
Konoha:Opening Sign In to Rinnegan {Naruto Fanfiction}

Reborn on an ordinary Shionin of the Uchiha clan, Ryu thought he was going to spend a life of inaction, but he did not expect to bind the sign-in system. Check in at Kannabi Bridge and get reward [Rinnegan ] Check in at Hokage Residence and get reward [Flying Thunder God Jutsu ] Check in at Valley of the End , Get reward [Sage Body ]

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 92

Konoha-Opening Sign In To Rinnegan Chapter 92

Momochi Zabuza directly picked up the blastsword in his hand and rushed towards Karatachi Yagura.

chi chi chi chi!

Haku also shot ice needles one after another towards Karatachi Yagura.

However, Karatachi Yagura thoughts move directly entered Tailed Beast mode, and his body was instantly wrapped in a fiery-red chakra coat.

The white ice needle hit it as if it was tickling, and it was melted off as soon as it touched it.

No damage to Karatachi Yagura at all.

Then Karatachi Yagura condensed a shot of Bijūdama and blasted towards Momochi Zabuza.

Momochi Zabuza subconscious lifted up the blastsword in his hand.


Momochi Zabuza's body shook suddenly, as if hit by a high-speed train, he flew upside down.

He fell heavily to the ground with a bang, bloody.

Although he hasn't died yet, the serious injury can't even get up.

At the same time, the blastsword in his hand was knocked off all of a sudden.


But at this time, suddenly a hand grabbed blastsword Shibuki, a masked man, I don't know when he appeared on the scene.

"Do you dare to show up!" Karatachi Yagura turned to look at the person, both eyes suddenly stared, and the whole person became murderous intentionally awe-inspiring.

"U, Chi, Ha, Madara!" He burst out these four words almost word by word from his mouth.

The visitor is Uchiha Obito.

"I really didn't expect it. I just wanted to take Hoshigaki Kisame, but didn't expect to encounter such a good show." Obito looked at Karatachi Yagura playfully.

"Are you Uchiha Madara?"

Terumi Mei was also taken aback and could no longer care about Hohzuki Mangetsu, as if facing a great enemy staring at Obito in general.

As for Hohzuki Mangetsu, I was a little surprised. Could it be that Karatachi Yagura is true?

But even so, Hohzuki Mangetsu has no turning back.

"Hohzuki Mangetsu, have you even started Karatachi Yagura? Hehehe, sure enough, everything in this world except our plan is false, Madara sama."

Another subwoofer sounded, and it was Hoshigaki Kisame who was rescued by Obito.

The complexions of Terumi Mei and Karatachi Yagura have become ugly again. The strength of Hoshigaki Kisame is much stronger than Hohzuki Mangetsu.

Plus a legendary Uchiha Madara...

The situation is not optimistic.

The atmosphere at the scene began to become extremely depressed.

Chapter 75 Uchiha Madara of strength heaven defying

"Hohzuki Mangetsu, now Uchiha Madara has appeared, should you believe it?"

Karatachi Yagura's complexion was serious. He stared at Hohzuki Mangetsu with both eyes, saying solemnly, "I think you are loyal to the village and don't know the truth. It's forgivable!"

"I will give you one time The opportunity to redeem myself through meritorious service, as long as you help me kill Uchiha Madara, I will not blame everything for today!"

"Hohzuki Mangetsu, Mizukage-sama, since you have promised in front of me, That wouldn't be a lie!" Terumi Mei also said to Hohzuki Mangetsu.

Hohzuki Mangetsu was lost in thought.

If there is only Karatachi Yagura alone, he is naturally not so easy to be fooled, but now there is a Terumi Mei guarantee.

Hohzuki Mangetsu was really shaken.

"Don't be so nervous, Karatachi Yagura, I am not here for you this time." At the nervous scene, Obito laughed softly.

Hoshigaki Kisame walked over to Hohzuki Mangetsu by step, and stretched out his hand to Hohzuki Mangetsu: "Greatsword Samehada, should you give it back to me?"

Hoshigaki After Kisame killed Suikazan Fuguki, he became the Shinji Master of Greatsword Samehada, always treating this knife as his own.

Not only that, Hoshigaki Kisame's own abilities are also very compatible with Greatsword Samehada.

Since we are going to leave the village with Obito, Samehada will naturally take it away.

"If you want, you can come and get it yourself!" Hohzuki Mangetsu coldly-snorted.

Without ninja sword, his strength will be greatly reduced, how could he hand over Greatsword Samehada so easily.

"hehehe, I am afraid that accidentally, I will take your life too." Hoshigaki Kisame sneered, no longer talking nonsense, and rushed directly to Hohzuki Mangetsu.

Hohzuki Mangetsu didn't have any nonsense. He picked up Samehada and slashed towards Hoshigaki Kisame.

Then the two began to fight.

"Terumi Mei, you and I will kill Uchiha Madara together!" Karatachi Yagura was shouted to Terumi Mei.

"Yes, Mizukage-sama!"

Terumi Mei complied, hands sealed violently, opened his mouth and vomited towards Obito: "Lava-Style ・The technique of dissolving monsters!" "

A large piece of highly corrosive viscous liquid was poured directly on Obito, and it immediately enveloped Obito.

But what really surprised Terumi Mei was that in a blink of an eye, the Lava-Style liquid passed directly through Obito's body and splashed on the ground!

Like Obito's body, it suddenly became illusory.

"Terumi Mei, Uchiha Madara's body can be blurred, and all Taijutsu and Ninjutsu attacks will be invalid." Karatachi Yagura said to Terumi Mei in a deep voice.

Terumi Mei can't help but frown. If that's the case, what can be done to deal with Uchiha Madara?

"However, his blurring should have a time limit. You only need to continuously attack him to break it!"

Karatachi Yagura thought about it. He said so.

When he was controlled to play with Namikaze Minato in Hidden Rain Village, he was disrupted by Ryu , and Obito had him attack Ryu without interruption.

Although Obito didn't say the purpose of doing this, Karatachi Yagura is not a fool. How could he not guess this?