
Konoha: Talent Crit, Start Indra Bloodline

Traveling to the Uchiha family in the world of Hokage, Chang Ye activated the god-level talent analysis system! Every time the strength increases by one level, a new talent can be analyzed. The Indra bloodline is obtained at the beginning, and the Sharingan upgrade will no longer be hindered by Mangekyō and Eternal Eye. In the end, Sangou Jade will be able to possess the pupil power of Eternal Mangekyō and unlock the full body Susanoo! Take off straight away! Since then, Sharingan has no bottleneck, and ninjutsu does not need to seal! The strongest genius in the history of Konoha was born! And this is just the beginning: Analyze Might Guy's physical talent, Kakashi's Lightning Style talent, Shisui's illusion talent... On the night of the extermination, Chang Ye drove Susanoo, drove Eight Inner Gates, and controlled Qilin in the sky: "Sarutobi, Danzo, how do you want to die?

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Chapter 41

Katsushi, are you alright...""It'll be fine soon.""You... you should be careful, it's very fragile there..."Inside the house is a series of strange conversations.In fact, it was Katsushi who was using the transcription seal to set up a defensive illusion in Quan's eyes.After being attacked once by Danzo using Mist Shinobi, he has been thinking about how to insure the Izumi family.Although Quan's current strength has undergone his daily training, he is also the most powerful of Chūnin.And Izumi's parents only have a little Chakra, not even a ninja.Therefore, they can only rely on the method of transcribing and sealing to provide them with a protection."All right."He let out a long sigh, and after it was finally finished, Katsushi's heart that he had been holding on was also relieved."What have you done to me?"Uchiha Izumi touched his eyes, feeling that something was not right.It's as if something has entered my body...Katsushi turned off Sharingan and explained patiently:"I used the transcription seal to set up two defensive illusions for you.""You should have heard of the transcribing seal. The technique released through Sharingan can be lodged in the eyes of the target and released when certain conditions are met."Quan blinked, somewhat confused.Why set illusion in her eyes?Could it be that she will encounter any danger in the village?Suddenly thinking of what Katsushi told her before about being attacked by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Quan opened his mouth:"Katsushi, could it be that you were attacked by that... black hoe Lei Ya before, in fact, it's really Konoha who has an inner ghost trying to kill you, right?""That's right."Katsushi didn't hide the meaning of Quan, and said it directly:"Behind is a high-level village called Shimura Danzō, but you don't need to worry about that much for the time being.""Just be sure to remember that when you encounter someone wearing a mask, no matter what kind of mask, you must be careful and vigilant and avoid it quickly."The masked person who could threaten the Uchiha Izumi family because of him could be Anbu, Root, or simply Uchiha Obito!"Danzo..."Izumi took this unheard name seriously.However, at her current age, she still can't understand why the village would want to harm her Katsushi.After telling Quan a few more words to tell her not to tell what she just explained, Katsushi began to explain the transcribing seal:"I set an illusion in each of your eyes.""Two trigger conditions are set, which can be passively triggered when you are stunned by external forces, or actively triggered by your own seal.""If the enemy is unprepared, a Jōnin can be defeated."After that, Quan's parents will also use the transcription seal to set up defensive illusions."You can overwhelm Jōnin..." Quan was slightly stunned, a little surprised, "Katsushi, what kind of strength do you have now?"Before leaving for Mist Shinobi, Katsushi had just passed the Chūnin exam.Now you can actually bring down Jōnin with a single illusion?"Probably, it's stronger in Elite Jōnin."Katsushi said without reservation.The strength is not far from being promoted to the next level.I don't know what new talents will be acquired by then."Okay, now that the illusion has been set up, it's time to try to see if the setting is successful."While speaking, Katsushi hardened his heart, raised his knife, and aimed it at Quan's neck."Um?"Quan blinked, but before he could react, he was knocked unconscious.Soon after.Uchiha's hand-made pancake shop."Humph!"Quanqi nibbled at the pancake and turned his head away."I was wrong, I was wrong, isn't this a test to see if the set conditions are successful?""Tell me about it in advance... just come here all of a sudden!""Think about it, if you were prepared to be knocked out in advance, wouldn't it feel worse?""...It seems to make sense, forget it, forgive you."Just now, because it was the first time to use the transcription seal, and the set conditions were more complicated, Katsushi directly triggered the conditions and tried it.And if you want to trigger the condition, you naturally have to knock Quan out.As for the aftermath, the effect was very good. Before Quan passed out, the illusion was successfully displayed on him.After I set up a defensive illusion for Quan's parents, at least it gave them some self-protection."Hand-fired uncle, here's a pancake!"A tender voice, with a slight panting, ran over."It's Sasuke, aren't you going home for dinner?"The owner, Uchiha, came out with a smile.He is also a member of the Uchiha clan, but he does not do a ninja, but runs a pancake shop in the Uchiha clan.For the children in the clan, they basically know everything.Uchiha Sasuke, who is just five years old, looks very cute now that he does not look like a sunny pillar in the future."My big brother is going to take time out today to practice shuriken with me."Little Sasuke took the pancake with an excited look on his face.Big brother has been very busy since he joined Anbu.Today I finally found time to practice with him.Seeing Katsushi next to him, Sasuke quickly greeted him politely.He also knew this genius who was as famous as his big brother.Katsushi smiled and nodded to Sasuke, but suddenly felt a sense of prying.He couldn't help frowning and looked towards the source of the peeping sensation, but saw a camera with a reflective lens hidden near the clan.That's what Anbu used to monitor the Uchiha lands."What a disappointment."The mood suddenly changed a lot.No wonder the clansmen have so much opinion on the village.Surveillance like this every day, with no privacy at all, who can stand it!At first, the village monitored the Uchiha clan, saying that they wanted to find out who was behind the Nine Tails rebellion.But it's been almost five years!According to Katsushi, the village is still monitoring Uchiha, and the purpose may have become to prevent the coup of the Uchiha family, right?