

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

second life(1)

I kept myself calm with a lot of difficulties, and I couldn't, I exploded like a bomb, why don't you kill me instead? If you destroy my entire memory, then what is the difference between me and this chair? What's the point of releasing me? I'm just hands and feet and body?

You are getting too excited Kim Juran, the Crugo computer said calmly, decisions are not made based on your personal preferences. We have a responsibility towards the good and bad of society.

I lost myself in anger and said, shut up you son of a bitch. Where is Jocchor from?

Nisha leaned over me, I felt a prick of the syringe in my hand, and suddenly darkness came over my eyes. Before losing consciousness, I looked into Nisha's eyes, she was looking at me with calm eyes, not fear in her eyes, but humour.

After awakening, I found myself in a high seat. I am lying down and around me are several doctors in white robes busily moving around. I also saw Nisha aside, sitting in front of a complex machine with a serious face, a smile appeared on her face for a moment as she met my eyes. As I turned my head and tried to look the other way, I realized that there were many monitors attached to my head. A few were probably inserted through the foreskin, quite irritating.

I lay silent for a long time, no one was talking to me, and I didn't even try to speak. I'm not one to lie quietly in a situation like this, but for some reason, I just wasn't feeling up to anything right now. Maybe I've been drugged like this. I lay down and waited for the brain scan. It's not easy, I just don't know how to do it. Memories are extracted from brain neuron cells and stored as digital signals on magnetic disks. The method used to make the process smooth destroys the brain's memory. As sad as I should be at the thought that all my memories would be destroyed in no time, for some reason I wasn't feeling the same. It was because of the medicine, no, because of my strong faith in Nisha, I couldn't understand.

Before the brain scanning thing started, I realized that suddenly the words started being heard. Amazingly the words weren't coming from a voice, they were being spoken directly into my brain. A lot to think about, but the feeling isn't too mild to think about, too strong.

Suddenly someone spoke to me in a mechanical voice. There are no words, but still, something is being said to me; The feeling is amazing, I got goosebumps for no reason! I was told, Kim Juran, your brain scanning is starting. The procedure is painless but a little time-consuming. It will take about two hours to complete completely. After the brain scanning is over you will become a new person. You will be given a new identity, a new personality will be born in you. Now close your eyes and lie down relaxing all your senses. thank you

I lay helplessly relaxing. I don't know how much time has passed, suddenly I am startled, and a memory of my childhood comes flooding back, I see my mother, whose face I had forgotten. He is looking out the window, I am in his arms. It's raining softly outside, my mother sings a wonderful sad song to lull me to sleep. Suddenly my mother, the sound of the rain, the melody of the music—everything disappeared, and for a moment I had nothing in my memory. After a while, a new scene appeared there. I found myself running with little feet on the green grass. With a red handkerchief in my hand, I shouted, red horse trickster, red horse trickster, red horse trickster—soon the whole scene disappeared.

I don't know how much time passed like this, it could be a minute, it could be an hour. I felt a kind of pain as I lay haunted and watched the forgotten scenes of my childhood. Once the scenes were gone, I could no longer remember them, they were removed from my brain and placed on some magnetic disk. Thinking about it makes me feel sad. Just then, a strange thing happened, and the truth spoke in my mind. There was no sound, but I heard Nisha say, Kim Juran, lie down exactly as you are lying down, don't move even a muscle of your face so that no one can understand that you are listening to me. Your heart rate is increasing, it should be normalized, and doctors may be suspicious.

I try hard to suppress my excitement and try to stay normal. Nisha takes some time and starts talking again, you understand I have stopped your brain scanning, the work has to be done very secretly. It's a very dangerous job, and if caught, you and I might have to go back to the Rukun planet! Anyway, I'm sorry, I couldn't close in time, a little late due to the security dances that were arranged. I'm sorry you lost some of your childhood memories. Now you have to act. The first part is straight, for the next hour you will lie quietly with your eyes closed. The next part is hard, you have to show that you have no memory. It's not easy, but fortunately, each person handles situations like this differently. So you have the freedom to do anything you want. Try to look with a confused look, you will startle a little and get scared very easily. Under no circumstances do two things, one is to speak, and the other is to understand someone by listening! The only thing you can enjoy is music.

Nisha suddenly lowered her voice and said, I can't talk anymore, now everything depends on you.

Suddenly everything went silent. I sleep quietly. It's not easy to close your eyes and lie down for an hour, I feel like I've been lying down for an age! At one point, a few lamps lit up here and there. The soft buzzing that had been going on all along stopped and a few doctors stood silently around me. As I opened my eyes, the doctors tried to smile kindly. I pretended to be scared. It must have been overacting.