
Kung Fu Jugon: This Aint No Joke.... (Hiatus....)

A story about an underrated character. Kugo, finds himself in Alabasta as a Kung Fu Jugon....... Watch as he terrorizes the seven seas, well, unless I drop this... None of this belongs to me...

HatefulAutumnBreez · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"There it is! The dojo is here!"

Kugo looked up, a Jugon letter was painted on the wall of a boulder.

It was the Jugon symbol for "Dojo."

"Put up the challenge!"

Two small seals hoisted up a large banner.

It was an inky black, with their Dojo symbol, a desert dune glittering in the orange sunlight.



"Looks cool…" One airheaded Jugon smiled goofily.

"Awesome art!"

"Who made it!"

The Jugon species also quite liked art, with banners being a great part of there culture.

Kugo cupped his palms to his goofy mouth and roared.

This was a challenge to the other Dojo.


Soon, from behind the boulders, a few Jugons poked their heads out, and one of the bigger ones walked over.

"You are…. The grandmaster of Ambery Sand dojo?" The Jugon squeaked respectfully.

"And you must be Rat, leader of the Droughty Bark Dojo!"



They bowed to each other before Rat led them into the Dojo.

Passing through a tunnel, they arrived on the other side. Were a few Jugons were training and sparring.

A few punching bags and tracks were placed around the oasis.

"Please, drink some water….."

"It will be an honor to fight you!"


The disciples of the Ambery Sand Dojo soon set up camp in the corner of the oasis.

Using pop-up shacks, a small portable contraption that could instantly create a shack anywhere, as long as there was room, soon, a mini-village was created, to fit all the Jugon's.

The Ambery Sand Dojo was a nomadic dojo, a dojo that moved around constantly, while the Droughty Bark Dojo was a stationary one, a group that just chilled about here.

Kugo soon greeted all of the masters of the Droughty Bark Dojo and went next to Rat, who was sitting by a palm tree.

"So, how did you come up with the name?" Kugo looked questionably at Rat.



They turned around, looking as a few disciples from either side were playing an impropotu version of beach volleyball, which was a popular sport among Jugons.

"Well, glad they are having fun…." Rat grinned, displaying his goofy nostrils.

"I named it this was because, before, when I was a child, I lived in the Fasty Poet Dojo, a group of super-religious Jugon who fasted constantly, way to constantly actually…."

"They also liked to create poetry by the way."

"First…. My uncle almost starved, and the-" Rat choked up, crying.

"All for the sake of that dang religion!"

"Other Dojo's had better, less extreme religions while we had to-"

"So I challenged the grandmaster to a fight, and barely won, but by that time, my brothers-."

Kugo patted Rat on the back.

"So later, the first thing me and my disciples ate were….."

"Bark. We found a dead tree, as we were nomadic, and living in a mostly barren region that was all we ate, and we were so thirsty too, and then, we found this place!"

"Oh, and by the way, my uncle and brothers survived."

"...." Kugo deadpanned, this guy was really an excessively emotional lot…..

A few years ago, though it could not be said to be bad for humans as they still had their wells and such, a drought happened, which wiped out many dojos and other animals.

Kugo's own dojo had suffered but managed to find a few wells and supplies thankfully.

"Arf! Arf!"

"Well, now, everyone is fine and, life has improved."

"But as the code says, if I lose, I will follow you!" He put a paw to his chest as he harumphed.

"Though, even if I lose, as weak as I am, I will not go down without a fight!!!"


They nodded to each other, and Kugo went back to the makeshift camp.

"Tomorrow, I will fight!"

"I will win!"

"But today, we feast!"

"And spar!"

"Also volleyball!"


"Arf! Arf!"

Throughout the night, they feasted. Dining on ham, berries, water, friendly competition between disciples on each side were held, with Ambery Sand Dojo winning all of them, though none could care less.

A small volleyball tournamnet was held, with quite the close matchup, as they had mixed the teams.






Kugo and Rat stood in a makeshift arena, facing each other, both tense.

A crowd of cheering Jugon's waved there paws in the air, ready for the entertainment to come.

A tall judge Jugon, or a Jugon that judged competition fairness, and stuff waved her paw in the air, while chewing on some jerky.

"I want a fair fight! No spitting aloud! 1, 2, Go!"

They charged forward, exchanging blows, though it was clear from the beginning that Kugo had the upper hand, Rat was still a grandmaster, so he was definetly no pushover.

"Droughty Art: Spinning Bark Thrust!" Rat lunged forward, clenching his paw, and sending a vicious blow at Kugo's chin, a weak spot in most Jugon's.

Kugo casually dodged, avoiding all of Rat's strikes.

"Droughtless Wood Fury!" Rat sent a lot of tricky curving strikes.

"Ambery Style: Sandy Squid Palm!" Kugo thrust a streaking palm that hit Rat's chest, sending him flying back into the arena wall.

Silence. Rat had lost.

"Victory to the grandmaster of Ambery Sand Dojo….. KUGO!"

Cheers erupted from the stands, as the Dojo disciples celebrated his victory.






Kugo helped Rat up, as he patted sand off his thick blubber.

"My loss." They bowed to each other.

"So, as of now, you are the grandmaster of Droughty Bark Dojo!"

"Everyone, greet him!"

"Arf! Arf! Arf!"

The three arfs were to symbolize a new beginning, and at last…..

Kugo had conquered the entirety of Alabasta's Jugon population.

Soon, the Jugon pirates would shake the New World....


Jugon Word Count: 47