
Konoha: Starting With Uzumaki Kushina

Natsuo, born of both the Uchiha and Senju clans, was never acknowledged by the Uchiha and was denied even a surname. Throughout Konoha, Natsuo endured isolation. When Natsuo betrayed Konoha alone, everyone blamed Natsuo. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You once aspired to be a Konoha ninja. Why have you turned against us?" Danzo: "Damn you, kid! You've deceived me!" Namikaze Minato: "How can you match the speed of my Flying Thunder God?" Natsuo: "Didn't you all consider me an outcast? Then why is it wrong for me to act like one?" First of all this is just a Translation original work:火影:从漩涡玖辛奈开始的二五仔 if you want advance chapter join my Patreon: patreon.com/ANelite

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18 Chs

Chapter 8 Kushina'S Declaration

Chapter 8 Kushina'S Declaration

Smiling knowingly Mito reassured her "I know Where Natsuo is."

"Grandma Mito, where is Natsuo?" she asked urgently.

"He's in the Ninja Hospital. Seems he got injured during training and has been in a coma for days. You could..." Mito began, but Kushina impatiently dashed out.

"I'll be back soon, Grandma Mito!" she exclaimed before disappearing from the room.

Mito watched her departure with a mix of concern and affection.

The previous day, Sarutobi Hiruzen had visited, inquiring about Kushina's situation. Mito took the opportunity to ask about Natsuo. Learning that Natsuo might have been injured and comatose due to training, Mito was taken aback. The severity of the training that led to such a condition puzzled her.

However, Mito sensed a shift in Sarutobi Hiruzen's demeanor. Previously, Hiruzen had spoken of Natsuo with detachment. But yesterday, there was a noticeable change, a hint of newfound interest.

Though unsure of the specifics, Mito found herself cautiously optimistic.

As for Kushina, Mito felt a sense of indebtedness. After all, Kushina had come to Konoha with the purpose of becoming the new Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and in doing so, she had brought Mito along to the village.

There was also a lingering guilt regarding Natsuo. With half of the Senju clan's blood flowing in his veins, Mito, as the wife of the former head of the Senju clan, felt she had failed to protect him.

Mito understood Hiruzen's reasoning behind asking Kushina to transfer to Natsuo's class. It was in that class that Namikaze Minato, a prodigious ninja, was enrolled.

Namikaze Minato, a civilian ninja with a spotless background, was rumored to be considered by Jiraiya, one of Hiruzen's disciples, for apprenticeship after his graduation.

Hiruzen had confided in Mito, emphasizing the importance of fostering a bond between Kushina and Konoha, to solidify her sense of belonging.

Namikaze Minato was Hiruzen's chosen link to achieve that objective.

As a civilian ninja, Namikaze Minato was not affiliated with any ninja clan in Konoha, effectively aligning himself with the Hokage faction.

This strategic move also served to quell any potential discontent among ninja clans regarding the presence of the Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Mito had no reason to oppose Hiruzen's plan, nor did she have the authority to halt it.

After all, Hiruzen was the Hokage, while she was merely the widow of the First Hokage.

But Mito harbored a deeper optimism for Natsuo.

It was a straightforward reason—Natsuo was a descendant of the Senju clan, and as such, Mito felt a certain kinship towards him.

If Hiruzen saw promise in Natsuo and if Kushina and Natsuo were to become friends, the path ahead would be smoother.

Moreover, Natsuo, unrecognized by the Uchiha clan and not affiliated with any other ninja clan in Konoha, posed no immediate threat.

Mito's eyes glittered with determination.

Though her own time was drawing near, she was thankful to witness Kushina's coming of age.

Should Kushina and Natsuo indeed forge a bond, Mito vowed to support them wholeheartedly.


Kushina dashed eagerly through the halls of the Ninja Hospital.

Unsure of Natsuo's ward, she approached a busy medical ninja for directions.

The inquiry into Natsuo's whereabouts went surprisingly smoothly, but Kushina found the medical ninja's attitude discomforting.

"Oh, that kid? Innermost ward, front corridor," the medical ninja replied dismissively.

Kushina proceeded to the innermost ward.

There, Natsuo lay in a coma. Opening the door, Kushina entered quietly.

She observed Natsuo's bandaged hands and feet, noting the absence of flowers, fruit, or even a glass of water by his bedside.

A pang of sadness gripped Kushina as she gazed upon Natsuo.

Forcing a smile, she said softly, "I'm here to visit you, Natsuo."

Natsuo, deep in his coma, did not respond.

Kushina retreated from the ward, determined to brighten Natsuo's day. She resolved to visit a flower shop and returned with a bouquet of lilies.

Despite Natsuo's unconscious state, Kushina knew his mind was clear, albeit unable to control his body.

The system had taken over Natsuo's body, simulating changes in Thunder attribute Chakra and the full sword form of Thunder Breath, exerting immense strain.

Natsuo, at only nine years old, experienced a pain beyond imagining, yet the power of Thunder Breath seemed to mitigate it.

Replaying the sensation of the full sword form in his mind, Natsuo yearned to wield Thunder Breath once more.

Unexpectedly, Kushina arrived at the Ninja Hospital to visit him.

Puzzled, Natsuo wondered why Kushina, after just one day of interaction in class, would come to see him, let alone with flowers.

It seemed she had come specifically for him.

Just as Natsuo contemplated Kushina's unexpected visit, the ward door creaked open again.

Kushina entered with a bouquet of lilies, arranging them in a vase.

After setting up the lilies, she settled into a chair beside Natsuo, studying his peaceful face.

Addressing him softly, she began, "I wasn't sure which flowers to bring. The flower shop owner said my friend got hurt on a mission, so I wanted to visit him with flowers. Lilies symbolize blessings, purity, and good luck. They're quite beautiful, don't you think?"

Recalling Mito's advice about being prepared to face opposition if she pursued friendship with him, Kushina continued earnestly, "I've made up my mind to be your friend. You were the only one who didn't laugh at me and helped me when that annoying guy grabbed my hair.

Mito mentioned you're caught between two ninja clans. I don't fully understand it, but a true friend wouldn't change their mind because of what others think, right?"

With determination in her voice, Kushina declared, "I'll do my best to be your friend. Just you wait!"

Hearing Kushina's heartfelt words, Natsuo's heart raced with an unfamiliar warmth, something he hadn't felt in his five years in Konoha.