
Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple

They say 'show, don't tell' - but how patient are you? The plot unfolds through your own exploration and insight, not explicit explanations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Jianghu, the realm of skilled martial artists and heroes seeking fame and justice, was thrown into chaos by the sudden emergence of the mysterious Tower of God. This imposing Tower compelled not only martial artists but all people, forcing and kidnapping them to confront deadly challenges on each floor. Failure meant death, and Ji Wuye, an ordinary disciple from the Kunlun Sect, could only watch in horror as even the talented Du Chen met with failure. "Ah... I should never have relied on you..." he regretted bitterly, burning with remorse. However, as his soul connected with the abyss, a divine voice reached him, offering Ji Wuye an opportunity to rewrite the past he had experienced. Now given a second chance and his memories intact, Ji Wuye is determined not only to seize every opportunity but also to clear the Tower and reach its highest floor, no matter the cost. In a world where martial prowess reigns supreme and the stakes have never been higher, will Ji Wuye's resolve be enough to conquer the challenges that await him in the Tower of God? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update rates: 5 - 7 chapters/week Discord: https://discord.gg/GS9GYQXxdY

DragonKnov · Action
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149 Chs

Chapter 39




In the remote cave hidden between the Two Dragon Valleys, a natural cloud of mist enveloped the surroundings, created by the steaming waters of the nearby hot spring.


The mist swirled and danced, carrying the faint scent of sulfur and minerals. Torches adorned the rough-hewn walls of the cave, casting flickering shadows that danced across the two-level ground.


From the misty air, countless blue light dots materialized, forming the shapes of human bodies and revealing the presence of several individuals. The blue luminescence cast an ethereal glow over their forms, adding an otherworldly quality to the scene.


All of them were clad in dark martial robes with red stripes, the fabric rustling softly as they moved. Their heads and faces were concealed by bamboo caps, casting deep shadows over their features and lending an air of mystery.


"Hehehe, it feels good to be back in our safe haven. The Tower challenge proved more demanding than we expected," one of them chuckled, their voice echoing slightly in the cavernous space. They wielded a long machete, the blade dripping with thick, crimson blood that glistened in the torchlight.


"Haha! You can say that again!" another voice rang out, laced with amusement. "Those repugnant green creatures put up quite a fight. Nevertheless, the rewards are truly satisfying." A hint of greed crept into their tone as they spoke of the spoils. "I wonder, what does the Sect Leader gain from all this?"


Another individual, their white teeth visible behind the bamboo hat as they grinned, observed the exchange before bursting into a deep, rumbling laughter that echoed through the cave. Their laughter eventually faded, and they dozed off, leaning back against the cave wall.


"What a foolish lot!" another scoffed, their voice dripping with disdain. "You only think about temporary pleasures. Have you all forgotten our ultimate goal?" Their words hung in the air, causing a momentary silence to fall over the area, the only sound being the crackle of the torches.


"What did you say, you bastard?"


"Did you just mock us?"


Several angry voices erupted in protests, their tones laced with indignation and outrage. However, they fell silent almost immediately, an eerie shudder running down their spines as a palpable sense of dread filled the air.


On the elevated ground, a lone figure emerged, calmly observing the group of individuals before him. His footsteps echoed with a sense of authority, commanding the attention of all present.


"Greetings, Sect Leader!" A chorus of respectful voices filled the air, accompanied by the sound of clasped hands as the group bowed in unison.


"Greetings, Sect Leader!"


"Greetings, Sect Leader!"


As this person arrived, the atmosphere in the cave shifted, a sense of reverence and fear permeating the air.


"Nn, have you all enjoyed yourselves?" he asked, his voice smooth and measured. He was dressed in the same attire as the others, but without the bamboo hat, revealing slicked back scarlet hair that resembled blazing flames, perfectly framing his sharp features.


While surveying those below him, his piercing gaze burned like amber, reminiscent of a fiery sunset.


Despite his youthful complexion that radiated vitality, there was an unmistakable aura of power and authority that surrounded him, commanding respect from those who looked upon him.


The atmosphere in the cave grew tense as one person raised their head to meet the Sect Leader's piercing gaze.


"Yes, Sect Leader, we had a great time!" they exclaimed, offering a smile that seemed out of place given the palpable aura of fear and reverence surrounding their leader.


However, as the rest of the group heard these words, those who still had their heads bowed were taken aback, stealing quick glances at the bold individual who dared to speak their mind so casually.


They held their breath, afraid to even blink, waiting for the tension to dissipate or for the Sect Leader's wrath to descend.


"Hmm? That's good to hear," the Sect Leader responded, his tone measured and even.


