
12: 2nd Evolution & Ruler Title

"Conditions met. Individual, Lesser Chicken can evolve"

"There are multiple choices of evolution. Please choose from the following.

Giant Chicken

Rock Bird

Poison Chicken



Analyzing my evolution options they were relatively similar to last time with the exception of the Small chicken option no longer existing. However, there now was the addition of a Giant Chicken, Rock Bird, and Magicken.

I haven't a clue why a cockroach is an option still.

A giant chicken would make me larger more often than not. The question is how large.

Being too big in a cave system might have negative effects, so am I able to get a size estimate?

If a spider was called small, is it by this world's outlook on it? The majority of intelligent beings are most likely human so a monster like Kumoko might be small in comparison to them. Now if a chicken is called giant, doesn't that mean there's a chance I become larger than a human?

Or is it considered giant from their idea of chickens? Either way, I'm not looking to get necessarily larger at the moment.

I believe staying small until I get stronger is the safer option. Being large makes me more visible to predators as I'm sure there are surely stronger creatures than me.

There's a skill called dragon scales, and the dragon egg here, doesn't that mean dragons exist here? They're a mythological stable and are known for being one of the strongest creatures and there is an egg in this very cave, meaning its parents are probably somewhat near. I think it's best if I stay petite for now or I might not be able to avoid it when I find it.

That is if I'm not able to beat it at that time of course.

『Giant Chicken: A chicken that stands 6 meters in height, never seen before, one of a kind』


I probably should have appraised it before hypothesizing. 6 meters is extremely tall though so it solidified my dislike towards it more.

『Rock Bird: A high-defense bird that stands 2 meters in height and can run at fast speeds. Never seen before, one of a kind』

This was contradictory to what I imagined. It has a high defense so I assumed it might be slightly slower, due to the rock part and whatnot. However, it was mentioned to run fast.

Why run fast in particular? Why not fly? Can it fly?

I ultimately decided against it as it was relatively risky and the results didn't seem worth it.

『Poison Chicken: A poisonous chicken, never seen before, one of a kind』

Once again, I'll drop the poison chicken as I don't see it as particularly necessary either. I have poison but more importantly paralysis attack, which as shown with the humans, should be more than enough. That sets aside poison chicken. Now the final two are Cockroach and Magicken.

Obviously, it'll be Majicken but let's appraise it nonetheless.

『Magicken: A magical chicken with vast knowledge of spells, never seen before, one of a kind』

As I thought, it's magic and chicken combined. It sounds stupid though, who would name it in such a way?

Anyways, all of them said one of a kind but I guess it makes sense. I did get a title for First Evolved Chicken just recently.

Before I select it though I should clean up the murder scene if you can call it that. I dragged the 3 edible bodies back, and Kei had an expression as if she was about to throw up.

[Y-you killed them?!]

{I had to, otherwise, we all may have died. In this world, especially in this labyrinth, it's survival of the fittest.}

[G-got it! Did you at least end them quickly so they weren't in pain?]


{Of course, I did.}

[Good good...]

Looking at Kei briefly, I could tell she was disturbed still. For the last human death, she probably was more alright since it wasn't done by our hands but by themself.

I appraised her, curious as to her status.

『Species: Poison Greym     Status: Gloomy

Level: 10






Failed to Appraise Full Status』

She doesn't seem compatible with magic that much at all. Since she is level 10 though and if I remember correctly, she said she had to level up as well.

{You can evolve, right? What are your options?}

[Oh, Greater Greym, Deadly Poison Greym, and Giant Greym. I think I'll choose Greater greym...]

{Good call. I'll stay on the lookout, you can evolve.}

She was already poisonous and it should become deadly either way over time. Giant greym might be too large as well. Greater Greym might increase your size but your stats should rise too, making it the best option.


She lay down and shortly after became unconscious.

Now as for Kumoko:

『Species: Small Taratect     Status: Thinking

Level: 6






Failed to Appraise Full Status』

Her stats seem rather even the same as before. It also appears she has an Overeating skill like me due to the surplus Red SP.

I can't necessarily speak to her still, not that she would talk much in the first place I guess. I didn't really have to tell her I planned to evolve as I stayed awake during the process. However, I couldn't really fight properly during the evolution process. I checked the area with detection, it was empty, with no threat to be seen and I proceed to evolve into a Majicken.

"Individual, Lesser chicken, is now evolving into Majicken"

My body began to glow green and same as the level-up bonus, my feathers and asking molted and this continued, albeit less than the previous evolution. My body didn't necessarily expand or grow in any way, just my feathers slowly but surely switched colors, a previous brown becoming jet black.

