
Kore wa Ghoul Desu Ka?

I, Shinozaki Sen was an Otaku and a NEET. Everyday all i do is watch Anime and Movie, read Novel and Manga or go around surving Internet. I sleept last night like usual. So, why do I woke up in a Cemetery with a Silver Haired beauty right beside me? and that face, is she Cosplaying as my Favorite character Eucliwood Hellschite? if so, she has done it quite well. I thought to myself at that time. Wish Fulfillment fanfic. If you don't like, don't read!

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 55

Walking outside the Aula Hall, I was met with Kiryu Setsuna who was looking down using binoculars, not far from him is the Varia Group with Xanxus in the lead looking toward the cargo ship that was closing in.

"Well well, it's the Varia. It's been long since we meet." I said and Xanxus look back at me.

"You are, Aikawa Ayumu!" he said looking impassive.

"So, what are you doing here? Checking out on Tsunami's group?" I asked and he flinches a little confirming my question. "You are here means the company you are working for is quite big, which company is it?" I asked.

"Undermount!" he answers still focusing on the Cargo ship which now docking with this ship.

"Ohh, it seems the preliminary is finish as Katahara Oldman is welcoming them." I said as people start to appear from the other ship.

First to appear in is Murder Music President along with her fighter Togawa Yoshiko and Sawada Keizaburo. Follow after them is Yamashita Kazuo and Tokita Ohma after that is Tsunami along with all her Guardians, Karo Yoshinari from Ajiro Fisheries, and the last is Hassad from Persia Petroleum. It seems that Rihito is eliminated. Poor him, right now he was in debt toward President Nogi.

They are talking for a while before Hassad attacking the Oldman which ends up with him being defeated and thrown out the ship. Suddenly we feel bloodlust gushing out from Kiryu Setsuna from seeing Ohma get dirty by Hassad blood.

"Well, that's it! I will go back to the hall. See you later Varia." I said before walking away without waiting for their response.


Getting inside the Central Hall, I see other people mingling with each other. EU, Haruna, and Yuki going around eating food with Sera and Saras chaperone them. Kaede and Karen talk with other company Secretary, there also Kaede sister, Akiyama Sakura who is the Secretary of Magatanien. Akemi, Hibiki, Ayaka, and Zina were with Akemi's sister Shion. Kanami and Taeko were talking with Rory and Tuka who was gathering attention as people from across the Gate. Karla is following her Gramp And last is Kurisu who was talking and laughing with a group of drunk as she got herself drunk again.

Looking around, I start to walk toward Tsunami and her group who just arrived.

"Yo, long time no see Tsunami-chan!" I greeted her.

"Aikawa-san, long time no see." she greeted back.

"Have you all gotten stronger? How is leading the Vongola?" I asked.

"Of course we got stronger, why don't you test us Ayumu, like old time." Said Ranma enthusiastically.

"I got used to it, though Nono meddling is annoying. Good thing Gramp already took care of my sperm donor. I don't think I will be able to hold myself if they work together." answer Tsunami.

"Hahaha, then you can go test yourself by defeating other company fighters and take over their participant slots. That is if you are interested." I said to the guardian which only Ranma and Ryohei were interested. "By the way where is Hibari?" I asked.

"He left, the herbivores crowding around annoying him he said." answer tsunami.

"So, he won't be attending? I thought he will like fighting even like this." I said.

"Yeah, but because he won't be fighting he lost interest." answer Tsunami.

"Ahh, his lost then. Since you can take over other fighter slots as this ship going toward the island in these 27 hours. If he was patient enough he can fight to his heart content." I said and Raian starts to laugh hearing that.

"Gehehehe, I better call him and tell him about it. It must be mortifying." he said walking away.

"You already met with Xanxus?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he was waiting at the door. Saying something about a revenge match. Though I did not feel hate from him." answer her.

"Well, the one he hated is your predecessor. You are only someone he wants to surpassed maybe as you defeated hem in the Ring battle." I answer her.

Suddenly the crowd begin to stir as they look up to see Goldman Katahara taking the stage.

"Thank you for waiting Ladies and gentlemen. I will now announced the upcoming schedule. About 27 hours from now, this ship will arrive at the Land of Battle. Upon arriving at the Land of Battle, all association member will register their fighter that will enter the tournament. This registration will officially enter them to the Kengan Annihilation Tournament! And one more thing, any personal fight between fighters on board this ship is strictly forbidden. Those who break this ban will suffer Punitive Measure from the Bodyguards. That is all, please continue to enjoy the voyage." he said and the people begin to stir as they understood the meaning of Chairman Katahara word.

"That what he said. Ranma, Ryohei, you can go with your hunt." I told them and they smirk as the look at each other before leaving the Hall.

"Why don't you go meet with the old man? Karla is with him and she quite misses you." I told Tsunami.

"I will do that!" she answer and left searching for the Kure's group. Following her is Takeshi and Chrome.

"See you later Ayumu-san!" said Takeshi to me before continuing to follow her.

I walk toward Kurisu who was now alone still drunk.

"You have to get ready Kurisu. The Hyena will start to attack you from now on." I told her.

"Hehehe, let them come! As Masou Shoujo Kurisu will take care of them, hahaha." she said and start to make a pose.

"Yare are daze! Just don't overdo it." I said as I chuckled Thinking it funny when all this macho men get manhandled by Loli girl in frilly clothing.

"Now, that I want to see." I said to myself.

"Hmmm, you say something Ayumu?" she asked.

"Nope, just I decide you stay with you for now." I answer her.

"Hehehe, let's go have some alone time then!" she said and drag me outside.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Tat the decks, I want to try outdoors!" she answer but as we are walking along the hallwa, we were blocked by a group of people.

"Gehehehe, why is the CEO of Shinra letting little girl fight for him? Let me show you that we are better than a little girl!" said one of the mob.

"Yeah yeah, let us teach this little girl what a strong men is!" said the other mob.

"Sigh, you take care of it Kurisu." I said looking at Kurisu who looked pissed at our time being interrupted.

"Whep, you guys are unlucky." I said with a smile and take a step back.

Not long after, Kurisu finished taking care of the goon and throw them to the sea.

"Whoah, you are ruthless Kurisu-chan." I said while laughing.

"Hmph, that's what they get for interrupting us. Now, let's go!" she said and I follow her as I also want to try outdoor sex with a loli. The immoral feeling from doing it gets me excited, Hehehe.