
Kratos in RWBY

What would happen to the world of RWBY when the God of War happens to get transported there? Well let's find out

Amirezz_2501 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Dance

'Hey Ozpin, you should pay closer attention to these students who's files I'm going to send. They feel off to me.' I say.

'Alright, I'll look into these 3 more and see if your feeling is justified.' He replies

I then switch to Ruby's contact.

'Hey Ruby, I want to ask a favor from you' I text.

'Umm.. ok I guess? What is it?' She asks.

'I need you to ask Roman for a burner scroll.' I say.

'Uhh.. can I ask why?' She asks.

'It'd be better if you didn't know.' I say.

'Alright then.. I'll ask Roman for one and I'll give it to you as soon as possible.' She says.

'Ok thanks Ruby.' I say.

'No problem professor.' She says.

And with that final reply I close my scroll and go to the courtyard since it's time to train Pyrrha.

"Alright you know the usual, how much can you handle now?" I ask.

"I can handle go up to 5 times gravity and still move comfortably but maximum I can go to is 10 and I'll barely be able to walk, sir." She says.

"Then let's go for a middle ground and go 8 times gravity." I say.

She nods and transfers her aura into the specialized suit and as soon as it takes effect she stumbles a little before getting her weapons and into her stance.

"You know the drill, land a clean hit and we move on to the next part of your training." I say.

And with those words said she charges at me beginning our session.

(1 hour timeskip)

"Good job, that's a new record. Your last record was an hour and a half." I say.

"*pant* Thanks professor *pant* so now what?" She asks.

"We're going to be doing endurance this time. Survive as many punches as you can from me and only say stop when you are a few punches away from fainting. Just letting you know I won't go full power because that will just outright kill you. Now are you ready?" I ask.

"Yes sir!" She says.

I nod and send one punch to her gut and one to the side of her face. And it's also an unusual feeling having to hold back my punches so much.

(Timeskip 5 minutes)

"Stop!" Pyrrha manages to blurt out in between punches.

I stop my punches and Pyrrha almost falls but she catches herself. Her breathing is ragged and there's blood flowing from all over her body and bruises all over. I transfer some of my aura into her which completely refills it.

"There, you should be good in 20 minutes. Until then just sit down and rest. That's going to be it for today." I say.

"..Yes *pant* sir.." She says before sitting down on a nearby bench.

I then get a text from Ruby telling me to meet her at the old unused extracurricular building behind the school. I wave Pyrrha goodbye and go to the back of the school which I haven't been to at all. The building isn't that hard to spot since it's one of the only buildings and it's slightly run down.

I enter it to see Ruby sitting down playing on her scroll with her headphones on. And it looks like she doesn't notice I'm here. So I slam the doors close loudly shocking her making her jump up and look at me. Once she recognizes it's me she breathes a sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that, I thought you might take a bit longer." She says.

"It's fine, and about that burner scroll, do you have it?" I ask.

"Yup, it's right here." She says handing me a normal looking scroll.

"Thanks, I owe you one." I say.

"No problem, I should get back to my team now before they get suspicious of me, see you around professor, bye." She says.

"Bye." I say as she goes out the door.

(Small Timekip)

I'm on the same hill that I met Emerald for the first time and I'm waiting for her to get here so I can give her the burner scroll. And not a few minutes later I can here the same familiar robotic footsteps coming from behind me.

She then stands beside me without uttering a single word.

"Here, take it and text the contact in there during the dance a few minutes before Cinder is going to infiltrate the CCT and then destroy the scroll. Understand?" I say while giving her the scroll.

"..Yes.." She says monotone while grabbing the scroll with rigid movements.

"Then leave." I say.

She walks away slowly, leaving me alone in this nice and relaxing environment. But then my scroll vibrates and I open it to see Glynda messaging me.

'Hey Kratos, I left a little something on your bed for you.' Glynda says.

'What is it?' I ask.

'Well that's for you to see. Hope you like it' She says.

Well now she has me interested. I close my scroll and go to my room. I enter my room to see a note on the table and another note on top of a suit on my bed. I look at the note on the table first and it was from the boy.

'Hey dad, if you're reading this then I'm still playing with team RWBY or JNPR, so don't worry about me, I'm a-ok. -Jacob' Is what the note says.

I put it down and read the one on top of the suit which I assume to be Glynda's one.

'I bought you a suit, because you probably forgot the dance is tomorrow. Can't wait to see how you look' It says ending with a big heart drawn on it.

I smile, damn do I love that woman. I open up the plastic that's covering the suit and once it's off I can see that it's a black suit with a white undershirt and a black tie and some long black pants and shoes to go along with it too.


