
Kratos in RWBY

What would happen to the world of RWBY when the God of War happens to get transported there? Well let's find out

Amirezz_2501 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Let The Beacon Fall

The alert message makes the already panicked crowd panic more as I can hear the increase in volume and intensity of their shouts. The boy! I run to where Prryha's team should be and see that they're still there with the boy in between the three of them.

They notice me running in their direction so JNR makes way for the boy and he runs at me before jumping into me and I catch him in a hug.

"Look, you're going to be ok. Just stick with Glynda and you'll be safe, alright?" I ask.

He nods slowly and I run back to Glynda.

"Glynda, I need you to go to some place safe with the boy that's far away from all this madness. I know that you can handle yourself and you want to help as well, but please; I'd rather fight knowing that the two people I hold close to me are safe." I say handing the boy over to her.

She looks at me for a moment before sighing, "Alright, I'll be waiting for you after all this is over. You better make it out alive." She says giving me a quick kiss as a lone tear runs down her face.

"Don't worry" I smile, "I'll be just fine." I hold out one of my hands up to caress her cheek and wipe the tear away. "You have to go, now." I say.

She nods and picks up the boy before running away to safety. As she manages to get out the whole arena suddenly shakes. Then a giant bird grimm lands on top of the arena and tries to use its beak to penetrate it. And from the looks of things the arena will only last a few more hits.

'Ker get ready.' I say.

He grunts meaning a yes. And when the bird does break through the arena, Ker jumps out of my shadow growing to almost the same size of the bird and bites down on its neck and pushes it into an empty part of the arena. He quickly snaps its neck turning it to dust before jumping back in my shadow.

I jump down to the arena seeing that Pyrrha is still in shock and hasn't moved an inch. I grab her by the shoulders and shake her to get her out of her trance like state.

"Pyrrha snap out of it! You can think all about this after it's all done! For now just help people get out of here!" I shout.

She finally comes back to her senses and nods before shouting at me to dodge. I quickly sidestep to see a locker embedded into the spot where I just was. Then more lockers fell from the sky and students jump down to get their respective weapons.

I can hear Ruby talking to her scroll as she gets her weapon, "Get here now! It's starting!" She shouts into it before closing it.

"Was that supposed to be Roman?" I ask stopping her.

"It was, he knew that this would eventually happen so we planned ahead and when he arrives we're going to do a bomb run on the hordes of grimm to help as much as we can." She explains quickly.

"Alright, I won't stop you anymore." I say letting her pass.

She runs off into one of the many exits and I follow as there's basically no one and nothing left in the arena. Outside I can see people cramping in to get into bullheads to leave as soon as they can. While the huntsmen and huntresses are failing miserably to keep things in order.

I then see a griffon flying towards my direction, likely trying to get some easy prey but I don't let it as I jump and hook on to its back taking me with it as it flies. I quickly pull myself towards it and get onto its back. It tries to get me off my spinning dropping and doing all it can but I hold on tight and don't fall.

It eventually stops resisting and now I can take a look at the chaos unfolding underneath. The small robot soldiers from Atlas were useless and from up here it looks like they haven't killed a single grimm yet. Although the paladins show more usefulness and manages to take out good chunks of the seemingly never-ending hordes before getting swarmed and destroyed like the last one.

The hordes are most concentrated at the entrance of the school so I make my way there. On the way though, I see a bullhead in front of me that looks different from all the other bullheads I've seen so far. So I'm going to take a gamble that it's Roman, if it isn't I could just kill them if they're hostile.

I land on the top of it and not long after Ruby comes out of one of the doors shocked but proves my gamble to be a success.

"What are you doing here professor!? And riding a grimm too!" She shouts loud enough for me to hear.

"Just thought I'd hitch a ride for a bit. Is this where you're gonna bomb?" I ask.

She nods, "It is, the grimm are most densely packed there compared to everywhere else we saw." She says.

I nod and she goes back inside and I look over the edge to look at the show that's about to unfold. Not long after, I see multiple bombs falling from the ship. As soon as they hit the ground, giant explosions start to happen and huge chunks of the grimm hordes are sent flying into the air. As the smoke from the explosions clear there are visibly much less grimm, from the looks of it they took out two thirds of the entire horde in that area.

Now with only a quarter left I fly down with the griffon at very high speed. As we quickly get closer to the ground I use the griffon as a cushion. When we hit the ground, the griffon takes the full force of the fall killing it on the spot.

I quickly stand up and look at the horde of grimm running at me, unfazed by my entrance. This is going to be a long day. I take out my blades and Ker comes out of my shadow before we rush straight into the horde.


I finish the last of the grimm from the horde and there were more explosions that happened during the fight. So I'm sure a lot of people appreciate the help given to them by Roman and Ruby. As I kill off the last grimm I look at the battlefield of what was once a nice place where people could pass by without a care. But now it has been destroyed, holes everywhere and parts of buildings scattered around the area.

Suddenly I feel the ground rumble and hear a loud roar from the distance. I look to that direction to see a giant dragon. It flies past us and into the direction of the tower leaving grimm from the black liquid dropping from its body.

'Looks like you have your work cut out for you huh.' Ker says.

'Yup, but I've faced bigger, does that look or feel like an elder to you?' I ask.