Not only that, some feathers in stripe-like patterns became a variety of different colors, tinted slightly to match. Other than that, there were no significant changes to my body at the moment.

Glancing at Kei however, I could see a difference. She near doubled in size and not only that had yellow fur instead of her previous grey. It's quite a disturbing process to look at hence why I understood Kumoko retreating away, not wanting to look at it.

As evolution finished faster due to the minuscule physical changes, I received an alert from Voice-san.

"Evolution completed"

"Became the Lesser Chicken species"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Level Up Bonus: Skill Proficiency was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Taboo LV3』 has become 『Taboo LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Appraisal LV7』 has become 『Appraisal LV8』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Heresy Magic LV4』 has become 『Heresy Magic LV5』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Magic Hoard LV5』 has become 『Magic Hoard LV6』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Magic Power Perception LV5』 has become 『Magic Power Perception LV6』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Magic Power Operation LV6』 has become 『Magic Power Operation LV7』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Turbulent Flight LV10』 has become 『High Speed Flight LV1』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Steel Grip LV10』 has become 『Relentless Grip LV1』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Razor Sharp Beak LV10』 has become 『Perputually Penetrating Beak LV1』"

"Skill points gained"

Apparently, all my intrinsic skills got pushed into the next tier, and a portion of my Magic Related skills improved. The best things to see evolve were appraisal, and heresy magic since I believe they're associated with an acquirable skill.

Using Appraisal on myself for the 73rd time since I came to this world, I got these as results:

『Species: Magicken

Level: 1


HP:1015/1015(UP 16)(Green)

MP:753/753(UP 112)(Blue)

SP:951/951(UP 26)(Yellow)

SP:104/816(UP 26)(Red)

Average Offensive Ability:680(UP 16)

Average Defensive Ability:786(UP 16)

Average Magic Ability:536(UP 112)

Average Resistance Ability:440(UP 6)

Average Speed Ability:1740(UP 16)

『Skills: Appraisal LV8 (UP 1), Editable Eggs LV6, High Speed Processing LV1, Memory LV6, Perpetually Penetrating Beak LV1(UP 1), Super Thought Acceleration LV5, Parallel Thinking LV9, High Speed Flight LV1(UP 1), Relentless Grip LV1(UP 1), Diverge LV4, Perception Expansion LV5, Super Poison Resistance LV8, Corrosion Nullification LV3, Heresy Magic LV4(UP 1), Taboo LV4(UP 1), Stealth LV1, Overeating LV 4, Pain Mitigation LV4, Acid Resistance LV4, Accelerated Growth LV5, n%w=l, Petrifying Demon Eye LV3, Magic Power Perception LV6(UP 1), Magic Power Operation LV7(UP 1), Petrification Resistance LV2, Detection LV5, Super Heresy Resistance LV 2, Poison Attack LV 1, Cooperation LV 10, Dragon Feather LV3, Rock Hardening LV3, Ultimate Life LV 1, Herculean Strength LV 10, Stronghold LV1, Fire Magic LV3, Magic Consumption Down LV 5, Knowledge LV 10, Water Magic LV4, Earth Magic LV5, Wind Magic LV2, Plant Magic LV1, Lightning Magic LV2, Poison Magic LV1, Ice Magic LV1, Shadow Magic LV1, Light Magic LV1, Healing Magic LV1, Heavy Magic LV1, Space Magic LV1, Ultra Paralysis Attack LV10, Paralysis Nullification LV10, Exhaustion Nullification LV10, Pain Resistance LV 8, Heat Resistance LV 3, Acceleration LV10, Fortune LV2, Magic Hoard LV6(UP 1), HP Auto-Recovery LV9, MP Recovery Speed LV8, Super SP Recovery Speed LV2, MP Consumption Minimized LV1, SP Consumption Down LV10, Fire Resistance LV5, Probability Correction LV5, Foresight LV1, Ultimate Movement LV 2, Cutting Resistance LV10, Destruction Resistance LV2, Impact Resistance LV5, Olfactory Enhancement LV8, Taste Enhacement LV4, Tactile Enhacement LV6, Shield Dome LV 4』

Skill Points: 300』

Appraisal seemed to add a designated increase to stats after each level-up. That and skills. That's assuming that's what the (UP x) means.

It added 16 points to my previous 999 HP making it 1015 points, Pretty Useful to monitor but I can remember what they currently were and do arithmetic to understand the increase of points nearly instantly either way.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Memory LV6』 has become 『Memory LV7』"

Would you look at that, memory increased.