It's a few hours before the dance starts and I'm walking out of Beacon wearing the suit Glynda got me but as I turn a corner I bump into Ruby, litteraly. She grumbles angrily like something irritating just happened. Then her team finally catches up to her.

I help her up and ask, "What's with the mood? It's the day of the dance, you should relax."

"Well I would, but professor Port just HAD to give us ANOTHER essay to make for the FOURTH FUCKING TIME THIS WEEK!" She shouts angrily.

Then she realizes what she said and slowly turns to her team specifically Yang who has a death stare.

"SHIT GOTTA RUN!" Ruby shouts before running away as fast as she can as her teams follows close behind, and looks like she's too afraid to remember she has a semblance.

"Get back here!" Her team shouts while chasing after her.

Well that was something, I'd better get going now. Don't want to be late. I walk to the dance venue and it's already decently crowded despite it still being 2 hours away from the event actually starting. I then easily spot Glynda in the crowd.

She's wearing simple outfit, just a one piece purple dress which shows her bare back and really accentuates chest. And she's not wearing glasses for once which just makes her look that much more beautiful.

I walk up behind her and hug by the hips making her flinch. But once she realizes it's me she relaxes and holds my hands.

"So how do I look?" She asks.

"Absolutely stunning." I say resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Thank you, I do try my best for you. Want to get some early drinks in before the dance?" She asks.

"Sure, I'm up for that." I say.

(Small Timeskip)

It's in the middle of the dance when I feel my scroll vibrate, I check it and it's from Emerald, only saying one word.


I close my scroll and tell Glynda I want to get some fresh air and that it won't be long. I go out and head to the CCT which is some distance away from the dance. I'm about to go in but one of the guards stop me.

"Halt, identification and purpose please!" He says.

I show him my Beacon teacher ID, "I need to check on something." I say.

"Access granted, you may pass." He says stepping aside.

I go up the elevator and see that the room is completely empty and seems like nothing has been tampered with. I summon my blades and wait by the elevator exit to catch Cinder by surprise. After a minute the elevator goes down, that must be her.

As the elevator opens someone steps out and I immediately push them against the wall with my blade at their neck. But the way they scream is familiar, then I realize it's Ruby. I let her off the wall and she almost falls while clutching her chest.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I have the same question." She says.

"Well you answer me and I answer you." I say.

"Roman told me that Cinder was going to infiltrate the CCT and inject a virus in it at around this time. What about you?" She says.

"Same as you but it's Emerald who told me." I say.

"Wait.. Emerald, you mean the girl that works with Cinder and Mercury? The one who for some reason seems devoid of life a few weeks ago until today? That Emerald?" She asks.

"That exact same one." I say.

"But.. how did you make her talk? As far as I know she hasn't responded to anyone." She says.

"I have my ways which I will not reveal because I know you or almost anyone really, will not be ok with it." I say.

"...Ok, the elevator is coming up it has to be her this time." Ruby says readying her scythe.

I ready my fists and as soon as the door opens and she's in striking range both Ruby and I strike. We both hit her head at the same time, me with my fists and Ruby with the blunt side of her side. And while Cinder is dazes, I stab my blades into her back making her scream in pain before I throw her into the wall. Then Ruby shoots her mid air which makes her go even faster and go even deeper into the wall.

"Surprise bitch!" We both shout in sync.

She looks at us and since she's wearing a masquerade we can't see her face all too well but we can tell from her mouth alone that she's pissed. She summons glass shards with her semblance and shoots it at us.

Ruby dodges them while I just tank through it, I barely feel anything from these pebbles.

'Ker bite down on one of her legs until I get close' I say quickly.

And without a response I can feel Ker quickly approaching Cinder from the shadows and just as she's about to charge at us with swords she made the sudden pain on her foot catches her off guard.

Which is a perfect chance for me to dash at her and stomp down on her other foot that hasn't been bitten and hearing a satisfying crack. I then punch her once in the gut breaking her aura and I let my foot off before kicking her straight into a wall cracking it.

A look of panic is visible even with the masquerade, she quickly creates a smokescreen. I quickly spin my blades making them clear the smoke but as it disappeared so did she. Just then the elevator dings and we turn around to see Irondick.

"What is happening here?" He asks the both of us.

"There was an intruder and we were trying to stop them sir." Ruby says.

"Is that true?" He asks looking at me.

"Yeah yeah it's true." I say.

"And you let them escape?" He asks.

"Oh shut up, like your old ass could do better." I say.

"Hey, language!" Ruby shouts.

"English." I say.

"*sigh* let's leave this for tomorrow, let us just enjoy this dance for now. We don't know when we can enjoy such an occasion again." He says.

"For once I agree with you, I'm going to go now. You can deal with this mess, bye." I say as the elevator closes.

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