
Debut at sight Part III

Having a conversation with the new guys after earlier breakfast was actually pretty hard. That way, I was almost grateful that I could escape that awkward atmosphere at the apartment. After all, I still had my part-time job, as the money I got from there had actually saved the hyungs and me a couple of times.

For instance, this morning after that bastard whose name I don't want to even recall stole the rice from us. Before I could get angry, a friendly greeting came.

— Yo! Jangsu-yah! A little bit early this time, why don't you sit down before changing clothes? — The Choi Min Sik look-alike that was also my boss amicably said. Even though he was a common, yet kind of charismatic looking man, he was simply too friendly. Every night he would tease me being Cho Ah's boyfriend and every other kind of joke that came to his mind.

With that being said I approached one of the tables that were just outside of the shop and sat down. Just as I put down my backpack to take a water bottle out, his voice came once again.

— Quick! — He said as he threw a can of coffee at me, which I quickly caught.

— Thanks boss, how much is it? — I asked back.

— Don't worry — he said while shaking his hand — it's on the house this time.

A little bit surprised, I respectfully nodded at him.

— We're going to be family if you marry Cho ah-yah — he said with his teasing smile. I couldn't help but shake my head and swallow the teasing until Cho Ah came.

After some minutes that felt like an eternity to me due to his whole class on how to conquer Cho Ah's heart, she finally came.

— Yo! Boss! Chris-Oppa! — she instantly said while running at us. She picked up the bad habit of calling me Oppa even though we were the same age, as I made the mistake of telling her that habit that Yoona had, or has.

The boss immediately passed another can of coffee at her, which she immediately opened.

Nights were still really cold at this time of the year, and even though it didn't affect me that much, it seems it affects Cho Ah judging by her red cheeks and nose.

— Well, I'll leave the lovebirds alone — that was the final thing the boss said while leaving towards the counter.

Cho Ah, shaking her head, asked.

— Did he do it again? — she asked while shaking her head in frustration.

— You know him better than me, you think he'll ever stop? — I sighed while replying. After a few seconds I continued — Anyway, slowly drink the coffee, I'll change first — I said while taking my backpack and immediately going towards the back room to quickly change clothes.

Still, I could hear her "sure" as the response.

As I didn't take too much time, after a couple of minutes I was back outside with my overall.

— Cho Ah-yah, your turn — just as I was saying, I could hear once again that nostalgic song being hummed. A smile came to my face, and I couldn't help but ask, interrupting the song.

— Liked it that much? — she looked at me a little bit surprised, but then a big grin appeared on her face while she replied.

— You know I loved it — I couldn't help but shake my head, trying to hide my happiness. I approached the table once again and took both the empty can I left before, as well as the empty can Cho Ah has just passed to me.

I took both of them and playfully threw both at the nearby garbage can as if it was a Basketball.

It ended cleanly going inside, so I jokingly continued.

— Three points! — Cho Ah jokingly clapped by the side. But once again we were interrupted.

— Nice one kid, just as I told you, show off in front of her — The boss once again alluded to his so-called bits of advice. Both Cho Ah and I couldn't help but look at each other and shake our heads, clearly frustrated.

— Anyway, I'm leaving little guys, good luck with your turn — both of us nodded, then Cho Ah went to change while I waited at the counter.

Another peaceful night went on, a few customers, some boxes I had to move while Cho Ah organized the shelves, some cleaning I did while Cho Ah checked the inventory.

Finally, midnight came, Cho Ah's and my favorite moment. Just as the time came, she immediately said.

— I think there's a few expired products this time, why don't you check them while I clean the outside tables — Cho Ah suggested and I simply nodded.

After some time, we had an array of expired lunch boxes laid on the counter, and both of us seating in front of each other, preparing to eat.

— So, anything new? — Cho Ah said while starting to eat.

— A few things actually — I said while taking my chopsticks too — Debut's finally at sight — I calmly finished.

Cho Ah immediately started to cough while angrily looking at me.

— What's with the tone, shouldn't you be a little more excited? — she puzzlingly asked.

I shook my head. I noticed how she got immediately worried, so I tried to comfort her a little bit.

— Haven't I told you my situation? — I asked, not really remembering if I ever told her.

— Just a little bit — she said while tilting her head.

— Well, basically, even if I debut, I could be easily pulled out if fans don't like me — I calmly said.

She was a little bit shaken, so I tried to change the topic a little bit.

— Anyway, check tv regularly, you could be surprised — I teasingly said.

She suspiciously nodded at me but still nodded.

— What about your plans? — I continued but got worried instantly as I could feel some sorrow in her gaze — ...any problem?

— I.. I'm not sure — this time, it was my time to tilt my head in confusion.

