
Kumo's Lightning Dragon Slayer

A boy wakes up on top of a mountain peak with fragmented memories from two different lives. AU Naruto

nogainjustpain · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 - Beginning

"Abc" = Dialouge.

'Abc' = Thoughts.

The Hidden Cloud Village of the Land of the Lightning.

A man with dark skin and a muscled build was calmly walking towards the top of a mountain. Despite the cold weather of the early morning, the man was wearing nothing but a pair of pants tied with a golden belt around his waist.

A, the current Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village was making his way towards his personal training grounds, the peak of the second highest mountain in his village.

Once he got near the top of the mountain, A stopped in his tracks. Although not a natural chakra sensor, the Raikage felt the chakra of a low-genin level at the top.

"Humph." Harrumphed A.

Everyone in the village knew that this is his personal training ground, so no one would dare go there. Meaning that whoever was up there was not from his village.

A had no guards around his training ground since he believed that's a waste of valuable resources. It's not like anyone could actually pose a threat to him.

"Sending a weakling to deal with me? Do they not know who I am?" A felt disrespected. He was one of the strongest beings alive in the Shinobi world, and he believed that he is the strongest of his time.

The current Hokage or Tsuchikage could put up a fight with him, but he was sure that he could defeat them as well. Both of them were past their primes and couldn't deal with his strength speed. Or so he believed.

The peak of the mountain was flattened and filled with multiple craters, caused by the Raikage's training.

"Let's see who is this wannabe assassin." A mused and walked towards where he sensed the chakra signature.

With confident steps, he reached one of the many craters there. Inside it laid a boy with spiky yellow hair and fair skin. His clothes were shredded to pieces and barely covered his body. The boy looked to be around 7 or 8 years old, just the ripe age for being trained as a shinobi.

"What is this?" A questioned out loud. This was not what he was expecting.

The Raikage observed the boy for a moment and noticed that he was sleeping there without a care in the world. The blonde had a steady rhythm to his breathing and didn't seem like he was faking it. A narrowed his eyes and tried to find any sign of the boy using the transformation Jutsu to hide his appearance, but he found nothing suspicious.

He leaped down next to the boy, but the blonde didn't move a muscle from his actions.

"Wake up!" A's voice boomed throughout the mountain peak, and the boy got up in a hurry.

The blonde looked around in confusion, before turning his grey eyes on the tall muscled man. He stared at A for a moment. Realizing he doesn't recognize the white-haired man, he continued looking around, trying to grasp where he is.

"Where am I?" The boy muttered under his breath, but the Raikage heard him.

"What are you doing here, boy?" The Raikage questioned with an authoritative tone.

"I... I don't know." The blonde replied truthfully. He had no idea where he is or what he is doing there. For that matter, he didn't even know who he is as well.

But the moment he thought about that, fragmented memories started flooding his brain. Memories of his time as Laxus Dreyar in Fairy Tail on Earthland. And memories of his time as someone in a technology-driven world call Earth, but for some reason, he was unable to remember his name from that time.

Two different personalities clashed together and mixed into a single one. The Laxus Dreyar part of his personality was the more dominant one and absorbed the other, becoming the main one.

The influx of memories caused him a massive headache, and the blonde grabbed his head in pain. He felt like his head was slowly being sliced open with a hot knife while simultaneously someone was pouring hot liquid inside it. Clenching his teeth, he didn't let out a single sound despite what he was going through.

A was getting more and more confused with each second. If this was an assassination attempt, that would make it the worst he had ever seen.

Seeing the blonde clutching his head, A was sure that the boy was indeed in pain, and he was quite impressed with how the child didn't let out a single sound.

The Raikage waited for a moment while observing the boy. There was nothing special about the blonde, expect for his high chakra reserves for his age and the lightning bolt scar on his right eye.

As he was observing him, A sensed the child's chakra capacity increase in a sudden burst and was now at the middle genin level. For a moment, he tensed up, ready to strike out, but nothing happened. The boy was still clutching his head in pain.

'Is this some kind of a bloodline limit? Hmm. Might be a useful asset for the village.' The Raikage mused.

After a few more moments, Laxus released the grasp on his head and weakly dropped his arms. Massive drops of sweat were dripping from his forehead, and he was heavily breathing, trying to comprehend what happened. The blonde was confused, famished, and the headache from the influx of memories was still lingering on.

He had memories of his adventures in the Land of Fiore, but he also had memories of reading a manga about himself. And for some reason, he wasn't even the main character of said manga, which was preposterous. How could the idiotic pink-haired be the main character when he couldn't even touch his pinky?

"Boy, look at me!" Commanded A, and Laxus looked up to him.

"Do you know who I am?" The Raikage questioned with his authoritative voice.

Laxus thought for a moment and answered. "A..."

"That's right!" A said proudly.

"Grumpy old man." The boy continued, and the Raikage barely resisted facepalming.

"Brat, do you really not know who I am?" A questioned once more.

The blonde carefully observed the tall man and shook his head in response. He did resemble someone he had read about in a manga from his other set of memories, but he wasn't sure about it.

"I'm the fourth Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village." A proudly declared and confirmed Laxus's suspicions.

"So you are a grumpy old man." Muttered the blonde as memories from a manga about a blonde boy named Naruto came up his mind. Something about hidden villages that were like massive guilds and an energy called chakra, which was very similar to Ethernano. But that was about it. He couldn't remember much else about that.

Laxus tried hard to remember everything from his life on Earthland. He had memories of his younger days, when his father implanted a Dragon Lacrima in his body. He remembered his early twenties when he was part of Fairy Tail and how he was dissatisfied with how his grandfather ran the guild.

