
Konoha: Starting With Uzumaki Kushina

Natsuo, born of both the Uchiha and Senju clans, was never acknowledged by the Uchiha and was denied even a surname. Throughout Konoha, Natsuo endured isolation. When Natsuo betrayed Konoha alone, everyone blamed Natsuo. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You once aspired to be a Konoha ninja. Why have you turned against us?" Danzo: "Damn you, kid! You've deceived me!" Namikaze Minato: "How can you match the speed of my Flying Thunder God?" Natsuo: "Didn't you all consider me an outcast? Then why is it wrong for me to act like one?" First of all this is just a Translation original work:火影:从漩涡玖辛奈开始的二五仔 if you want advance chapter join my Patreon: patreon.com/ANelite

ANelite · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

15: Jiraiya And Tsunade

Chapter 15 Jiraiya And Tsunade

Namikaze Minato narrowly dodged Natsuo's Thunder Breathing strike, "Rice Spirit." The swiftness of Natsuo's movements made Minato's heart pound with unease. He hadn't anticipated Natsuo being so formidable. Back in the Ninja Academy, Natsuo was the one often on the receiving end of Minato's skill. How things had changed.

Natsuo was equally taken aback. He hadn't expected Minato to evade his slashes so effortlessly. This was the future master of the Flying Thunder God Technique, after all. Minato's reaction speed was truly remarkable.

But Natsuo's surprise was fleeting. Both of them were still growing. Natsuo was confident that, at his peak, his Thunder Breathing would rival even Minato's famed speed.

Meanwhile, Uzumaki Kushina was frantic. She had not anticipated such a dangerous escalation. While deeply moved by Natsuo's defense against the bullies and even against Minato, she feared the consequences he might face for his actions.

"Natsuo, I'm fine!" she called out, her voice filled with concern.

Natsuo tightened his grip on his sword, murmuring, "I swore to protect your smile from that day forward, and I've already failed..." He turned to look at Kushina, his eyes softening briefly. "I will never forgive those who hurt you. Never!"

Kushina's heart ached at his words. "Natsuo..." she whispered, tears welling up as she watched him stand resolute before her.

Natsuo then faced Minato again, the sword sliding back into its sheath with a decisive click.

Minato gripped his kunai tightly, sensing that Natsuo's gesture wasn't one of retreat but preparation for another attack.

"Thunder Breathing, Third Form: Thunder Swarm!"

Natsuo became a blur, moving at such high speed around Minato that he left trails of wavy blue lightning in his wake. These trails formed a barrier, trapping Minato and preventing him from retreating. Any attempt to move backward would mean touching the dangerous lightning.

Natsuo's relentless slashes came at Minato from all angles. Each strike was heavy, laced with the paralyzing effect of Lightning Style Chakra. Minato struggled to keep up, his body beginning to numb and his reactions slowing.

Realizing he could no longer block Natsuo's next attack, Minato desperately tried to lift his right hand, but it was no use. He was too slow.

As Natsuo's blade descended, aiming for Minato's arm, a towering figure suddenly appeared behind Minato.

"Ninjutsu: Needle Jizo!"

A mass of white hair enveloped Minato, and Natsuo's sword struck the protective barrier with a sharp 'ding,' breaking in two. Natsuo's eyes narrowed as he recognized the newcomer—one of the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya.

Jiraiya released his jutsu, his hair returning to normal. He scratched his head, looking around with a bemused expression. "Well, well, what a sight to come back to after a trip out of the village."

Minato, now free from immediate danger, couldn't hide his relief. "Jiraiya-sama!"

Jiraiya glanced at Minato and asked, "Minato, what happened here?"

Minato hesitated before responding, "We're classmates. It's just a... minor conflict."

Jiraiya's eyes shifted to Natsuo's broken sword. "This doesn't look like a minor conflict. You, Natsuo, used the back of your sword, but even so, had it hit, Minato's arm would have been badly injured."

Before anyone could react, Natsuo suddenly hurled the broken blade at the terrified Genin on the ground. But before it could hit, another figure appeared, striking the ground with a fist and deflecting the blade.

Tsunade, another of the Sannin, had arrived. She stood before the Genin, arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. "Kid, you've gone too far."

Jiraiya stepped forward, his tone more serious now. "Why did you attack a fellow villager so harshly?"

Natsuo's cold gaze did not waver. "Fellow villager? When he threw a real kunai at Kushina, did he consider her a fellow villager?"

Turning to Minato, Natsuo's eyes blazed with accusation. "And you, Minato. You saw it all. You saw the kunai aimed at Kushina and did nothing. But when I retaliate, suddenly we're all comrades? Why the hypocrisy?"

Jiraiya looked to Minato for an explanation.

Minato, guilt in his eyes, recounted the events: how Natsuo had defended Kushina, breaking the Genin's sternum, and how Natsuo's anger had driven him to vow to break their limbs, leading Minato to intervene with a real kunai to stop Natsuo.

Jiraiya nodded slowly as he listened. To him, it seemed Minato had acted out of necessity.

"Natsuo," Jiraiya said sternly, "you've already punished them. Going further is excessive. Don't you think you've gone too far?"

Before Natsuo could respond, Kushina stepped forward, shielding him with her body. "They started this! Why are you only blaming Natsuo?"

Natsuo gently pulled Kushina behind him, his gaze unwavering. "Too far? What if that kunai had seriously hurt Kushina? Would you still think I've gone too far? Or is it because she's an outsider from another village, and I'm the son of rogue ninjas, that we don't count as your companions?"

Jiraiya, taken aback by Natsuo's words, touched his nose awkwardly. "I didn't say that."

Tsunade's eyes softened as she looked at Kushina. "What's your name?"

Kushina, standing tall despite the tension, replied, "Uzumaki Kushina."

Tsunade's face lit up with recognition. "I see."

Turning to Jiraiya, Tsunade suggested, "Let's leave this to the Hokage. He should handle this matter."

Jiraiya, understanding the implication in Tsunade's tone that Kushina's situation was more complex, agreed. "Alright. Minato, take them to the hospital."

Minato nodded, quickly gathering the injured Genin and coaxing his frightened younger brother to follow. As they hurried away, Minato glanced back at Natsuo, conflicted emotions in his eyes.

Natsuo watched them go, his grip on Kushina firm. With Jiraiya and Tsunade now involved, he knew his chance for further action was gone. For now.


T/N: There is a patreon for this work, and any new work I add will be dropped there first. check it out for an early release of up to 15 chapters.

Patreon link:- patreon.com/ANelite