

We went back and I find that the most troublesome thing is people more than anything, anti-vamps. So you get how I'm the crown princess, these people find it absolutely disgusting that I'm the possible next empress due to me just being a vampire.

So they decide to try to kill me, in order to prevent this from happening not knowing the fact I'm not a nightwalker or daywalker. I'm just an ordinary vampire.

-don't own the reference, just using the concept!

"Man, Sho called it, now I owe him half a million yen," I muttered.

"We want the crown princess to surrender, shall you do so will have you have a quick death." Said the leader.

I walked out of the carriage, "What a pain, what do you want? It's annoying having people shout when you're just trying to get home."

They froze, I mean if you were that person wouldn't you either, I'm tall, for my age. At least what people think my age is, I look kinda like a gangster is what some people would call me.

"So? What's it you want?" I ask.

"Die, you vampire!" Shouted a man.

He charged with his sword managed to hit me, before he was stabbed by one of the guards.

"Ow, that actually hurt. Man, I might have to cut my pants just to treat it, a man who knows they still made items out of Dirome, didn't think they had any left." I mutter.

This was a pain, now there's gonna people hearing about this in the capital, what a pain.

"I'm fine really, surprised, really. That goes to show how people are willing to risk their lives for one cost." I say.

"Hmm, you're always so reckless, I'd rather not have you injured, now you got a nasty cut on your leg." A voice spoke from behind.

"Do you always gotta sneak up on me? I'm fine it's a minor cut, nothing too big, though I gotta wonder, how did they know this can injure me? The only person who knows is..dead, so how?" I mutter.

"Hmm, if they're dead maybe they left a book containing all the information they needed." He replied.

"That's true, but also, put your arms down there no time for this love stuff, if there is a book then it also contains the possibility of reviving the damn Si tribe, there the sworn enemies of my mother's tribe, if there's someone who knows how to get the blood of the only living one alive. They could rule the whole Vamp world and overthrew the current emperor, but that's me..so I could die!" I explained.

"Emperor? You rule the vamp world how come you're here, then?" He asked.

"Hmm, something about how these people wanted to kill, me and prevent me form have in god heirs to the throne or something like that." I reply "I didn't really pay attention, you see there was a whole lecture and I kinda really didn't want to listen."

'As expected of him, rather I don't dought there are people after me, for my father's deeds and his cause of..rather I don't know.' He thought to himself.

"I realize that the future will be troublesome, but at least will be alive in the end, I believe." I say "But rather better than death, for me, that is, as well as you."

"There's something I'd like to ask of you—-"

"Concubine Sun has arrived!" A servant shouted.

"Your royal highness! There's trouble, there's a dead servant in the garden, I say it when I was walking to sister Shin courtyard, another servant is wounded I called for the guards I had to inform you as quick as I could!" She shouted rather frantically.

"I see, then show the way then." He replied.

'I think she's rather to panicked for it, rather most would almost puke at the sight of dead bodies, according to what I know, she's supposed to be the most "calm" out of them all from my observations alone.' I thought 'So why bother to rush over here when some servants we're going to inform us, unless that servant was killed by her servant in order not to be a suspect, but rather a witness, what a calculated scheme indeed, but the game is on, dear, bastard, two can play that game!'

I walked behind him to the garden, smelling thick blood around here.

"Hmm, looks like she's been dead for about two days, but yet someone just found her, as if the killed distracted everyone in order for not to be found till the perfect moment, or so I presume at least," I mutter "such a screaming little minx, indeed."

"Two days? Then you mean on the day I went to the imperial palace, and you were attending the family banquet someone set up a perfect murder?" He asked.

"Yes, rather it was supposed to be a perfect set up, till somebody witnessing the deed, per se the second body over there lying in the bush." Say "That's poor person witnessed it all, and was going to inform us when the killer struck, making a double murder making us think it was done on the same day, rather the blood on one body isn't as old as the other, boom, people assume, considering that the murder is right in front of us!"

"Concubine! How dare you do such a thing!" Shouted the guards.

"Nope it's the servant next to her, rather they did the deed under her order." I explained "You see the lady lying dead on the ground is...the bastard child of the Concubine, who happens to be to serve dear miss Si, who happens to visit here, as a new training doctor for the servants. But hadn't any idea her older sister was here, so was poisoned, then a servant, mere young one, old as..15 was killed due to witnessing it all, poor child."

"Hmm, you saying she schemed her own sister's demise, while also having an unintended consequence as well, quiet clever you deduced it all in such a short time." He replied.

"I'm rather impressive after reading so many Sherlock Holmes books." I say.

Wait if you forgot then read background other wise well, sucks for you. Not making it into multiple languages someone can do that for me, with legal consent of course! Back to the story!

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Never mind, I take back what I said." I replied "There's no point trying to explain."

"I see, now to think of what to do with such an evil servant, since you schemed to kill, did action without thinking of your own risk, I'll say...Thrown out of the palace, and to be stripped of any possessions, thrown to the labor camps, out in the ruff and tuff, mountains." He said "for you...have her locked up, in her courtyard for a month and copy a book of..love stories ones where everybody dies. After that, have her, wear normal, common clothes while having her do it, as well as have her clean her own clothes."

'Man that's mean, even for him, to be fair I never really had anyone trustable, to rely heavily on, so there's nothing I can say.' I thought 'Not like it's really this persons body, mine, I'm just a person who had a really sad life in habit this body till I die again.'

"That's kinda mean, even for you." I mutter under my breath.

"Hmm, not really mean considering what happened to you." He whispers back.

"It's nothing, jeez, your making it sound like I went through hell." I say.

"Hell? You speak really odd sometimes." He replied.

("Yeah and I'm the weird one you can't even speak proper English") I spoke in English.

He looked at me with a smile, little tiny smile. You could only see, if you have very good vision. At least that's how I did it at least I think so! Who knows?