
Konohas Raijin (Discontinued)

Naruto Hatake was the Son of Kakashi Hatake and great-grandson of Tobirama Senju and grand son fo the famed White Fang, Skaumo Hatake. He like his father and grandfather was a prodigy. From dealing with fangirls, to obsessive banshees, to annoying arrogant onyx haired, to a snake freak, to strong shinobi and then dealing with love. Watch as the legend of Naruto Hatake is created.

reisdemise · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


The next morning, all Jonin Senseis crowded in the Sandaime Hokages (Third Hokage) office ready to give their report.

Some irrelevant people talk about their team before it came to be Kakashis turn.

"Team 7, Sasuke Uchiha, Hinata Hyuga and Sakura Haruno pass" he answers, suprising many as he always failed teams. Many think the team passed all because of the Uchiha.

"Really?" The Hokage says surprised by the outcome, even he did not believe Kakashi would pass the team.

"They did well, figuring out the test at the end. However I request to get a replacement for Sakura Haruno. She is unfit to be a Kunoichi and will die easily" he informs the Hokage. The Hokage thinks about this as it would be special treatment but his morals wouldn't let someone unfit to be a shinobi/kunoichi die.

"Very well, youll may a new member tommorow, you get the day off. Now Kurenai I believe it is your turn."

"Team 8 Ino Yamanka, Kiba Inzukua and Shino Aburame pass. They all do very well together although Kiba is a little pervert and Ino is a fan girl. " she responds to the Hokage. Truly Ino shouldn't be a ninja, but Kurenai would giver her a chance first unlike Kakashi. The Hokage then looks at Asuma.

"Team 10 passes. Choji is the strongest of the group and pretty durable, ehe Shikamaru is lazy" he told his father. The Hokage nodded, it make sense to be durable thanks to his clan.

"But Naruto is a whole other story. Kid has shown a few different elemental Jutsu. I've seen two different affinities already, his water affinity is pretty high and reminds me of the Nidaime Hokage." He told his father. Kakashi puffed his chest in pride of his son.

"High affinity? Mm any reason for this Kakashi?" Hiruzen asks Kakashi, he is getting a bit suspicious.

"His light affinity is his main and highest ability just like mine. The reason for the water affinity is because I am the grandson of the Nidaime Hokage" he reveals his family secret. Almost everybody eyes widened with Asuma dropping his cigarette.

The Nidaime Hokage (Second Hokage) was Tobirama Senju, second eldest of the famed Senju clan and younger brother of Hashirama Senju regarded as the God of Shinobi. He was skilled at water ninjutsu and was the founder of the ANBU.

He was also the creator of the Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God Jutsu), a space-time ninjutsu that allowed him to teleport that was used by The Yondaime Hokage (Fourth Hokage) Minato Namikaze who was Kakashis sensei.

"What? Kakashi you shouldve told me, now I have tell the council!" Hiruzen shouted.

"It's ok, I knew it was a matter of time before it was revealed."

After the Hokage explained the council went ballistic. The civilians were screaming.

Nara Shikaku was now wide awake and wide eyed and Yamanaka Inoichi jaw had dropped and hit the Council table.

Inochi was head of the Yamanaka clan skilled in Mind jutsu, while Shikamu was head of the Nara clan. The Naras were a group of lazy but smart jutsu with a shadow kekkai genkai.

Akimichi Choza who had been eating some buttered toast had actually stopped eating and dropped it, showing how shocked he was since to see a Akimichi dropped food was like seeing a hyperactive Nara.

He was the leader of the Choji Clan, a clan kwon for their Body Expansion Jutsu that allowed them to grow any part of their body and their insane hunger. They also had many restraunts.

Aburame Shibi dark sunglasses actually slid down enough to allow the Sandaime to see that the Aburame Clan head had bright blue eyes unexpectedly but that was irrelevant right now.

His clan specialized in Insects that lived inside their body. They were regarded as weirdos and were outcasts in the eyes of many in Konoha.

Homura and Koharu were wide eyed and gapping in disbelief, while Danzo was simply wide eyed.

Homura and Koharu were elder council members formerly under a team with the Third Hokage led by the Nidaime Hokage.

Danzo Shimura was a former teamate of Hiruzen also trained by the Nidaime Hokage. He was a skilled shinobi that retired after his arm was destroyed. He lost the Hokage postion to Hiruzen and is bitter and angry at Hiruzen.

He created Root, the opposite of the Anbu that dealt with the darker aspect of Konoha and was later disbanded by Hiruzen. But unofficially it is still being runned by Danzo.

Inuzuka Tsume was utterly speechless, which was a first as usually the Inuzuka Clan head was never quiet for very long and was often the most vocal member of the Council (well maybe except for the Civilian members when something upset them).

The Inuzuka Clan was a clan that dealt with Ninken (ninja dogs) and many had fangs.

Finally Hyuga Hiashi who's face had a look of being utterly flabbergasted which was the most humorous looking face among the Council members, since it was very rare to see the normally neutral and unreadable Hyuga Clan head to be so emotional and utterly out of his normal controlled element.

The Hyuga Clan was one of the strongest clans in Konoha and was regarded as royalty inside Konoha.