'From what I feel yes, it carries the sense of pride that dragons normally have. Whether it speaks english is unlikely as it probably thinks that it doesn't have a reason to learn the language of 'inferior beings' ' He says.

'Alright well lets get to killing it shall we?' I say.

Ker nods, I jump on his back and he runs at full speed catching up with the dragon at a steady pace. Soon we are a few feet in front of it, and I jump off Ker and he kicks me with his hind legs. This gets me high enough to where I can barely hook on to the dragon.

It doesn't seem to notice or feel me yet so I quickly pull myself to it. I get on its legs and I stab both blades into the bottom of its body which alerts it of my presence. It roars and spins and thrashes around roughly. I slowly make my way up to its neck with each stab making the dragon thrash around harder trying to get me off.

I eventually manage to get onto its back and sit where there aren't any spikes on its back. It tries to strike me with its tail but I duck under it and send a punch into the base of its neck. As it lands I feel and hear cracks which makes the dragon roar out in pain and drop in altitude by a substantial amount. If it keeps its current altitude it's going to crash into Beacon's tower.

It tries to rise up but I send a couple more punches in various parts of its neck, each with cracks of their own following them. The dragon now knows it's too late and braces for impact and tilts its head down. But I don't let it and hook the top part of its head and pull on it making it face up.

I feel it struggling to face down again but I don't let it as it crashes face first into the tower. We appear through the other side as the dragon plummets to the ground. It tries to flap its wings to regain some control but Ker comes out and rips holes into the wings, now rendering them useless.

The dragon impacts the ground and drags across it leaving a trail of destruction behind it. While it's still dazed I jump onto its head and start punching a spot with all my strength and this causes the dragon to get even more stunned. After a good amount of punches, I crack through its armor.

Then from the opening I rip out the rest of the armor leaving the soft flesh of the dragon's head exposed. I stab the claws deep into its head and jump back before starting to pull its soul out. It tries to struggle and it puts up more of a challenge than the wraith from before but still, compared to the literal god of the underworld, this is nothing.

With a little more effort the dragon can't hold on any longer and I manage to pull out its soul and absorb it. I instantly feel refreshed and I also feel much stronger and tougher too. But I don't have much time to get used to the feeling however. I see Cinder falling from the top of the second tower with Pyrrha following closely after her.

Cinder impacts the ground first and Pyrrha lands right on top of her not a second later. This causes lots of smoke to rise, I wait for the smoke to clear and see Pyrrha standing over Cinder triumphantly.

I take a step and she turns towards me cautiously, but when she recognizes me she relaxes. She takes a step and is about to fall but I quickly catch her and she uses me for support.

"Your fatigue catching up?" I ask.

"Unfortunately." She says.

"Lets go meet up with the others shall we? The grimm are, for the most part, dead. So we can let the other professors clean up the rest." I say and she nods before we walk slowly to the designated spot for the injured.

The walk there was mildly uninterrupted until suddenly a very bright light shone and closing my eyes didn't work. So we got behind large pieces of debris and the light became manageable. As the light dies down I slowly open my eyes with everything blurry. I blink a couple of times before everything becomes clear again.

"What was that light?" Pyrrha asks.

"I don't know, did you see where it came from?" I ask.

"I think it came from the cafeteria." She says.

"Do you want to check there first before we go get you checked up?" I ask.

"Sure I don't mind, I'm already feeling slightly better because of my aura now." She says.

I nod and we slowly made our way to the cafeteria but it's eerily quiet now. Before there were still sounds of battle and roars in the distance. But now.. now it's completely silent with the only audible thing being mine and Pyrrha's breathing along with our footsteps.

We make it to the cafeteria and the windows are all broken, there's the smell of ash and the doors have been broken open. We carefully make our way inside and it's a mess, everything is everywhere it shouldn't.

We walk further in and behind a pillar a sight appears that would make anyone with a not so strong stomach lose it. Evidence is Pyrrha seeing it and throwing up. That's because the ones laying on the ground are...
















Yang, Blake and Ruby. But the thing that makes this such a horrible sight is that Yang.. has been cut in half. Literally. Cuts all over her body with her blood now dry, her intestines spilled out and laying on the floor from where she had been cut from. And some parts of her body completely mangled. Ruby is laying her head onto Yang's chests unconscious, with dry tears and some scars of her own but nothing as extreme as Yang's.

And finally Blake who also has some dry tears and a deep stab in the side of her stomach. And from the looks of it, it penetrated through the other side. I quickly check all of their pulses and all of them are alive except for Yang.

"Can you walk on your own?" I ask Pyrrha.

It takes her a moment before nodding. I let go of her and pick up both Ruby and Blake before looking at her, "Lets go, we're reporting this ASAP." I say.

She nods and gives one more look at Yang before quickly walking away after suppressing another barf. I follow her a few steps behind.

'Kratos, that corpse doesn't feel right.' Ker says.

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'I don't know how to explain it but compared to normal corpses, this one feels strangely different. I can't tell exactly what though.' He says.

'Alright, we'll check here again tomorrow, for now we got this situation to handle.' I say.

And no more words were said as we walk to the others.

So what do you think about the chapter and that big plot deviation?

Also I edited the chapter where Kratos got his warp ability and removed it because I decided it was too much.

Amirezz_2501creators' thoughts