Then I remembered how she was a JYP trainee, making it a little bit awkward as she knew I was the CEO's son.

— Don't worry too much about my position, you know me better than that — I tried to calm her, which seemed to work as she continued.

— I... I don't think I'll debut soon — she said while staring at the floor.

I could feel how nervous she was.

Then it clicked, plans for making a new girl group were being made in JYPE, I'm pretty sure pressure was slowly getting to her, as competence there could be hard.

I then carefully dropped my chopsticks and slapped both of her cheeks with my palms.

Not too much force, nor too weak, after the slap, I pressed both of her cheeks with a little bit of pressure and finally explained myself, as she was clearly surprised.

— Cho Ah-yah, every other trainee is as nervous as you. Haven't I told you about Yoona's audition? — she nodded — Then you must know, you could feel as if you're the only one that doesn't have the confidence, but everyone else is the same. Everyone has the same insecurities, You, Yoona-yah, Ju Hyun-ah, my Hyungs, even me. All of us are afraid of failing. But being nervous won't help you at all. Just remember how much you've been training, ok? — I smiled at her and she smiled back — Now, in my opinion, if you don't debut, JYP is the one losing.

I could plainly sense how she calmed, finishing while smiling at me.

— Thanks, you're good at cheering people up, you know? — I laughed and finally said.

— Shut up, and keep eating.

She brightly smiled at me and kept eating, until she interrupted me once again.

— You should tell Eimi-yah about it, don't you think? — she calmly said while staring directly at my eyes.

I could only sigh until finally replying.

— I... I will, not today, but I will write to her before the next week.

She smiled once again and continued eating.

— You've grown gutsy, huh? — she laughed, replying.

— Just noticed you're a softie — she cutely said, making me shake my head — also, call your father, I assume you haven't told him, am I right?

I nodded, a little bit surprised at her predictions.

We finished eating and wrapped the leftovers to bring them home.

— Okay, I'll call him on the payphone outside — I said as I was finishing cleaning up the counter.

She frowned and asked.

— Is he awake at this hour? — I looked at the hour, around 2 and a half, so I simply nodded and replied.

— He's probably composing something, as he's probably just woken up. Also, it seems he's studying some Japanese lately.

— Then go ahead, I'll take care of this — she signaled to the bags of thrash we should throw at the big can behind the shop.

I nodded and approached the payphone that was just outside, finally calling father after some time. After some ringing, I finally heard that familiar voice, noticing it sounded a little bit sleepy.

— Hello?

— Father, it's me — I immediately said.

— Jangsu-yah? What's going on? — the voice replied.

— Yes father, I just called to tell you some news. I don't know if PD-nim has told you yet.

— I don't think so — he puzzledly said.

— A survival show is coming on TV, the winners will debut. The new members were introduced to us just yesterday, and they moved to the apartment this morning — I explained.

— Really, so finally the time has come, what are your conditions? — he immediately asked. He was clear about my situation after all, there should be conditions after all.

— No compromises, if fans don't like me for whatever the reason, I'm out — I calmly explained.

A sigh could be heard from the other side of the phone until he continued.

— I won't say anything Jangsu-yah, we've talked about this before, just you know, your family is here in JYP, if you want to come, you have my support, no matter what happens.

Tears were on the verge of falling from my eyes, a little bit emotional about Father's words. Still, I managed to say.

— Father, let's see what happens here... But thank you.

Silence pervaded over the phone until father interrupted it.

— Still, I think it's time to introduce you to the public — I was really surprised at the comment, after all, I was still an adopted son. Before I could say anything, father continued — JYP is planning a reunion between companies, the plan is for you to host it. The committee doesn't have a problem, so, we're only missing your opinion.

I was perplexed at the flux of information coming to me. With that being said, I immediately replied with a yes, surprisingly, father once again said.

— Really? Are you sure? A few companies will be there, so, technically your Hyungs will be there, as well as SM — I immediately gulped down.

SM trainees were supposed to go to the reunion, which meant Yoona was going to be there. After a couple of seconds of silence, I finally said with determination.

— I'll plan something, but don't worry father, there'll be no problem, at least for Park Jangsu.

— Sure, now go work, I still have to memorize 7 more kanji before work — he resolutely said, to which I couldn't help but laugh, while simply hanging up.

Just as I hung up, a pat on my shoulder made me jump on my feet.

— How did it go? — Cho Ah found it funny to scare the hell out of me.

I annoyingly stared at her while saying.

— It seems we'll officially meet soon — I mysteriously said.

She looked puzzled, but I didn't explain myself.

Things were going to be fun.

5 days before the start of the survival show.

Well, when I published the chapter, I completely forgor it but, well, I hope you had a fantastic christmas and had a great time. Here's the second chapter of the week, see you soon!

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