
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · Anime & Comics
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Hana Hyuga

Seeing that Kirito had spotted her, Hana timidly emerged from behind the telephone pole and hesitantly apologized, "Kirito-kun, I'm sorry for not listening to your advice and graduating early without permission. Receiving Orochimaru-sama proposal, i couldn't refuse."

"Don't worry about it. My suggestion was just that—an advice. It's not a must-follow rule. In fact, considering your current strength, early graduation was within your capabilities. Your decision to follow Orochimaru as your Jonin mentor is wise and will significantly contribute to your future growth," Kirito reassured her with a serious expression.

"It's also important to be cautious. On the battlefield, relying too much on others can be risky. You must always trust in your own abilities, especially during critical moments," Kirito advised, noticing hana overconfidence in Orochimaru's strength.

While Orochimaru was undoubtedly skilled, Kirito couldn't help but question his reliability. After all, if Orochimaru were truly infallible, Nawaki wouldn't have met his demise in the original plot. Nawaki's death was partly due to his recklessness, but it also reflected a failure in Orochimaru's guidance and leadership.

Kirito believed that while Orochimaru could provide valuable teaching and training, expecting him to always safeguard the team's safety on the battlefield was unrealistic.

"Just remember what I said, Hana" Kirito added, noting her nod of understanding.

Switching topics, Kirito inquired about her progress in learning the Gentle Fist and the Heavenly Rotation technique.

Hearing this, Hana expression fell slightly. Despite practicing diligently, her father hadn't yet taught her the advanced techniques of the Gentle Fist, leaving her with only a basic understanding.

Understanding her disappointment, Kirito offered to teach her some advanced techniques himself, hoping to encourage her dedication to mastering the Gentle Fist.

"Come with me. I'll show you some techniques and you can observe carefully," Kirito proposed, leading Hana to an open area within the Senju clan's territory.

Hana excitement was palpable at the prospect of learning from Kirito. Her father had often praised Kirito's talent in mastering the Gentle Fist, and she was eager to witness his skills firsthand.

However, She couldn't help but wonder about Kirito's knowledge of the Heavenly Rotation technique. It was a closely guarded secret within the Hyuga clan, only shared with select members. Kirito, not being a Hyuga clan member, raised doubts about how he could possess such advanced knowledge.

Nevertheless, she followed Kirito with anticipation, eager to learn and improve her Gentle Fist techniques under his guidance.

Although Kirito had initially advised against early graduation, he wasn't displeased with Hana's decision. He felt a sense of regret that she missed out on a period of safe development, yet he also admired her determination to take control of her destiny.

He appreciated her refusal to conform to a predetermined fate and her proactive effort to seek guidance from Orochimaru, a renowned Sannin proficient in sealing techniques.

While being mentored by Orochimaru might not equate to a traditional master-student relationship, it still provided valuable resources and protection for Hana.

Being under Orochimaru's mentorship meant not only gaining access to superior training but also enjoying Orochimaru's influence, which could deter any potential threats from the Hinata clan in the future.

Kirito hoped that Orochimaru wouldn't succumb to darker paths in his pursuit of immortality, which could jeopardize Hana situation if he defected from Konoha. However, for now, having Orochimaru as Hana guide Jonin was more beneficial than harmful.

Hearing Kirito's understanding and support, Hana looked at him with wide eyes, grateful for his understanding. She expressed her happiness and gratitude, feeling reassured by Kirito's words.

"Thank you for your concern, Kirito-kun. I also believe I made the right choice. With Orochimaru-sensei's guidance, I'll be careful and do my best on the battlefield," Hana said happily, her smile reflecting her contentment.

Kirito felt glad that Hana understood and appreciated his perspective, feeling a sense of satisfaction in helping her navigate her path.

He activated his soul perception and determined that there was no one else within a 200-meter radius except for them.

With decisiveness, he released a wave of chakra from his body, unleashing numerous sealing techniques that quickly formed a sealing barrier covering about ten meters around them.

Wide-eyed, Hana watched in awe, feeling envious of Kirito's advanced sealing abilities.

She had always been dedicated to learning sealing techniques and had mastered the ability to release sealing techniques and the double sealing array at her young age. However, seeing Kirito's level of skill surpassed her imagination.

"If it's Kirito-kun, could he help me remove the caged bird seal from my body?" She couldn't help but contemplate the idea.

Her hard work was driven by the desire to rid herself of the curse mark on her forehead and change her destiny. She now realized that with Kirito-kun's help, it might be possible to break the curse seal.

However, Kirito's earlier words about controlling one's fate echoed in her mind, causing her to dismiss the idea of relying solely on him to remove the seal.

She understood that relying on others for such matters would diminish her control over her destiny. Moreover, she didn't want Kirito to look down on her or lose focus on her.

With newfound determination, Hana resolved not to be seen as weak or reliant. She thought of Uchiha Chizuru, a constant presence by Kirito's side, and became even more resolute in proving herself.

She can let that poisonous woman take the only person she like.

"Alright, no one should be able to spy on us here."

Kirito, unaware of the changes in Hana mindset, completed the sealing barrier and reassured her.

"Kirito-kun, what will you teach me? If it's too important, please don't."