Contrary to their expectations, the outspoken individual remained unharmed, and the Sect Leader appeared satisfied with the response. However, confusion washed over the group, and their wide eyes widened in surprise, unable to comprehend the lack of repercussions.




In a blur of movement too fast for the eye to follow, a torrent of blood gushed forth, splattering the cave walls and floor.


Like a raging river, the dark crimson stain tainted their martial robes and splattered across their faces as the headless corpse of the man who had dared to answer the leader's question stood momentarily before collapsing to the ground with a sickening thud.


'H-How?!' one of the onlookers stammered inwardly, barely concealing their surprise, trembling with fear and disbelief.


'I-I didn't even see his attack!' another thought inwardly, gasping with their eyes wide in shock.


'The Sect Leader has grown even stronger!' whispered another, their voice filled with a mixture of reverence and dread.


Despite witnessing the brutal death of their comrade, none of them expressed grief or sympathy.


Instead, they were consumed by a mixture of fear and reverence for their Sect Leader's formidable power, a power that seemed to have grown beyond their comprehension.


"Three days... We remained inactive because of this entity," declared the Sect Leader, his fingers now clean from the blood he had used to end the life of his foolish subordinate with a single, imperceptible strike.


"In these three days, I experienced indescribable joy..." His blazing amber eyes scanned his subordinates, who remained motionless with their heads bowed, their bodies rigid with tension.


The flickering torchlight cast dancing shadows across their forms, adding to the ominous atmosphere.


Observing their submissive behavior, he nodded and continued, his voice carrying a hint of satisfaction. "But... due to this intriguing entity known as the 'Tower of the God,' our plan, or rather my plan, is delayed...


"I initially suspected the Illusionary Sect's involvement... But I realized those grannies wouldn't dare step outside their domain," he mused, his tone laced with disdain as he spoke.


But then, laughter, as graceful as that of a young man, resonated through the cave, only to abruptly cease as the Sect Leader spoke once more.


"I don't like it," he repeated, his voice carrying a note of displeasure as the decapitated man's corpse slowly gravitated towards him, drawn by an unseen force.


His words caused the individuals below to break into a cold sweat, their bodies tensing in anticipation of his wrath.


However, when they heard his next words, their expressions of terror and anxiety transformed into excitement, their eyes widening with a mixture of awe and reverence.


"But first, let's address this issue. It's unexpected, but it's not your fault. The core of my plan remains unchanged; I will need to make some adjustments."


A simple flick of his hand created a resounding boom that reverberated throughout the cave, causing the very walls to tremble.




The thunderous sound momentarily disoriented everyone on the lower ground, their senses overwhelmed by the sheer force of it. However, their vision cleared as they simultaneously lifted their heads, drawn by an inexplicable force.


Before them, a painting was revealed, a grand depiction crafted from intricate blood carvings. It replicated the structure of the mountain and that of a specific sect, the details so vivid and lifelike that it seemed to pulse with an eerie energy.


Threads of blood connected to this painting floated in the air, linking to the hands of their sect leader, who stood with his back turned to them, his scarlet hair cascading down his back like a river of fire.


"I have received a revelation..." he declared, his voice carrying a weight that demanded their undivided attention. "This intriguing entity, the so-called Tower, will soon experience a temporary break."


A collective intake of breath filled the cave as the subordinates processed his words, their eyes widening with anticipation.


"Once that happens, I want all of you to go out and sow chaos among the righteous sects. Kill those hypocritical beings... unleash violence and defile their partners... use their blood to sustain our immortal existence. And finally, I command you to make a proclamation..."


Suddenly, blood surged from the cave walls, twisting and writhing around their bodies like grotesque tentacles, the crimson liquid pulsing with an otherworldly energy.


The subordinates remained still, their expressions a mixture of awe and reverence as the blood tendrils caressed their faces, leaving trails of crimson in their wake.


"The Blood Dragon Patriarch has returned!" echoed the sect leader's words, accompanied by the intrusion of blood-soaked tentacles entering the mouths of his subordinates, transforming their eyes into a sinister dark red with slitted pupils, their features contorting into expressions of ecstasy and madness.




Amidst the enthusiasm and thunderous cheers of his subordinates filling the cave, the sect leader gazed through a crevice, his face illuminated by the shimmering moonlight, casting his features in sharp relief.


His amber eyes burned with an intensity that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality, and a cruel smile played upon his lips, revealing the depths of his depravity and the promise of the chaos to come.


"Father... mother... and Ling'er..." he murmured, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of his followers' fervor. "I will soon resurrect you all..."

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