Same as with the other skills relating to cognitive ability, there's not much of a difference to be seen. It's somewhat just there to represent what I have but doesn't drastically affect it.

Moving onto the more important part of this appraisal upgrade, there are the Skill points. I had 130 before I slaughtered the humans, and now it was 300.

Considering that I raised 6 levels for possibly 120 points and 50 from the evolution, that aligns with what I had previously.

Now the question is, am I able to see all the skills I could purchase now instead of thinking of them?

I appraised Skill points and from there, I was led to a long list of skills, available for being purchased and was shocked by the quantity shown.


Well, I suppose I should appraise them all. Mentioning the ones that stood out, I was left with this.

『Destruction Enhancement: Enchants Items with the destruction attribute.』

If I get an enchantment skill like this, I can apply it to weapons. I should be able to get a flaming sword if I select Fire Enchanted right?

The thing is, it's not really necessary at the moment or possibly ever.

The only weapon I can imagine using as a chicken is throwing stones but in that case, magic would be better used instead.

『Creature Training: A skill that increases the likelihood and growth rate of a lesser obedient creature.』

If I do this, can't I have my own army? It might pair nicely with Kin-control.

『Kin-Control: You have absolute control over your kin. Can only be bypassed by Heresy Nullification』

It could go rather nicely since it improves growth rate but having just Kin-control by itself seems enough. Based on the warning that it doesn't work with Heresy Nullification, it is some sort of soul control type thing.

Wait a moment, is this a requirement to acquire Soul Full Solomon? Even if it's not and I obtain it, it should prove useful nonetheless.

"Number of skill points currently in possession: 300. Number of skill points required to acquire skill 『Kin-Control』: 100. Acquire skill?"


"Skill, 『Kin-Control』was acquired. You have 200 Skill Points remaining."

This one doesn't have any level on it? It did say absolute control I suppose so there wouldn't be much else to increase, besides maybe the number of offspring that fall under it.

I passed the perception skills since Detection already contained them all.

Passing through the resistances, I caught sight of Silence, Odorless, Heatless, and Telescopic Sight. This should help with vision, stealth, and hiding from things but are they necessary? The main reason why I rather not get resistance skills and these skills like this is due to the fact I think I can learn them myself.

As the names imply, they just make it so my heat signature is undetectable as well as my smell and the sound I make.

Now as for these two:

『Magical Warfare: Increases Magic fighting techniques along with magic-related stats』

『Mental Warfare: Increases physical fighting techniques along with cognitive ability』

Mental Warfare is probably unnecessary for me and I suppose the upside for Magical Warfare is the increase in magic stats.

Is it by a lot though? If it's worth 400 points, possibly, but it's a high risk.

I suppose I can't afford it currently anyways but I will keep it in mind.

『Magic Power Conferment: Able to grant Magical power stats to another individual at the cost of your own』

『Magic Conferment: Able to grant MP points to another individual at the cost of your own』

『Energy Conferment: Able to grant energy to another individual at the cost of your own』

『Ability Conferment: Able to grant skills to another individual at the cost of your own』

All of these, especially Ability Conferment seem extremely useful. I can strengthen Kumoko and Kei making both more useful but the problem is the cost. I predict I wouldn't have chosen it by itself as the skill points it would take are all I had.

However, this could be extremely useful later on. If there's a maximum the system allows me to have, can't I transfer the excess to someone else? I imagine it comes at a cost, like taking 100 MP for one level one skill transfer.

Anyways, It'll be more useful to me later on than now. I have to know I'm a decent amount stronger before I do such a thing. Removing the stats I might need against a strong opponent is not really the smartest course of action.

Although groups can make an impact, I doubt I would fight alongside Kumoko or Kei, especially Kei, anytime soon...

『Telekinesis: user can lift or move things to how their mind sees fit』

Now, this can be extremely useful. Almost anyone has heard of the ability called telekinesis, It's almost like a stable superpower. While I've watched none, I am aware it's mentioned relatively frequently.

With this skill, I can possibly lift stones and if aimed properly with enough force and piercing power, I can send them through vital spots instantly killing an opponent.

If I ever meet a large group of monsters, especially weak ones, like the Ferects again, I would be able to dispatch them with ease and minimal damage to their corpses. That depends on how well it works with the level of the skill though and the consumption rate of MP. I believe it should use that at least.

Before I acquire this though, let me inspect the other skills.

