

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

An unwelcome visitor(1)

Kim Juran, Kim Juran.

Very slowly someone called my name. I've heard the voice before, but I can't make out who it is.

Rise Kim Juran.

where am I sleeping I remember a pair of wonderful beautiful eyes looking at me, dark sadness in those eyes, but the eyes met a terrible animal, looking at that animal I am slowly changing, I am becoming a horrible reptile, I scream in fear, but No one is listening to me!

Kim Juran, get up. You wake up, you open your eyes.

where am I Very slowly I remember, I am a death row convict, sent to a spaceship as a punishment. I woke up suddenly, I woke up, so have I reached the Rukun planet? Will I now turn into an ugly reptile? But I'm not supposed to wake up, I'm supposed to stay asleep. So is it also a dream?

Kim Juran, open your eyes.

I open my eyes, I'm lying in that capsule like a coffin, a soft light inside, a sweet smell.

Kim Juran, do you recognize me?

Who speaks? Whose voice is it? Suddenly I remembered, I shouted, Lucas!

Yes, I'm Lucas!

how did you get here Why did you come?

I came to save you.

To save me? what a surprise But how to get inside?

Lucas chuckled, "You'll see, you'll see in a little while." Now don't wait, let's start working. You have been sleeping for three months, so everything has to be done very carefully. Do not do anything suddenly, otherwise, the tissue may tear. I will tell you what to do. Now raise both hands slowly. very slowly –

Lucas slowly helps me wake up my entire body. First hands, then feet, then neck, back, waist. Little by little the blood began to circulate in my body, I could feel a comforting warmth spread throughout my body. I am slowly becoming a real person again.

After fully functioning, Lucas started asking me what switches are near my head, what the switches look like, what is written on them, etc. I answer his questions in detail. On asking why they want to know, he said, I am arranging to get you out of the capsule.

I was a little surprised, why don't you open it from the outside? The red button next to the handle on the right is to be pressed, I know.

"I can't open it," Lucas said with a little laugh.

Why? You will see when you come out.

I was very surprised. The physical strength of Robotron is at least one hundred times higher than that of humans, but Lucas can't do this simple task! what happened Lucas? He fell thousands of feet from the wall and suffered any damage?

It took me about an hour to get out of the capsule. As soon as I unbuckled my belt, I floated out strangely. I've never been in zero gravity before, so after a few dips in the void, I grab a large handle and brace myself. A room twenty feet long, twenty feet wide, ten feet high, loaded with machinery—I looked for Lucas next to it, but he was nowhere to be seen. I called out in a panicked voice, Lucas!

What? He answered from very close.

where are you

This is it!

I notice to my surprise that he is speaking from a speaker. I asked in fear, where are you? Why is only listening to you?

I'm not here, so you can't see me.


Nothing in my body is here. Some of my Copotron's essential memories have been transferred to the spacecraft's main computer memory. I am now a part of this computer. The computer doesn't want me in its memory, I'm forced. So I have to be very careful.

Suddenly I heard a completely different voice, said in a low voice, Lucas! You can't stay here, I will finish you.

It must be about the main computer. I listen in amazement, Lucas said with a smile, I don't believe you anymore. You said you wouldn't let me wake up Kim Juran. Did I wake him up?

The main computer was silent for a while and said, "Yes, you did wake up, that's because I was programmed to save him, so every time you tried to kill him, I had to do something in return to save him—"

I was shocked, is Lucas trying to kill me?

Yes, I took off Kim Juran's ventilator, which was supposed to be dead in two minutes, forced you to activate his lungs, and send oxygen to the capsule—am I bad?

Yes, I can't do anything about it, said the main computer. By fearing for His Highness Kim Juran's life, you have obtained some favours, but only so far. And you can't do anything.

Do you believe so, or are you scaring me?

Lucas, I'm not faking it. Don't worry that you can ever lose me. You are hidden in my memory. Every time I want to move you, you move from one place to another. But how long? Don't you feel that little by little I am cornering you?

Yes, I can feel it.


But I'm not alone now, I'm with Kim Juran! Now he will help me. Do Kim Juran?

I shook my chair in bewilderment, still not quite understanding. What's going on here?

The original computer said, Kim Juran, is a human. What will he do? Can't do anything. As far as I know, he doesn't know much about computers.

Didn't know it, but knew too much to destroy computers