Being unhappy with that, Laxus had decided to take his rightful place as the owner of the guild. Sadly, that didn't go as planned, and he had ended up being defeated in the end. Afterward, his grandfather kicked him out of the guild, and he went around Earthland adventuring and seeking answers about his true self.

The last thing he remembered was that he was confronted by the largest creature he had ever seen, a black dragon. The beast had shot him with a blast of his dragon breath, and that was his last memory of his life on Earthland.

Laxus looked down towards his hands and observed how small they looked. 'Did I die? But then...' His thoughts were interrupted by the Raikage as he felt a sudden movement from him.

"You..." Annoyed from his comment, A kicked out and watched in surprise as Laxus brought his hands up to block his attack. He was sent flying backward, but the Raikage was impressed by how quickly the blonde had reacted. A feat that most of his chunin would find hard to replicate.

A was even more surprised when Laxus quickly got up and got in a defensive stand, ready for his next attack.

'Not bad.' The Raikage thought. With a light step, he disappeared from his spot and appeared next to the boy. He was even more surprised when the blonde not only followed his movements, but his eyes turned into slits while doing so. Granted, he was using no more than 10% of his speed, but that was an admirable feat in someone so young.

'Definitely a bloodline limit and a Dojutsu at that!' A was overjoyed seeing that. At that moment, he made his mind that the boy would join his village no matter what, and the tree huggers from Konoha would no longer hold the monopoly of all the Dojutsus.

'Stupid tree huggers.' A cursed. The Hyuga affair still fresh on his mind. It might have happened a few years ago, but that event had left a sour taste in his mouth. Not only had a council member went behind his back and ordered the capture of someone with a bloodline limit, but the idiot Shinobi had decided that it would be a good idea to go after the daughter of the clan head of the Hyuga clan.

Not wanting to think about the stupid tree huggers anymore, the Raikage focused on the boy, which he had just sent flying with another kick. He watched as the blonde quickly picked himself up.

A was trembling with joy, imagining when the boy grows older and starts spreading his seed. He would throw females at him until the blonde creates a clan rivaling those from the tree huggers.

Deciding to test what else the blonde could do, the Raikage flicked his finger and sent a tiny blue lightning bolt at him. He wanted to see how the boy would react, but what happened next left him utterly speechless.

Laxus opened his mouth and ate the lightning bolt as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

'Ahh! I still feel hungry, but that wasn't a bad meal.' Laxus thought and looked up at A. 'Now, time for some payback.'

From his second set of memories, although fragmented, Laxus knew that the Raikage was someone at the top of the food chain, but his draconic pride screamed at him to repay the grumpy old man for attacking him. He opened his mouth with lightning gathered in it and shot out a Dragon Slayer's trademark ability.

"Lightning Dragon's Roar"

The concentrated beam of yellow lightning pierced A straight through his chest. Laxus was proud that he had wounded the muscular man, but shortly realized that what he had hit was nothing but an afterimage.

'What a bizarre lightning Jutsu. The brat didn't even use any hand sings for it. The lightning was also yellow, probably part of his bloodline limit.' A mused as he appeared behind Laxus and chopped him from behind.

His hit knocked the boy face-first on the ground, and the Raikage was about to pick him up when he saw him struggling to get up.

'Did I not hit him hard enough?' A questioned in surprise.

"Brat, what's your name?" The Raikage asked while watching Laxus get up. He was more than impressed by what he had seen so far.

"It's Laxus, you shitty old man." The blonde replied.

"Bah, that's too long. I will call you L. And..." A chopped him once more and knocked him on the ground again "I will teach you to respect the leader of your village!"

"I'm not from your village, and you will call me Laxus!" Laxus growled from the ground while attempting to get back on his feet.

"Did you say something, pipsqueak? I can't hear you from down there." A said.

"I said I'm.." Laxus was about to repeat himself when chopped him once more.

"Yeah, yeah, save that for later. Now, we have to go and set you up in the village." A picked him up with his large hands and propped him on his shoulder. Using the Body Flicker Jutsu, the Raikage disappeared from his spot alongside Laxus.

As a Dragon Slayer, Laxus suffered from severe motion sickness. Being a tag-alone with someone using the Body Flicker Jutsu was the worst motion sickness he had ever experienced.

The moment the two appeared in front of a large blue structure built into the tallest mountain, Laxus started puking out saliva and gastric acid. His stomach felt like it was upside down, and if it wasn't empty, Laxus was sure that he would have vomited everything out of it.

With Laxus on his shoulder, A entered the Raikage Tower with a wide smile on his face. His morning training might have been ruined, but he had ended up picking up something or someone a lot more valuable for his village.

The Raikage was so happy, that he even thought about rapping like his adopted brother B.

The Shinobi working inside the Raikage Tower looked at A weirdly. None of them remember the last time they had seen their Raikage in such a good mood.

The situation was even weirder with A carrying a young, nearly naked child on his shoulder whose face was completely blue and with saliva dripping from his mouth.

Once A climbed up the Raikage Tower and was out of sight, all the Shinobi there gathered to discuss what had just happened.

"Why do you guys think the Raikage was so happy?"

"Maybe because of the child on his shoulder? But then who was that kid?"

"Maybe a son he secretly has?"

"Pff, you wish. Did you not see how different their appearance is? The Raikage has dark skin and white hair while the boy has fair skin and blonde hair."

"Then who was that boy? And why was the Raikage in such a good mood?"

"Who knows. Maybe we will find out later."