
Konoha: Starting With Uzumaki Kushina

Natsuo, born of both the Uchiha and Senju clans, was never acknowledged by the Uchiha and was denied even a surname. Throughout Konoha, Natsuo endured isolation. When Natsuo betrayed Konoha alone, everyone blamed Natsuo. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You once aspired to be a Konoha ninja. Why have you turned against us?" Danzo: "Damn you, kid! You've deceived me!" Namikaze Minato: "How can you match the speed of my Flying Thunder God?" Natsuo: "Didn't you all consider me an outcast? Then why is it wrong for me to act like one?" First of all this is just a Translation original work:火影:从漩涡玖辛奈开始的二五仔 if you want advance chapter join my Patreon: patreon.com/ANelite

ANelite · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 Your Situation Is Different From Mine

Chapter 4 Your Situation Is Different From Mine


The morning class ended, and it was time for the students to leave.

After class, Uzumaki Kushina found herself surrounded by several boys from the class.

"Tomato, from now on, you're Tomato! With your round face and red hair, you look just like a tomato!"

"A tomato can't become Hokage!"

"I hate tomatoes the most!"

"Yeah, if there's tomato in the salad, I won't touch it!"

"How can an unpopular tomato like you gain recognition from the villagers?"


Kushina pouted angrily but couldn't retort. She knew they were referring to her because she did resemble a tomato.

"An unpopular tomato and a traitor boy. No wonder you two sit together."

"Tomato traitor, what a perfect match."


Natsuo sneered in disgust. He, too, had a nickname at school, "Traitor," because that's what the other students' parents called him.

Seeing these bullies mocking Kushina and dragging him into it, Natsuo could no longer stay silent.

What bothered him even more was that although Namikaze Minato noticed Kushina's predicament, he showed no intention of intervening.

Just as Natsuo stood up to walk over, one of the boys grabbed Kushina's hair.

"It's ripe now. It's Tomato Day, time to harvest the fruit!"

Kushina grabbed the boy's hand, ready to retaliate, but Natsuo was already behind the boy who had grabbed her hair.

"Hey, can you make way?"

Several boys surrounding Kushina pointed at Natsuo and said, "Who are you to tell us what to do? Get lost!"

Natsuo said quietly, "Wouldn't you feel ashamed if you started a fight here?"

Not long after Natsuo first arrived at school, he was also bullied by several students. But perhaps due to his half-Senju lineage, Natsuo's physical strength was superior, allowing him to handle several students at once.

Gradually, none of these bullies dared to trouble Natsuo anymore.

Upon hearing Natsuo's words, the boys froze in surprise.

Natsuo walked past, gently nudging aside the boy holding Kushina's hair with his shoulder, and left the classroom.

As he walked out, Natsuo suddenly paused, recalling something.

Kushina... didn't actually need his help.

Kushina herself had a fierce determination and the robust physique typical of the Uzumaki clan.

The next moment, voices from the classroom reached Natsuo's ears.

"Who are you calling a tomato? Let me tell you, I hate tomatoes too!"

Kushina grabbed the arm of the boy who had grabbed her hair and swung him, sending all the boys around her flying.

Then she pinned one of the boys down and started raining down punches on him. "If you ever call me a tomato again, you'll regret it!"

At that moment, Kushina noticed Namikaze Minato looking at her with a smirk. "What's so funny?!" she snapped.

Namikaze Minato quickly turned away, only daring to glance at Kushina from the corner of his eye.

The afternoon class was about to start.

Natsuo went to the a store to buy a rice ball and returned to his seat in the classroom, eating quietly.

Kushina remained pouty and visibly upset.

Natsuo glanced at the boy who had blocked Kushina earlier, now sporting a bruised head.

Are you upset because you think you weren't beaten enough?

Natsuo listened attentively to Masada Hayabusa's lecture without uttering a word.

During class, Kushina glanced at Natsuo more frequently.

The afternoon passed uncomfortably for Natsuo.

Finally, when the afternoon class ended and school was dismissed, Natsuo couldn't wait to leave the classroom.

Natsuo's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Thunder Breath.

However, he failed to notice Kushina standing with her hand half-raised, looking conflicted.

Just moments ago, Kushina had wanted to talk to Natsuo. She, too, was isolated like him.

As a newcomer, Kushina still longed for friends, especially in this unfamiliar place.

But seeing Natsuo rush out, she clenched her fists, determined, and chased after him.

Yet, Natsuo was eager to get home and almost ran all the way there.

With her short legs, Kushina chased after Natsuo frantically until they reached the outskirts of Konoha.

Breathless, she called out, "Hey! Wait!"

Hearing that familiar voice, Natsuo turned around in surprise and was taken aback to see Kushina.

Seeing Natsuo stop, Kushina rested her hands on her thighs, trying to catch her breath.

Natsuo walked over to Kushina and asked, "What do you want?"

Taking a deep breath, Kushina extended her hand toward Natsuo and exclaimed, "My name is Uzumaki Kushina!"

Natsuo glanced at Kushina with a puzzled expression.

"My name is Natsuo"

Natsuo reached out and briefly shook her little after immediately letting go.

"Natsuo? Is that your surname or your given name?"

"My given name. I don't have a surname."

"Huh? No surname?"

Kushina furrowed her brow, confused. Was it possible not to have a surname?

Natsuo asked again, "What's your business with me?"

Summoning her courage, Kushina said, "I want us to be friends!"

Natsuo thought for a moment. "You must have seen me in class."

"Yeah, I know. You're as isolated as I am."

Natsuo smiled faintly. "Your situation is different from mine. I'm isolated by the entire village. If you become my friend, you might end up isolated too."

"Today was just your first day at school, and you happened to meet some bad students. You'll still make friends in the future."

"Try asking the teacher to change your seat. It'll be difficult for you to make friends if you sit next to me. It's getting late. You should go back. Goodbye."

After politely declining Kushina's offer of friendship, Natsuo waved to her and turned to leave.

Watching Natsuo's departing figure, Kushina lowered her head in disappointment.

She had finally mustered the courage to make a friend in Natsuo, only to be turned down. It left her feeling uncomfortable.