Hana, noticing Kirito's meticulous setup before teaching her, expressed concern about the significance of the techniques.

"Don't worry, the ninjutsu I'll teach you are my own creations, and there won't be any repercussions for us even if others see."

Kirito reassured her, giving her a comforting look.

As Hana watched in surprise, Kirito demonstrated his technique, using chakra threads to form chakra sleeves around his arms.

"Did you see that clearly?"

After successfully weaving the chakra sleeves, Kirito asked, opening his eyes.

"I think I did."

Hana nodded, observing Kirito's impressive chakra control and the defensive potential of the chakra sleeves he had created.

"This technique is called Chakra Feathercloth. It's a ninjutsu I developed by combining the characteristics of the Gentle Fist to open chakra acupuncture points throughout the body and the techniques of the Sand Hidden Puppet Masters to condense chakra lines. With strong chakra control, mature chakra line condensation, and a solid foundation in Gentle Fist, forming a chakra feather coat across the body is achievable," Kirito explained, detailing the name and requirements for mastery of this ninjutsu.

As he spoke, chakra lines emerged from the acupuncture points all over his body, swiftly intertwining to create a thin chakra coat enveloping him entirely.


Hua Lian exclaimed as she witnessed Kirito's powerful punch creating a deep crater in the ground without any damage to his fist due to the protective chakra feather coat.


At this moment, Hana couldn't yet grasp the full extent of the chakra feather coat's defensive and enhancing capabilities, such as potentially increasing Kirito's strength or speed.

"Interested in learning?" Kirito asked proudly, seeing Hana impressed expression.

This Chakra Feathercloth was a ninjutsu entirely developed by him, suitable for teaching others without being overly complex.

However, mastering a complete chakra feather coat requires a strong foundation in the Gentle Fist technique, particularly the ability to open all chakra acupuncture points throughout the body.

Among Kirito's peers, Hana showed the most promise in fully mastering this ninjutsu. With further guidance, she might even surpass him, the original developer.

"Yes, please," Hana responded eagerly, understanding the immense value of the ninjutsu Kirito offered to teach her.

Mastering Chakra Feathercloth would significantly bolster her self-defense on the battlefield, allowing her to withstand various ninja attacks and engage in close combat with enemies safely.

"You're quite insightful. There are detailed training methods in this scroll. Study it carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at the orphanage or hospital," Kirito said, presenting a scroll to her with a smile.

"Is it really okay? Kirito-kun, this ninjutsu is incredibly valuable, and I don't have anything to offer in return," Hana hesitated, feeling hesitant about accepting such a precious gift without reciprocation.

"Take it. Your father was instrumental in teaching me Gentle Fist. Despite his harsh words, he's genuinely kind. Thanks to his guidance, my Gentle Fist skills has improved rapidly. He's currently serving as the hospital guard captain and has helped me greatly."

Kirito continued, reassuring Hana that although she couldn't offer anything now, her future growth and survival on the battlefield would be invaluable to him.

Kirito was also delighted to hear Hana response, seeing her reluctance to accept something for free as a positive trait.

Her understanding of the value of investments made her a promising individual.

He believed that if she continued to grow and develop smoothly, she would become a valuable ally in the future—a high-quality investment.

While Kirito's words were straightforward, Hana felt genuinely happy. She had initially feared that Kirito had given her the ninjutsu out of pity, but now she realized that Kirito saw potential in her, which put her mind at ease. She didn't want to be someone Kirito deemed useless; she wanted to be seen as someone worth investing in.

"Kirito-kun, I promise to make good use of this ninjutsu on the battlefield and repay your kindness in the future," Hana said, accepting the scroll with determination.

Kirito nodded in satisfaction at her promise.

Then, he hesitated a bit before speaking, "Hana hyuga, I have something that can significantly improve your strength in critical moments. Would you be willing to accept it?"

"What does it do?" Hana asked curiously, intrigued by the idea of something that could enhance her strength and potentially save her life.

"It's a curse mark jutsu. It's a type of ninjutsu that enhances strength without restricting your freedom. It's not like the curse mark you currently have," Kirito explained, noticing Hana apprehension.

Hearing the words "curse seal," Hana expression turned pale, showing fear. "Are you sure it won't affect me negatively?"

"Don't worry, this curse seal is different. It's purely for improving strength," Kirito reassured her.

Despite his explanation, Hana was still visibly scared and resistant to the idea.

"Okay, forget I mentioned it. I won't force you to accept it," Kirito said, recognizing Hana discomfort.

The psychological impact of her previous curse experience was too significant for her to accept a new curse seal easily.

However, Hana curiosity got the better of her. She asked if Chizuru, an Uchiha, had a curse mark, implying that she would accept it if it came from Kirito.

Kirito, surprised by her request, confirmed that Chizuru had a curse mark and explained the risks involved in accepting one.

Despite Kirito's warnings, hana, driven by a strong desire to improve and not be compared to Chizuru, insisted on accepting the curse mark.

Kirito hesitated, realizing that it wasn't appropriate to impose a curse mark on Hana without her full consent.

"Please, Kirito-kun, plant the same cursed mark as the one on Uchiha Chizuru on me," Hana urged, her determination clear in her expression.

Seeing her resolve, Kirito reluctantly agreed to her request.

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