They had the Kekkai Genkai known as Byakugan (All-Seeing White Eye) which allowed them to have a near 360° vision and allowed them to hit chakra points. It also gave them the best advantage in Taijutsu fights against any shinobi.

All of the council not believe the Hatakes were actually Senjus.

"Why did you not inform us?" Homura asked the white-haired cyclops who throughout this meeting seemed to become even lazier as time went on.

"Yes, I should've but I promised my father to not to reveal it unless some else found out" he told them. They all frowned but they understood, he was an obedient son.

"Very well, the two of you may now move to the Senju compound and gain all inheritances and money. Kakashi since your the adult, you will be given a seat on the council, enjoy being a  Senju. Now the meeting is dismissed" the Hokage told

all. Everybody left from their seats and exited out the council building

Naruto was fourn at home in his room currently sending messages to his friend. The friend was Omoi, a Kenjutsu wielding ninja with a large IQ who lived in lightning country, he could be considered the Kumogakure version of a Nara.

He met him during a vacation in another village with his father during one of his birthdays.

Kumogakure (The Cloud Village) was found in Mountains and many shinobi there were all skilled in Lightning Ninjutsu.

As Naruto finished his letter to Omoi, his father entered his room.

"Hello there father, anything you need to tell me?" He asks his father who waved back and nodded.

"We're moving to the Senju Compound"he informed his son. Naruto eyes widened, he knew he was a Senju but his father never told anyone about it.


"Simple I had to tell the Hokage as he got suspicious about your water ability. A Konoha shinobi is unlikely to have a water affinity, much less a high one." He answered back. Naruto understood, he wouldn't want the Hokage imprisoning his father for keeping secrets.

Naruto sighs before getting up to grab his sword and his ninja tools. He then grabbed a scroll and started inserting clothes and furniture into the scroll. He hands the scroll to his father.

"I've got a meeting with Asuma-Sensei. See you later" he told his father leaving the house and starts running to a training ground.

He walks through the village trying to find Training Ground 10 for his team. The only time he has ever been in a training ground was yesterday and he forgot to memorize the path to getting there.

As he's gets to his locations he sees Asuma sitting there and waiting on top of a log.

"Hello Asuma-Sensei where is my team?"

"Today is special. Your team does not have a meeting but since your a Kenjutsu user I'll be teaching you chakra flow techniques. Your one of the few Kenjutsu users so you need more help" Asuma explains to Naruto who nods.

Chakra flow techniques are used to enhance either the cutting or piercing power of a sword. Most use either chakra,wind or lightning chakra on their swords. He was being taught a technique called Hien (Flying Swallow Tecnique) by his sensei.

This involves using wind chakra on the blade increasing its cutting power and strength. It also had the added effects of putting multiple cuts on a person body thanks to the wind.

Naruto thanks to his lightning affinity has been currently creating a more techniques for his Kenjutsu. He had for the past year been creating a new Kenjutsu style solely for his personal use.

He was also learned his fathers prized move the Raikiri (Lightning Blade), and had created a technique with his Fire affinity that was similar to it.

He was also trying to attempt and be the first person to use a sub-element without having a bloodline, something that the Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't do. Naruto doubted he could ever do it, but he would constantly try to attempt it.

After learning how to use Hien thanks to Asuma-Sensei, he decided to use thei time to show Asuma something.

"Watch out Sensei, your about to see my first technique ever created. Hinoha (Fire Blade)!" Naruto started gathering fire chakra and his hand. Asuma could feel the heat coming from the jutsu and was hotter than fire jutsus. Scratch that, hotter then all fire jutsus hes seen.

Naruto once he gather enough chakra ran into a tree, piercing through it and cutting it clean while it also melts the tree a bit Asuma looked on in horror as he sees his students hands with burn marks and tons of smoke coming from the hand.

"Like it Sensei?" He asked while concentrating water chakra in one hand and putting it on the burned hand.

"Kid, that technique is your first original Jutsu and it's already A-Rank borderline S-Rank. But there has to be downsides, is one of them burning your hand?"

"Yes their is a downside. My ahnd bruns from the intense heat and I have to add two layers of dense chakra to keep the pain and burns to a minimum.

"Also dont tell my Dad, I want to keep as many secrets as possible. He probably would also freak out from burning my hand just for a jutsu" Asuma nodded. They decided to call it a day and Naruto went home, still reducing his hands pain with water.

Hien (Flying Swallow Technique): It enhances the cutting power of a bladed weapon by flowing chakra into it. A dense blade of wind chakra is formed around the physical blade, extending its reach. It can pierce through an opponent while also cutting them multiple times thanks to an added effect by the wind.

Raikiri (Lightning Blade): To perform, the user first gathers lightning to their hand, the high concentration of electricity produces a sound reminiscent of many birds chirping, creating the Chidori. The Raikiri is the stronger version of the Chidori which Kakashi Hatake the creator used to cut a bolt of lightning.

Kaizuki (Fire Blade): To perform the user gathers fire chakra into there hand but also using the heat from their own body to increase its power. The heat from the blade is more hot than most fire techniques and can only be safely used if you have high chakra control, while also having a few added layers of chakra protecting the hand from most damage from the fire chakra.