『Abyss Magic: The highest form of Dark Magic. Manipulates the darkness of the abyss. The kinds of magic that can be used depending on the skill level』

Now as for abyss magic, I did notice something similar beforehand. That time I got knowledge from the Sage title, it let me become aware of the different types of magic but only the first level and more as I went. However, abyss magic which I still believe to be an evolution from dark magic which is somewhat stated here, was listed.

The first level was called, Hell Gate.

Hell is a concept that is often associated with certain religious or spiritual beliefs, and its description may vary depending on the particular belief system in question. Generally speaking, Hell is often described as a place of punishment or torment, where the souls of the wicked or unrepentant are said to be sent after death.

It's often depicted as a place of darkness, fire, and suffering. It is believed that the souls of those who have committed sins or transgressions against divine laws or morality are sent to Hell to endure eternal punishment, either through physical torture, psychological torment, or both.

So if there's a magical ability that's titled that and it's only level one, it must be extremely strong. That's the reason I left it alone as it might create a drastically bad effect in a closed space like this.

If I couldn't defeat the humans, it would have been my last resort. I know I can use it so there is no point in buying it. Let's move on to the next one.

『Humanification: Provide the user the ability to transform into a human and transform back to the original state. MP consumed only at the original process.』

『Dragonification: Provide the user the ability to transform into a dragon and transform back to the original state. MP consumed only at the original process.』

These are similar in nature, and while the dragon costs more, the human one is the one I would choose 9 times out of 10 due to my familiarity with it. It's just a transformation so I'm unsure if I can receive the greater stats from the dragon.

If so, I might quite possibly choose dragon but being in human form might be the best. The problem is the insane amount of points required. If anything... Well, I'll settle that later then.

Now onto the two that appear to be more titles than skills.

『Demon Lord: A being that can be considered worthy to lead the demons based on strength and intellect』

『Hero: A being that can be considered worthy to lead the human in battle based on strength and intellect, seen as a light of hope and a role model. 』

Demon Lord and Hero.

I'm starting the belief this world is like a fantasy and medieval era more and more.

How would that describe the Super Computer Brain title I received though? I wonder if this Administrator, the one I believe to be a god, is aware of my previous world. It's either that or the timeline while sounding medieval is also advanced.

There are only 12 skills yet and all of them seem rather appealing by their descriptions.

『Pride:n% of the power to reach godhood. Upon acquiring, experience points and proficiency will greatly increase, along with improved growth capacity for every ability. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Sloth:n% of the power to reach godhood. Drastically multiplies the speed of decrease in surrounding system numerical values, most notably SP, excluding the user's. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Wrath:n% of the power to reach godhood. Expands the user's Divinity Field. In exchange for parting with one's sense, combat ability skyrockets (Multiplies ability stats by 10). In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Greed:n% of the power to reach godhood. Causes the user to randomly take stats values, skill points, and skills from slain opponents. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Lust:n% of the power to reach godhood. Highest Tier form of Brainwashing and Charm, to the point of it lasting near permanently. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Humility:n% of the power to reach godhood. By consuming one's soul, the user can temporarily gain the power to surpass the System's limits and can even compare with the gods, but at the cost of both lowering their lifespan and leaving them in a permanently weakened state afterward. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Mercy:n% of the power to reach godhood. Allows the user to resurrect the deceased. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Perseverence:n% of the power to reach godhood.Expands the user's divinity field. As long as MP is maintained, the user will survive with 1 HP regardless of the amount of damage taken. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Charity:n% of the power to reach godhood. Gives the effect equal to the HP Ultra-fast Recovery LV1 to everything that's recognized to be the ally around yourself. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

『Chastity:n% of the power to reach godhood.Expands the user's divine realm. Develops an area where nothing can be invaded. In addition, the user will gain the ability to surpass the W system and interfere with the MA Field』

All of these skills are absolutely broken compared to what I've seen previously. The thing is, they're not overly expensive either.

Their names remind me of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. The question is, where did Gluttony, Envy, and Temperance go?

Why were they missing in particular?

Deciding it'd be near impossible to find out at the moment, I continued and purchased my last skill.

"Number of skill points currently in possession: 200. Number of skill points required to acquire skill 『Greed』: 200. Acquire skill?"


"Skill, 『Greed』was acquired. You have 0 Skill Points remaining."

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Taboo LV4』 has become 『Taboo LV6』"

The skill which I was recommended to never raise, was raised twice in one go.

"Conditions met. Title, 『Ruler of Greed』 acquired"

"By the effects of the title 『Ruler of Greed』, skills 『Conquest』and『Appraisal LV10』 were acquired"

"『Appraisal LV8』 has unified into 『Appraisal LV10』"

Not only did I receive a skill similar to Diverge from this, but Appraisal was also maxed out. The wording made it appear it either takes all of a stat or skill points or none of it.

