
Konoha:Opening Sign In to Rinnegan {Naruto Fanfiction}

Reborn on an ordinary Shionin of the Uchiha clan, Ryu thought he was going to spend a life of inaction, but he did not expect to bind the sign-in system. Check in at Kannabi Bridge and get reward [Rinnegan ] Check in at Hokage Residence and get reward [Flying Thunder God Jutsu ] Check in at Valley of the End , Get reward [Sage Body ]

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 90

Konoha-Opening Sign In To Rinnegan Chapter 90

"Hehe, have anyone assassinated Karatachi Yagura yet?" Obito said with a joking smile.

Under Obito's control, Karatachi Yagura can be said to have committed numerous evil deeds, and the assassination has not been interrupted.

Although the truth has been announced now, Karatachi Yagura has already accumulated a large number of enemies, and many people do not believe that the speech that Kotachiya is controlled is just an excuse by Karatachi Yagura.

"! Then start acting."

Obito complied, the body was directly sucked into Kamui , disappeared.

Chapter 73 Chaotic Mizukage Building

After separating from Orochimaru, Ryu immediately entered the Sage Mode. Within the scope of the entire Hidden Mist Village, go to the chakra of the sense Karatachi Yagura .

However, the result of the sense surprised Ryu a bit.

Of course it's not that he didn't sense the chakra of Karatachi Yagura. In fact, it was very smooth at this point, but Ryu also sensed several other chakras that surprised him.

One is Yahiko and Konan.

The two originally came to Karatachi Yagura to inquire about Obito. Ryu originally thought that they should have left Hidden Mist at this moment.

After all, Ryu has been tossing for a long time in Hidden Mist. After such a long time, I can eat several meals. Yahiko's affairs should be finished.

But Ryu didn't expect that the two hadn't left Hidden Mist, and instead stayed with Karatachi Yagura.

Another chakra that made Ryu feel unexpected is Obito.

As for the other target of Ryu trip, Hoshigaki Kisame, Ryu did not know the chakra of this person in advance, but could only investigate slowly.

"Whether it is Karatachi Yagura or Yahiko Konan, chakra is in a state of excitation."

"Around them, there are also other chakras that are also in a state of excitation. "

"Dont tell me..... …These few of them are in a battle?"

Ryu secretly guessed.

Hidden Mist happened such a big thing, Ryu did not see Karatachi Yagura show up, maybe it was really caught by something.

"Today's Hidden Mist, it seems to be really restless."

Ryu couldn't help but sighed secretly, and then a cloud of space whirlpool appeared in the pupils, and He inhaled it, disappeared.

next moment, his silhouette quietly appeared on a clearing outside the door of the Mizukage building, hidden in a corner of the wall.

bang bang bang!

Looking around, as expected by Ryu, Karatachi Yagura, Yahiko and Konan are fighting with several others.

Ryu is also very familiar with the people who fought with them. It was Momochi Zabuza.

As for the other one, it looks very similar to Hohzuki Suigetsu.

Using Greatsword Samehada very skillfully in his hand, Ryu effortless can guess that this person is the short-lived big brother of Hohzuki Suigetsu, Hohzuki Mangetsu.

"Momochi Zabuza and Hohzuki Mangetsu will fight Karatachi Yagura together? What's the situation?"

Ryu was slightly surprised. Momochi Zabuza became Missing-nin because he failed to assassinate Mizukage. He was good at talking to Karatachi Yagura.

Hohzuki Mangetsu even shot together, which is a bit beyond Ryu expectations.

But thinking about it carefully, Ryu feels that this is not too strange.

Hohzuki Mangetsu didn't explain much in naruto . He only knew that he died very early. As for how he died, no one knows.

But what is certain is that it is not a natural death, but a sudden death.

Even the probability of death from illness is not great.

After all, ninja does not get sick at all under normal circumstances. Of course, some Kekkei Genkai clan may get Kekkei Genkai disease, like Kaguya Kimimaro, but Mangetsu is obviously not the case.

After all, his younger brother Hohzuki Suigetsu has no Kekkei Genkai disease.

The probability of Hohzuki Mangetsu being killed is greater.

As for Hidden Mist, because of the cruel rule in the blood mist, many ninjas have assassinated Karatachi Yagura. It is not strange that Hohzuki Mangetsu took action.

Remember the anime. When Kaguya Clan rebelled, Kimimaro met Momochi Zabuza and Orochimaru in Hidden Mist.

At the time, Momochi Zabuza was obviously already Missing-nin, so why did he return to Hidden Mist again after failing once?

Does it rely on an Ice-Style Kekkei Genkai ?

At this time, haku is still a child!

Now seeing Hohzuki Mangetsu also shoot together, Ryu seems to understand this.

Even Kaguya Clan's rebellion, Ryu did not know whether it was related to the assassination of Karatachi Yagura. After all, Kaguya Clan's rebellion provided an excellent opportunity for Momochi Zabuza's actions.

Of course, it is also possible that Hohzuki Mangetsu took the opportunity to call Momochi Zabuza after receiving news of the Kaguya Clan rebellion.

What it looks like, only Hohzuki Mangetsu and others are involved, and Ryu is too lazy to explore.

The two of Yahiko and Konan, it should be just bad luck that they happened to be involved.

With the temper of the two of them, if someone assassinates Mizukage, they will definitely not stand idly by.

Dingdingdong dong!

bang bang bang!

Dazzled on battlefield, energy fluctuations constantly erupted. Yahiko Konan, Momochi Zabuza and White Two-Man Team fought two-Man Team against the Two-Man Team.

Momochi Zabuza holds the blastsword Shibuki in his hand, not to mention how domineering he is in the opening and closing, he continues to chop Yahiko.

――The original Momochi Zabuza used Kubikiribocho, but now Kubikiribocho has been lost in Konoha.

Hidden Mist only has two knives, blastsword Shibuki and Samehada, which are kept by Hohzuki Mangetsu.

After Hohzuki Mangetsu and Momochi Zabuza cooperated, they used blastsword Shibuki for Momochi Zabuza.

Blastsword Shibuki is also an extremely heavy Greatsword, almost every sword has a mighty power, and the formidable power is terrifying.

In addition, the blastsword also carries countless Explosive Tags, once the explosion is even more incredible.

Forcing Yahiko to retreat steadily, she didn't dare to meet force with force with Momochi Zabuza, or even approached Momochi Zabuza.