

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

Lucas named Robot(2)

well, well The police officer waved his hand and called the young man over. The young man took a step forward and returned to the girl, straightened her up and carefully closed both open eyes. After standing for a few moments and looking at the girl, she hid a sigh and walked towards me with her long legs.

Before the police officer could say anything, I grabbed his hand and said, come with me.

There was a crowd of people around. A murmur of astonishment arose as I pushed through the crowd and advanced with the young man. I went straight towards a taxi without caring about anything. Before the taxi driver opened the door, I opened the door and got inside and handed the red card to the driver. The taxi driver put it in his box and asked very politely, where to go?

in front

The taxi sped on, seeing the speed jump from eighty knots to one hundred to two hundred kilometres and settled down.

The robot girl didn't say a word for a long time, this time she said very slowly, in an inaudible voice, "What have you been sentenced to death for?"

I looked at him startled, how did you know?

Your red card is always sending news of your presence to the Go computer, and besides, I think you have traction in your heart, which is activated right now. You need officials and you are completely in their hands. No one is so closely watched except the accused on death row. Besides, the way you saved me is illegal, punishable by death. Since you don't have that fear, I assume you've already been sentenced to death.

I shook my head and said, there is no mistake in the logic, I have been sentenced to death.

The young robot looked at me and said, "Why, may I ask?"

There was a thing about getting a message out of the Crugo computer, I don't want to discuss that properly. Especially with a robot like you–

And The young man seemed to be a little hurt, so he said thank you for saving me. What are your plans with me now?


Do you have any objection if I run away?


Excellent! I would hate to do you any harm.

Did I look at him a little surprised, mean?

When Lana and I were caught a little while ago, we did not attempt to escape. Because then our chance of escape was zero zero zero one to three per cent. When the odds are high we try hard. Now the chances of success in trying to escape are more than fifty per cent, so I will try my best. If you had tried to interrupt, you would have hurt me.

As far as I know, your robots are designed in such a way that you can never harm a human being.

That is no longer true. After we ran away we changed into our Copotron, we could hardly survive without it.

Oh, well. I noticed the young man for a while and said, who was that girl with you?

My girlfriend is Lana. Both of our tuning circuits resonated at one frequency.

What does that mean?

That means he was very close to me.

Do you feel sad?

The young robot looked at my face and smiled with difficulty, yes. We have all the feelings that humans have. You don't want to know. Am I sorry to die? I am sorry, for what I am suffering. I can't understand you. You may understand if a loved one has ever died.

I began to suffer for this robot young man. I touched his hand and said, I am sorry-

My name is Lucas.

I'm sorry Lucas, I'm so sorry.

Lucas sat with his head down, I could see tears running down his cheeks from his eyes. These robots named Robotron have imitated humans beautifully!

The taxi driver suddenly slowed down and said, there is a police car ahead asking us to stop.

Lucas said without looking up, pretend you are going to stop, but don't stop, the speed will increase to three hundred kilometres at the last moment.


Lucas pulled a head-length revolver from his pocket and began to twist the thing around his head. The taxi driver doesn't dare to speak louder after seeing that. Slowed down and just before stopping suddenly accelerated and took off like a bullet.

Lucas said slowly, excellent!

The police car tried to follow for good reason. Lucas didn't seem fazed, just noticed the police car and raised his large revolver to fire. There was a sound like a clap, I saw the police car jerking and losing control, the driver desperately trying to stop the car on the side of the road.

Lucas pulled out a square box from his pocket, entered all the numbers into it, pulled a couple of levers, and started pointing at a meter. I recognized the object, an ancient radar evasion device, by reducing the number of microwave vibrations reflected by the radar to give false position information. this

I had no idea that was still used.

I watched Lucas's work with interest. Masterful hands, surprisingly calm. Despite all this excitement, he does not show any signs of being upset. Satisfied after checking everything, he looked at me and said, Do you need any kind of help?

What kind of help are you talking about?

You saved my life, I was thinking of saving yours.