Let's say I fight an opponent with 1000 for every stat. If it randomly selects health, I receive all of it but none of the others. What I'm curious about, this should stack with Diverge correct?

I would take 400 HP along with 1000 I took. Diverge takes 40% of all stats at this point, so wouldn't they work nicely together?

This is disregarding the fact I might be able to take intrinsic skills with greed if they are in that "random".

That and I gained Conquest.

『Conquest: Anything the user defeats in battle becomes subordinate to them, besides those with Heresy Nullification』

This is similar to what I wanted with Soul Full Solomon, the ability to absolutely control someone. I have to defeat them first to do so with this skill which makes sense.

Similar to kin control, if the person has high resistance against mind attacks and is strong-willed they won't become subordinate.

This is the only one I had enough Skill points for but It was a purchase I was looking for.

The only downside is the raised taboo...

As I was doing this, I was analyzing the newly gained skill. As mentioned before, in the actual description of Taboo, it literally says, "Do not raise."

Skills other than that were stat boosters like Ultimate Life, Ultimate Movement, Fortune, and so on.

There were also increased magical abilities and I gain a barrier skill called Shield Dome, most likely from the leader of the humans.

I, who had low stats was also eating during this whole situation and got full as it finished. My overeating skill shot up twice, now sitting at Level Four.

My red SP, which was at 100, overfilled the bar and was now at 1256.

I just realized I ate all of the remaining centipedes and stopped.

Kumoko was staring at me blankly, and I stared back with the same expression.

We might have to get more food soon...


Species: Magicken

Level: 1


HP:1015(UP 16)(Green)

MP:753(UP 112)(Blue)

SP:951(UP 26)(Yellow)

SP:816(UP 26)(Red)

Average Offensive Ability:680(UP 16)

Average Defensive Ability:786(UP 16)

Average Magic Ability:536(UP 112)

Average Resistance Ability:440(UP 6)

Average Speed Ability:1740(UP 16)

『Skills: Appraisal LV10 (UP 3), Editable Eggs LV6, High Speed Processing LV1, Memory LV6, Perpetually Penetrating Beak LV1(UP 1), Super Thought Acceleration LV5, Parallel Thinking LV9, High Speed Flight LV1(UP 1), Relentless Grip LV1(UP 1), Diverge LV4, Perception Expansion LV5, Super Poison Resistance LV8, Corrosion Nullification LV3, Heresy Magic LV4(UP 1), Taboo LV6(UP 3), Stealth LV1, Overeating LV 4(UP 2), Pain Mitigation LV4, Acid Resistance LV4, Accelerated Growth LV5, n%w=l, Petrifying Demon Eye LV3, Magic Power Perception LV6(UP 1), Magic Power Operation LV7(UP 1), Petrification Resistance LV2, Detection LV5, Super Heresy Resistance LV 2, Poison Attack LV 1, Cooperation LV 10, Dragon Feather LV3, Rock Hardening LV3, Ultimate Life LV 1, Herculean Strength LV 10, Stronghold LV1, Fire Magic LV3, Magic Consumption Down LV 5, Knowledge LV 10, Water Magic LV4, Earth Magic LV5, Wind Magic LV2, Plant Magic LV1, Lightning Magic LV2, Poison Magic LV1, Ice Magic LV1, Shadow Magic LV1, Light Magic LV1, Healing Magic LV1, Heavy Magic LV1, Space Magic LV1, Ultra Paralysis Attack LV10, Paralysis Nullification LV10, Exhaustion Nullification LV10, Pain Resistance LV 8, Heat Resistance LV 3, Acceleration LV10, Fortune LV2, Magic Hoard LV6(UP 1), HP Auto-Recovery LV9, MP Recovery Speed LV8, Super SP Recovery Speed LV2, MP Consumption Minimized LV1, SP Consumption Down LV10, Fire Resistance LV5, Probability Correction LV5, Foresight LV1, Ultimate Movement LV 2, Cutting Resistance LV10, Destruction Resistance LV2, Impact Resistance LV5, Olfactory Enhancement LV8, Taste Enhacement LV4, Tactile Enhacement LV6, Shield Dome LV 4, Kin-Control, Conquest, Greed』

Skill Points: 0


Super Computer Brain

Gross Feeder

Kin Eater

First Evolved Chicken

Monster Slayer



Ruler of Greed

~Authors Note~

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