the pill." Ji Wuye's words were met with a flash of reluctance in her eyes, but he held her gaze steadily, silently imploring her to trust him.


Ji Wuye exhaled slowly, his mind racing. 'It should be fine to accelerate her treatment; nothing serious will happen. Du Chen treated her before.'


Essentially, he was taking Du Chen's credit, who was the one that actually managed to heal her in the previous timeline.


Also when they had embraced back then, the complete knowledge of the legendary Pressure Form Perfection Style had flooded Ji Wuye's mind, granting him the ability to pinpoint the precise pressure points that could assist in treating Lian Rougang's injury.


However, compared to the Du Chen, who had made a name for himself as a charming and skilled young hero, it was difficult for Ji Wuye, known as a mere waste of talent in the sect, to convince others that he had discovered a solution for treating certain incurable and irreversible injuries.


Even if it was his kind Senior Sister, Lian Rougang herself, he was already expecting hesitation, rejection, or even doubt from her.


"I've already taken it," Lian Rougang smiled in response, her eyes shining with newfound admiration as she looked at Ji Wuye. "How do you think I'm able to speak to you without swallowing that large pill?"


She had no idea that her kind and compassionate Junior Brother was aware of her long-concealed injury, despite her father's and her own best efforts to keep it hidden.


But here was her adorable Junior Brother, who not only seemed to have mastered the legendary acupressure technique but also possessed knowledge beyond her understanding.


Moreover, seeing how her Junior Brother, who was once considered a waste of the sect's resources, was finally able to do something to help her, filled Lian Rougang's heart with joy.


She didn't hesitate to become his willing experiment. 'If it's him...' Her fleeting thought was suddenly interrupted as Ji Wuye cleared his throat upon hearing her words.


Meanwhile, though Ji Wuye was taken aback by her instant agreement, he soon calmed down. "Well... let's begin now," he said, his voice steady despite the weight of the task before him. "First, I need a clear view of your neck."


Upon hearing his request, Lian Rougang paused for a moment, her eyes searching his face.


Then, without hesitation, she lifted her chin high, exposing the long, slender column of her neck as she gazed up at the luminous moon.


The pale moonlight caressed her porcelain skin, casting delicate shadows that accentuated the graceful curves of her throat.


"Thank you," Ji Wuye murmured, his crimson eyes focused intently on the area he would need to treat.


With the utmost focus, Ji Wuye extended his palm, allowing it to make gentle contact with the smooth, porcelain skin of Lian Rougang's exposed neck.


His brows furrowed in concentration as he recalled the intricate structure of the human body and the precise locations of the pressure points he needed to target.


A delicate blush crept across Lian Rougang's cheeks as the featherlight touch of his fingertips tickled her sensitive skin. "J-Junior..." she murmured softly, a reminder of the intimate nature of the situation.


But then, she stopped mid-sentence, her words catching in her throat as she took in the serious, intense expression etched across Ji Wuye's features. He was wholly consumed by the task at hand, his crimson eyes alight with determination and razor-sharp focus.


A pang of embarrassment flooded Lian Rougang's being as she realized the impure thoughts that had momentarily crossed her mind while her Junior treated the matter with the utmost seriousness and dedication.


How could she entertain such notions at a time like this?

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However, both of their attentions were abruptly torn away as they sensed a disturbance, a presence rapidly approaching. Their gazes snapped toward the abandoned courtyard entrance, where a swift-moving shadow was drawing near.

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